Unicorn Riot Coverage of Candace Owen Protest

from Twitter

Far-right campus group Turning Point USA’s director Candace Owens just showed up at UPenn campus in Philadelphia. She ignored our questions about whether TPUSA plans to address ongoing neo-Nazi infiltration and recruitment among their membership.
[Video Here]

A group of Proud Boys and others have shown up and started a heckling match with antifascists opposing Candace Owens and Turning Point USA at UPenn in Philadelphia
[Video Here]
We were able to briefly interview Candace Owens when she appeared at UPenn in Philly today. Owens didn’t respond to a Q about her recent dubious Congressional testimony & called it “a weird question” when we asked about being cited in the New Zealand mosque shooter’s manifesto.
[Video Here]

Anathema Volume 5 Issue 1

from Anathema

Volume 5 Issue 1 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)

Volume 5 Issue 1 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)

In this issue:

  • Manifest Gentrification
  • Update on the Shooting of Kaleb Belay
  • What Went Down
  • Save on Septa and Get a Free Pizza!
  • Hearing the Calls
  • Dockless Scoots and Bikes
  • Campus Organizing
  • Assessing Risk
  • Ongoing Infrastructure Scars Across the Land
  • Whither the Insurrection?
  • Identity and Power
  • The Revolution Will be Messy
  • International Solidarity
  • Super Happy Fun
  • We Can Fight Gentrification
  • Revolutionary Letter

Spring issue of Friendly Fire

from Friendly Fire

friendly fire (1).png

s p r i n g    2 0 1 9    i s s u e 

Militant discipleship, revolutionary eschatology, tarot, info on our upcoming retreat what’s there not to love about the newest issue of Friendly Fire? Check it out here ❤ 

Also, you can still apply to the retreat in Minnesota (June 17-20)! You can do that here. Applications are due 4/15.

And if you have any spare cash to help comrades make it out to the retreat, you can donate here on our Chuffed.

Aries Blessings!

Research 101: Digging and Strategizing to Win

from Philly IWW

Much of our work goes beyond the one-on-one bonds across the workplace, the streets, and the city. This training hosted by the IWW is designed to give you the skills necessary to find and build leverage agains bosses, corporations, the police state, and more. Participants are highly encouraged to bring laptops as the training will cover many online public databases.

Topics covered will include:
-Forming a research strategy to win
-Corporation and land records searches
-Company financials and labor violations
-Public contracting of prison profiteers
-Public data on police
-Social media and network research

April 6th, 2019
at CityCoHo
2401 Walnut St. Philadelphia

Snacks will be provided!

Accessibility: 2401 Walnut street’s rear entrance has a ramp entering the building and elevators to the floor where our room is on. Please note that the entrance for CityCoHo is on the northern side of the building adjacent to the parking lot.

Liberation Project Calendar

from Facebook

We put together an event calendar!

To add your leftist, queer, weirdo events email us the name, date, time and event link (if there is one) at lp.calendar@mailfence.com
Feel free to share!

(image description: vintage cyanotype postcard from 1908 of a very adorable raccoon and a calendar)

No photo description available.

Identity Evropa’s Neo-Nazi Organizing Plans Revealed In New Leaks

from Unicorn Riot

[Philly Anti-Cap note: This post only contains information relevant to Identity Evropa in or near Philadelphia. To read the rest of the article visit Unicorn Riot’s website linked above.]

The New Jersey chapter of IE seems to have been meeting at the restaurant Moran’s in Hoboken, and Philadelphia metro area chapter has been gathering at the Sproul Lanes bowling alley in Springfield, PA.

According to the Slack chat, members of Identity Evropa’s Philadelphia chapter met with Billy Ciancaglini, the GOP candidate in Philly’s 2020 Mayor race, on March 4, 2019.  Reached for comment about his alleged meeting with Identity Evropa, Ciancaglini told Unicorn Riot, “Go away. You are sad and pathetic. Get a life.”

A Slack chat in which an Identity Evropa member describes meeting with Philadelphia GOP Mayor candidate Billy Ciancaglini

The 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia: The Black Bloc, State Power, & the Death of John Timoney


This hastily-compiled zine is drawn from two sources as a contribution to the historical memory of confrontational resistance in Philadelphia.
First, a fairly long, lightly edited excerpt from Direct Action: An Ethnography, by David Graeber. The first part of this excerpt is a narration of the author’s experience with the black bloc during the 2000 Republican National Convention mobilization in Philly. Following that is a section examining state power, particularly the dynamics that arise when we confront it in the streets.
This excerpt, and the book as a whole, is somewhat dated now. Published in 2008 and mostly dealing with events during the anti-/alter-globalization movement from roughly 1999-2003, its perspectives on non-violence, the police, repression, and identity, do not necessarily hold up today. Still, it remains useful not only for its accounts of important events but also for some very cogent broad analysis.
The second included essay was published by Crimethinc shortly after the death of John Timoney. Timoney was Philadelphia Police Commissioner during the 2000 RNC, and continued a career in repression both nationally and globally afterwards.
Timoney is gone. It’s up to us to make a world where we can say the same for all police.
– Philly Anarchy Jawn, 2019
[read] [print]
Also of interest is this reflection on the RNC: Former SLAM Members Reflect on the RNC Protests in 2000

New Zine from Here and Now Zines


Here’s a new zine from our distro on identity and power
(unsurprisingly). A quote to get an idea of what it’s about:

“We are against identity because we think it holds this oppressive reality together. Our identities as marginalized people are our inheritances that separate us as inferior. For centuries, distinctions of inferiority have been used as the building blocks for exploitation and control. Identity is the infrastructure of our suffering and would need to be shattered if we wish to see oppression demolished. Presently, identity pits us against each other instead of against the system’s infrastructures. Scrambling to tally distinctions of how oppressed we are in comparison to others and what we deserve to be compensated doesn’t end our exploitation and only keeps us distracted from making the necessary calculations to sabotage the infrastructure holding domination in place.”

[Print] [Read]

The Local Kids – Issue 3


The Local Kids – Issue 3 – Winter 2019

A compilation of texts, a contribution to a correspondence between those who desire anarchy and subversion.

Life is separated into different phases; as you pass through the years, you are supposed to move on, to progress. One part of life is dedicated to education and exploration, inspired by the naivety and idealism of the inexperienced. Another is about application and comfort, framed by the maturity and pragmatism of the learned. Eventually you arrive at accomplishment and can reap the rewards of a fulfilled life. Only maybe temporarily upset by some (un)desired reskilling and the uncertainty that the future holds. At least that’s how it should be. Or should it? The progress you make seems often nothing more than a narrative structure imposed on loosely related events. That destabilizing thought sometimes flickers through the activities of everyday life. But forget that thought, because you have already invested your time and you want the results. Stubbornly we hold on to the story of achievement and merit. In the meantime we become attached to the perpetuation of this social reality because we don’t want to lose everything. What if we let go of the linear construct of time to mold our perspective on life? Not to not apply ourselves anymore or to live from impulse to impulse. But to avoid the rigidity of (supposed) wisdom, the certainty of the past and the arrogance of the entitled. Life goes in waves, or the circles of a spiral, or some other image that fits a fragmented whole. Of course this goes against the logic of society, and thus the guiding lines of many people around us. We are not traveling along the same paths; our lives are discordant. This is a radical difference that at times makes it hard even to communicate, to find common ground. Nonetheless we shouldn’t banish the unforeseen and have the confidence to hold on to ourselves while we turn this world inside out.

PDFs on thelocalkids.noblogs.org

– To Seize the Moment (Still)
– Caught in the Web
– 2+2=7
– Day-to-day Normality as Source of Depression
– A Barbaric Contribution
– Murmurs and Cries from the Underground

Anathema Volume 4 Issue 13



In this issue:

Krasner was Never a Prison Abolitionist
Checking in on Amazon
What Went Down
Policing Update
Whether Guilty or Innocent: The Vaughn 17
Neither God Nor Master
Who do you Protect?
A Review of “Diagnostic of the Future”
Yiddish Anarchist Conference Reportback
World News
Poem: Faceless

Friendly Fire Winter newsletter!

from Friendly Fire Collective


Winter 2019 (1).png

~For more info on the upcoming retreat in this issue~

Anathema Volume 4 Issue 12

from Anathema

Volume 4 Issue 12 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)

Volume 4 Issue 12 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)

In this issue:

  • 2018: Year in Review
  • Challenging Infrastructure Beyond the State
  • What Went Down
  • It’s Robbin’ Season
  • Selling Out the Neighborhood
  • From Cyntoia to Bolsonaro
  • Monkey Wrenches and Black Banners
  • Wendy Trevino Poem

Anathema Volume 4 Issue 11

from Anathema

Volume 4 Issue 11 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)

Volume 4 Issue 11 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)

In this issue:

  • Cash Bail
  • Yellow Vests From Afar
  • Brosnan Security In Chico
  • Welcome To The Future
  • Revolutionary Letter #18
  • On Splitting
  • N17 Report
  • Black December
  • Phones & Security Culture

Freindly Fire November Newsletter

from Friendly Fire Collective


You may have missed it, but we put out a newsletter a week ago! You can check it out here.

Topics included: Repentance for missions, God’s wrath, Comrade Alyssa, early Quakers – and more!

Anti-Gentrification Direct Actions Zine


Anti-Gentrification Direct Actions
Philadelphia 2013-2018

Gentrification has been completely changing the city to cater to yuppies, while at the same time erasing the memory and culture of the poor and black and brown people that make up the majority of Philadelphia.

Some might say gentrification is an unstoppable force, a monster that is too far gone and is irreversible in its devastation. Although some of that may be true we don’t want people to forget the struggles of resistance to it or for those struggles to become invisible.

[web zine] [print zine]