Harrisburg, PA: Antifascist Night March Against Trump

from Facebook

In response to Donald Trump invading our beloved city after insulting us by calling it a warzone, we of the East Shore Antifa are issuing a call for a militant antifascist night march.

At 7:30 pm, Donald Trump is Scheduled to speak. At 8:00 pm on April 29th, we will begin assembling our forces on the intersection of Peffer St and Wallace St, behind the park. We will gather in strength and in number until 8:30 pm, at which point we will begin to march.

Due to threats of violence from Trump supporters, we encourage people to show up prepared to physically defend the march, wear black and cover your faces.

We ask for street medics to show up prepared to provide medical treatment, as well as war drummers, street performers, and musicians.


#NoTrump #WarZone #Harrisburg

Call to Action: Camp White Pine to Resist the Mariner East 2 Pipeline in Pennsylvania

from Earth First! Newswire

March 18 rally against the Mariner East 2 pipeline at Raystown Lake in Huntingdon, PA. Photo by Angela Vogel

As the seasons begin to change, something’s stirring in the mountains and valleys of Northern Appalachia.

With construction season upon us, there’s a call for land defenders and water protectors to join the growing resistance to pipelines and fracking infrastructure across the region. In the Susquehanna Valley of so-called Pennsylvania, Camp White Pine is digging in our heels to fight the Mariner East 2 pipeline, and invites you to come join us. Exactly a year after tree-sitters successfully interfered with the completion of tree-clearing along the pipeline route in Huntingdon County, we are once again confronting Sunoco Logistics, the same company responsible in part for the Dakota Access pipeline across Sioux territory in North and South Dakota. The Mariner East 2 is a 350+ mile long pipeline project, comprised of two new pipelines starting in southeastern Ohio, and running through northern West Virginia and across the length of Pennsylvania. These lines will carry natural gas liquids (NGLs) like butane, ethane, and propane to an export facility along the Delaware River in Marcus Hook, PA.

Resistance to the Mariner East 2 is spreading, with impacted residents and organizers working in communities all along the proposed route. Here in Huntingdon, work has already begun at Raystown Lake, the largest lake entirely within Pennsylvania state borders, where Sunoco intends to use a horizontal directional drill to bore underneath and lay the pipe. Sunoco Logistics and its subcontractors have no regard for the beauty of Appalachia, the preservation of its diverse ecosystems and rich culture. They care not for the people of the Lower Susquehanna. We at Camp White Pine are here to stop the Mariner East 2 pipeline. If you have a passion for fighting energy extraction and infrastructure and believe in preserving the forests and rivers of Appalachia, come and join us in the valley this spring and summer.

Get in touch with us:

Libertarians Continue Support for Augustus Invictus as Brutal Assault Accusations Emerge

from It’s Going Down

Editor’s Note: The Hilton Hotel in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has canceled the Mid-Atlantic Liberty Festival. According to Steve Scheetz, one of the official organizers for both the MALF and the Pennsylvania Libertarian Party 2017 Convention (and Facebook friends with Austin Gillespie), they are currently trying to find another venue

After IGD released an article about how Libertarian Party of Florida member and former Senatorial candidate Augustus Sol Invictus, real name Austin Gillespie, a fascist and fellow traveler within Alt-Right and neo-Nazi circles, was speaking at an upcoming Libertarian Party event in Pennsylvania, we received a flood of emails. These didn’t come from Libertarian Party officials or from Gillespie; instead they came from people within the Libertarian Party who were glad that we were finally shining a light on fascists making inroads into Libertarian circles. On Facebook however, various people connected to the Libertarian Party downplayed the article or claimed that the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania itself was not officially organizing the Mid-Atlantic Liberty Festival (MALF), or “soiree,” and thus should not be held accountable.

At the same time as this was going on, Gillespie himself issued a statement responding to the article, painting himself as a weak victim. Meanwhile, Will Coley, the former Vice Presidential Candidate for the Libertarian Party who Gillespie is set to debate, also made a statement attacking people who were pushing to shut the event down, claiming it would affect him negatively economically.

Meanwhile, new information has come forward that shows that a second fascist, friend of Gillespie, and another contributor to his website, The Revolutionary Conservative, is also scheduled to speak at the conference. Furthermore, the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania also gave $1,500 to the MALF in order to help fund it.

Lasty, according to Alexandria Brown, a journalist that interviewed Gillespie several times and had developed a friendship with him, now claims in a recent blog post that Gillespie “raped, brutally beat, and threatened his [19 year old] ex-fianceé with a gun.”

Will the Libertarian Party continue to associate with fascist trash like Gillespie or will they draw a line?

Pennsylvania Libertarians Invite Fascist Augustus Invictus To Speak on Immigration

from It’s Going Down

“It has been said that I associate with neo-Nazis and skinheads. You’re goddamn right I do. I am a criminal defense lawyer, and I am proud of the work I have done for the American Front.”

Augustus Invictus

On Saturday, April 1st, 2017, the Pennsylvania chapter of the Libertarian Party will host the “Mid-Atlantic Liberty Festival and Soiree,” bringing together Libertarian Party members and activists together from across the region. The event will take place at the Hilton Hotel in Harrisburg, the capitol of Pennsylvania.

Micetrap Radio Shut Down

from Philly Antifa

“We recently preformed an attack on the ShoutCast hosting service that was providing the 24/7 radio stream on micetraps website.  The stream was constantly playing the record labels racist music.  We contacted shoutcaststreaming.us after we knocked them offline for a long time and told them to remove the micetrap radio from their systems.  As of today the radio station is now offline.

Just wanted to let you know, the fight is on going, and you are not alone in wanting to take micetrap down.

We are anonymous
We are legion
We do not forget
We do not forgive
Expect Us!” [sic]


Looks like Micetrap Radio is down, which is run by Steven Wiegand.


Keystone United Member Timothy Wylie Arrested For Various Gun-Related Charges

from Philly Antifa

Timothy Richard Wylie, Keystone United Member

Keystone United, also known as The Keystone State “Skinheads, suffered another setback to their attempts to rehabilitate their image last month when one of their Harrisburg members, Tim Wylie, was arrested in nearby Steelton for several charges, including possessing a firearm as a felon.

From the link:

“On 11-25-16 the Steelton Police conducted a traffic stop in the 200 block of South 3rd Street. The driver identified as Timothy Wylie was arrested on outstanding warrants and was found in possession of a semi automatic handgun with the serial number removed. (emphasis added) He was arrested and transported to the Dauphin County Judicial Center for processing and arraignment.”

Wylie is a proud KU/KSS member who was spotted at their Yule Party this year, hanging around the fringes of the Antifa demo in Harrisburg to counter the NSM last month, and a KU anti-refugee rally at the state capitol last year.

Short Video About Micetrap Distributions – Spread Wide

from Philly Antifa

Our regular readers are probably well aware of Steven Wiegand and his company Micetrap Distributions. However, many people living in Wiegand’s town of Cherry Hill are still totally unaware that he has been peddling Neo-Nazi merchandise there for over 20 years.

So it is our intention to change that and create an environment in Cherry Hill so inhospitable to Micetrap that Mr. Wiegand will be forced to either close up shop or relocate somewhere far away. Like the fucking moon.

So spread this video far and wide, especially to anyone you know who lives in or near Cherry Hill – and that includes Philly.

A Rundown of November 5th in Harrisburg and Some Reflections

from It’s Going Down

This account and the reflections that follow are only a glimpse of the events that took place in Harrisburg on November 5th. I’m not interested in or able to cover the whole of what took place; instead I’m putting forward how I experienced the day (plus a few rumors I heard), what I learned, and some thoughts that came out of conversations following the mobilization. The reflections and critiques apply to myself and those I was with as much as they do to anyone else who was in attendance.

November 5th in Harrisburg, PA

Before I got to the meetup spot, a friend told me that a fascist livestreamer or photographer was present and was filming people. When he was pointed out and confronted, he punched an antifascist, got jumped right away, and left.

By the time I got to the spot, people were just about to march. A few blocks of walking and chanting brought us to a police line behind some wooden barricades. The fascists weren’t scheduled to arrive for another hour. People milled about and a few announcements were made on the bullhorn. More and more police arrived in riot gear and on horseback, strengthening the “thin blue line” between us and the steps of the capital building where the white power rally was set to take place. Slow moments passed uneventfully.

Eventually a man in a confederate flag t-shirt appeared on the steps and with the help of the cops set up a PA for a bit less than an hour. People were becoming more agitated, screaming at the fascist and the police. As the anger in the crowd was rising and more fascists arrived, including klansmen, members of the National Socialist Movement, Keystone United, and the Traditionalist Worker’s Party, I saw people losing patience. Although never in a coordinated or unified way, eggs, rocks, full soda cans, and vegetables flew at the police line, bottle rockets exploded in the air, and police barricades were dismantled. This continued on and off for hours as tensions rose and fell, responding both to our own energy as a crowd and to the actions of fascists and police in front of us. At one point some masked ones began breaking up the cobble stones to make smaller rocks to launch at white supremacy, but were dissuaded by local pacifists.

A lone fascist near the demo was punched and beaten by masked people; police quickly stormed the fight and arrested an antifascist. This again roused anger against the police but no concerted response came from us as a whole.

As the fascists packed up and filed off the capital stairs, everyone could be heard cursing the neo-nazis and cheering their departure. Some people began proclaiming a victory, others grumbled and started to mill around. Some bloc’d up people chanted their intention to find and fight the fascists and began marching. Moving slowly at first, the march blocked streets with trash and newspaper boxes; after turning onto a large street, those at the front of the march saw the fascists in the distance and picked up the pace. Those behind them called for the march to stay tight, unaware that there was an opportunity to finally bang on the neo-nazis. The mix of fast and slow marching led to riot police moving into the street fast enough, stopping the head of the march. From there, those at the front decided it was best to cut losses, leave downtown and disperse. The march changed direction, rushing down smaller streets and throwing trashcans into the street as cops closed in, eventually dispersing. I don’t think anyone from this short march was caught, although I heard one or more people who stayed behind at the steps of the capital were arrested.

Thoughts and Reflections

While talking after the demonstration, some points came up about things that could have been done differently, ideas for how to be more effective in similar settings in the future, and criticisms of both ourselves and the crowd in general. Two themes came out of our discussion: communication and cover; neither was completely separate from the other.

On the 5th, communication between each other and with passersby who might be interested in fighting against white power and white nationalist groups could have been better. There was little in the way of chants, speeches, fliers, or graffiti that communicated to people outside the demonstration why we were there. Even though they told people not to throw stuff at the cops, the crew of clowns did more to send a message (whether I agree with it or not) than many others there. I’m not saying that the demonstration was completely silent and inscrutable though; there were some banners, signs and at least one instance of anti-fascist graffiti. It’d be great to see more communication directed at potential accomplices and supporters. Often this kind of communication can add to the kind of “cover” that I’ll talk about a little later.

Internal dialogue also fell short in my opinion. As masked people, we didn’t come together to coordinate or try to do things that can’t be accomplished by individuals or small groups. If communication during the march at the end had been better, it’s possible that we might have been able to actually lay hands on the fascists as they were leaving. It’s true that beyond the friends I arrived with I didn’t know many people present, but even if we are unknown to each other, it doesn’t mean we can’t propose plans, let each other know what cops and fascists are doing, or just talk in general.

Cover was another topic that came up as something we would like to see more of. By cover I mean the amount of activity, energy, sound, and anonymity that make a crowd feel safe and exciting to take direct action from within. The cover waxed and waned throughout the day. Something that seemed to make the energy intensify was sound. Drummers, chants, fireworks, and the person banging on that stop sign with a flag really added to the feeling of power we felt in the crowd. When the police barricade was broken, people moved banners to line the whole front of the demo, which made those of us behind them feel both more protected and anonymous; it seemed that more throwing took place then too. Holding even taller, reinforced banners, and/or having banners both in front of and right behind us, would give even more cover to protect the people throwing stuff from the many high-grade police cameras that were watching us. Bringing more things to throw, talking more to people who happened to walk by the demo, making fiery speeches (that also communicate our ideas), filling the area with antifascist posters and tags, surrounding ourselves with banners, and having sound and music all contribute to a feeling that we’re powerful and builds our capacity up to do even more.

See you in the streets

PS: I also feel that it is worth mentioning the tension between wanting to attack police and focusing only on self-described white supremacists was still present. Comrades on the west coast have interesting reflections on this that can be worth reading here.

Report Back from Harrisburg Anti-Fascist Mobilization

from It’s Going Down

When the NSM chose to hold their biannual “Anti-Diversity” rally, they claimed their choice of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania was just the “luck of the draw.” An ironic statement, since it turned out the day wasn’t so lucky for them after all.

Central PA Antifa was quickly alerted to their plans, and moved to organize a solid response that would make it clear that Nazis aren’t welcome in the state capitol. Calling on old comrades in the tri-state area to assist, a core group of organizers began to spread the word via social media. Additional assistance flooded in from groups like It’s Going Down and The Final Straw Radio, both of whose interviews provided a valuable boost of signal.

Details of the NSM’s plans were also trickling in. Word was quickly heard that Matthew Heimbach, a familiar face in Pennsylvania, would be in attendance to give a speech announcing that the recently-formed Aryan Nationalist Alliance was already being renamed the Nationalist Front. The November 5th event had been taken over by the Traditionalist Worker’s Party and the KKK, and it would be their new group’s coming-out party. Security would be provided by Keystone United (FKA Keystone State Skinheads), who can’t seem to shake their reputation as nothing more than street thugs. This news only resulted in greater interest by the anti-fascist/anti-racist community, and groups from Georgia to New York and everywhere in between contacted Central Pennsylvania to coordinate plans.

The fascist’s bad luck persisted up to the day of the rally. Anti-fascists had already planned to arrive at the foot of the Capitol steps an hour before the NSM rally at 2 pm. However, it was assumed that fascists could be on time. Their PA system and mic were apparently incompatible, and 45 minutes went by while two of them fiddled with it amid constant harassment from protesters. When the remainder finally did show, their pathetically small group had to be escorted through the building itself by a cadre of riot police. A crowd of 200 or more protesters greeted them with jeers and profanity.

The police themselves outnumbered the fascists in attendance. Police on horseback as well as several columns of riot police assembled throughout multiple rows of barricades. Spotters roamed the roof of the building, and a helicopter circled overhead. In addition, a police drone was flown in over protesters’ heads multiple times.

As the protesters gathered steam, it was noticed that Keystone United goons were loitering in alleys behind the bulk of the protesters, taking pictures and trying to look inconspicuous. Other fascists were spotted intermingled in the crowds, some of whom were dressed similar to antifa in an attempt to blend in. These infiltrators were chased off, and several scuffles occurred on the outskirts. Police were also agitated by bottle rockets being fired and rotten food being thrown by the crowd. In the center of the protest, at the front, people began to dismantle the barricade in their excitement. One barricade finally came down, but police swiftly moved in and snatched a comrade at the front of the ranks.

Another was snatched in a coordinated move during which police fired pepper spray to quell protesters. A third was taken in a skirmish with an invading fascist, although the fascist in question was not arrested or removed. He was instead taken to sit in the back of a cop car for a short time, then let out again to come back and cause more trouble.

In the background, the NSM, Heimbach, and the KKK took turns droning on and sieg-heiling themselves. Although it was assumed they could hear their own speeches, barely a word made it down to the street over the noise of the chants, drumming, and profanities. Afterwards, it was discovered that even the NSM’s audio recording of the event was unusable due to the protester’s din in the background. The media also focused entirely on the protest, so the NSM’s message went unheard by anyone.

Overall, this was a highly successful event. The support and presence of so many were invaluable in making this a victory. Lots of intel was gathered and the nazi’s platform was effectively taken away. The energy seen on November 5th was encouraging, as there are many fights still ahead of us. The alliances made, networking opportunities discovered, and friendships solidified will carry us through in the uncertain times ahead. Harrisburg was witness to the fact that, just as fascist and racist rhetoric has increased in this country, so has the anti-fascist and anti-racist response, and our numbers, our energy, and our momentum are far greater than theirs as long as comrades continue to fight.

November 5th: Help Shut Down Nazis from the NSM and TWP in Harrisburg, PA

from It’s Going Down

On Saturday, November 5th, the National Socialist Movement (NSM), one of the largest Neo-Nazi and white nationalist organizations in the US, along with Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP), will attempt to hold a rally at the State Capitol of Pennsylvania, in the city of Harrisburg. We will begin assembling our forces at 12:30 PM on the intersection of Front & State Street along the waterfront (Susquehanna River) – marked as “Susquehanna Scenic Overlook” on Google Maps.

The NSM will be joined at the demonstration by Matthew Heimbach and the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP), the same group that attempted to hold a rally in Sacramento and ended up stabbing close to 10 people before running away to their cars, dropping a gun in the process while holding others. On the Neo-Nazi website, The Daily Stormer, Heimbach talked on his podcast, The Daily Traditionalist about how this event will be the big “coming out” for the Nationalist Front, also known as the Aryan Nationalist Alliance, which so far has united many of the most disgusting and openly pro-Hitler groups such as the NSM, KKK groups, the TWP, and racist skinhead gangs such as the Aryan Terror Brigade. According to Heimbach, there will be a Nationalist Front press conference the day before. With this turn of events, Heimbach has only further cemented himself as an open Neo-Nazi and farther and farther from the suit and tie Nazis of the ‘Alternative Right.’

We also expect that the KKK, Keystone United (PA-based white supremacists, formerly known as the Keystone State Skinheads), and some other racist and fascist groups to make an appearance and rally in solidarity.

Central Pennsylvania Antifa is asking for your help in making sure that the people of Pennsylvania, a richly diverse population, know that someone is willing to fight to the defend of poor and working-class communities when the Nazis show their ugly faces.

Medics will be on site as will National Lawyers Guild (NLG) legal observers; the latter will be wearing green hats. We encourage attendees to dress uniformly from head to toe in all black, commonly known as ‘Black Bloc.’ This is not mandatory for participation, however this dress code increases security and safety for all those attending – our personal identities are not necessary to confront these bigots and we should not freely give information away to law enforcement.

We encourage attendees to bring signs, banners, flags, and noisemakers – let’s be loud, let’s be clear, Nazis are not welcome here!

If you have a ‘smartphone’ and want to be prepared for any possible police repression, the ACLU has a mobile app called https://www.aclupa.org/education/mobile-justice-pa/. It has Know Your Rights information and the ability to record and automatically send your recording to the state chapter of ACLU. There are expected to be 3 different police forces present and their plans for handling this event are unknown.

Street parking is not free, so check here for parking options, http://parkharrisburg.com/

For those who cannot make it but would like to contribute to our efforts are welcome to make a contribution to our GoFundMe Campaign. All raised funds will be used to acquire supplies for this event, medical and legal resources, and for future projects. See links below.

Follow our social media accounts for updates regarding this and future events! If you are on social media, especially in there area, please help promote the event. You can print out flyers, add and invite your friends online, and also share the event to increase the amount of people going. Let’s make this big!


Facebook Page
Event Page
Promo Video For Sharing
Promo Flier
Twitter Profile
GoFundMe Campaign

Your Comrades in Central PA

Central PA AntiFa on the 5th of November NSM rally in Harrisburg

from The Final Straw Radio

Listen or download here
Link to November 5th demonstration here

Central PA AntiFa

Airs on WSFM-LP 103.3 in Asheville / streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on October 24th, 2016, through October 30th, podcasting at radio4all.net. Also airing this week on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, and WCRS-LP Columbus Community Radio 98.3 and 102.1 FM. Past episodes can be found at TheFinalStrawRadio.NoBlogs.Org and you can now subscribe to us via iTunes! You can email us at thefinalstrawradio@riseup.net and you can send us mail at:

The Final Straw
c/o AshevilleFM
864 Haywood rd
Asheville, NC 28806

This week we spoke with members of Central PA Antifa about antifascist organizing in Pennsylvania, about some of the racial and socioeconomic aspects of that place, and many more topics but mainly about the National Socialist Movement counter protest that folks are calling for on November 5th in Harrisburg. We talk about the logistics of the event and what sorts of things to expect and what sorts of solidarity folks are asking for. To hear another interview with Central PA Antifa you can visit our comrades at itsgoingdown.org and follow the links to their podcast called the IGDcast. To learn more about Central PA Antifa you can get up with them on facebook, on which you can search Central PA Antifa, or follow them on Twitter @centralpaantifa. There is also a blog at: https://centralpaantifascist.wordpress.com/

Playlist is here: http://www.ashevillefm.org/node/17929

IGDCAST: Building an Anti-Fascist Fighting Force in PA and Shutting Down the NSM

from It’s Going Down

Download and Listen to the Podcast Here

On this episode of the IGDCAST, we talk with Central PA Antifa, a network of friends and crews across Pennsylvania that has begun to organize against a variety of fascist groups which have been operating in the area for several decades. This episode is also the second podcast on the subject of the white working-class and building up organizations, campaigns, and associations which not only create an anti-fascist and anti-racist pole within the white working-class, but also build bridges out to poor and working communities of color.


Central PA Antifa in this episode talks about their formation, which was pushed by decades of fascist and Neo-Nazi activity which have gained a foothold in the area and even lead to one member (Steve Smith) of the local group, Keystone State Skinheads, now known as Keystone United, or simply KSS, to become an elected member of the local Republican establishment. We also spend a lot of time talking about guns, gun culture, ISIS, police killings, and various ways that people could build within both the within poor and working white communities and in communities of color.


Neo-Nazi members of the Nationalist Socialist Movement (NSM) attempt to flee from a barrage of rocks.

We then discuss the upcoming mobilization against the National Socialist Movement (NSM), which is going to take place at the state capitol of Pennsylvania on November 5th in Harrisburg. Anti-fascists from across the East Coast and beyond are coming out to thrown down against the NSM and local organizers are mobilizing to have legal, medical, and tactical support ready and on the ground. In short, November 5th is shaping up to be an important mobilization for anarchists and anti-fascists, and the topics discussed in this podcast will hopefully inspire wide discussion and dialog leading up to the event.

Music: Ceschi and Cistem Failure
More info on November 5th mobilization here and here.


November 5th: Run the Nazis Out of Harrisburg, PA

from It’s Going Down

Remember, Remember…on November 5th, the National Socialist Movement (NSM), one of the largest Neo-Nazi and white nationalist organizations in the US will attempt to hold a rally at the State Capitol of Pennsylvania, in the city of Harrisburg. The NSM is calling on their supporters to arrive at 2pm, we are asking people to be there at 1pm.

The NSM in many ways is attempting to become a much bigger player in the white nationalist scene lately. They have worked closely with Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) to draft the Aryan Nationalist Alliance and have already attempted to organize several demonstrations in the last few months, including a total failure in Buffalo, NY. Let’s make sure that trend continues.

Already, antifa groups from the Eastern Seaboard and beyond are geared up to meet them there. They expect opposition to be low because of the Million Mask March in DC, but let’s make a firm commitment to show up and make them remember why they should stay hidden in their dark basements.

Central Pennsylvania Antifa is asking for your help in making sure that the people of Pennsylvania, a richly diverse population, know that someone is there to defend them when the Nazis show their ugly faces.

Your Comrades in Central PA


Central PA Antifa Facebook Page

Facebook Event For Sharing

Promotional Video for Sharing

Flyer for Printing



Smash Keystone United

from Facebook

Someone fixed it.

22 Mothers in Deportation Jail Launch Indefinite Hunger Strike

from Latino Rebels

The following is an open letter of demand to Jeh Johnson written by 22 mothers detained at Berks Family Residential Center:

The reason for this letter of demands is to make it known to you that since Monday August 8th we have started an “INDEFINITE HUNGER STRIKE.”

The Immigration Department has made a public announcement stating that in family detention center parents and children are detained no longer than 20 days.


We are 22 mothers who are detained at Berks Family Residential Center, being mothers who have been from 270 days to 365 days in detention with children ages 2 to 16 years old, depriving them of having a normal life, knowing that we have prior traumas from our countries, risking our own lives and that of our children on the way until we arrived here, having family and friends who would be responsible for us and who are waiting for us with open arms and that immigration refuses to let us out.

Seeing these injustices, we have decided to go on an indefinite hunger strike until we obtain our immediate freedom because all of us left our countries of origin fleeing violence, threats and corruption that not even the government of each of our countries in Central America can control.

On many occasions our children have thought about SUICIDE because of the confinement and desperation that is caused by being here. The teenagers say BEING HERE, LIFE MAKES NO SENSE, THAT THEY WOULD LIKE TO BREAK THE WINDOW TO JUMP OUT AND END THIS NIGHTMARE, and on many occasions they ask us if we have the courage to escape.

Other kids grab their IDs and tighten them around their necks and say that they are going to KILL themselves if they don’t get out of here. The youngest kids (2 years old) cry at night for not being able to express what they feel. For a long time, the children have not been eating well, but they have never paid attention to our complaints about the food until now.

We are desperate and we have decided that: WE WILL GET OUT ALIVE OR DEAD.

If it is necessary to sacrifice our lives so that our children can have freedom: WE WILL DO IT! Putting aside the threats we are receiving from one of the psychologists and some doctors in this facility.

We are calling on the government to take action on this matter and open their eyes, letting them know that IMMIGRATION is acting against the law and is mocking them, making arguments that are false; besides our children are entitled to freedom according to the case of Flores, and still they are here with us.

We hope that our voices are heard, so that we can have the FREEDOM that we NEED so much.


The following call to arms is via immigration lawyer Carol Anne Mauer Donohoe:

HEY! Everyone who pretends to, or actually does, care about the fact that our government has imprisoned mothers and children who have committed no crime but to ASK FOR SAFETY, here’s your chance to actually DO SOMETHING. Call Field Office Director Thomas Decker at 215-656-7164 and tell him to release these families. Call your spineless Berks County Commissioners at 610-478-6136 and ask why they’re spending our tax dollars to make this suffering continue. Email Ted Dallas from the PA Department of Human Services, in charge of the WELFARE OF CHILDREN in the Commonwealth and ask why they are allowing the refugee prison to remain open even though the license has been revoked at [email protected].