The Two Decades of subVersion Riot Porn Jamboree

from Mastodon

[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]

subMedia presents:
The Two Decades of subVersion Riot Porn Jamboree

Join the subMedia crew this December as we celebrate two decades cranking out anarchist propaganda. That’s right, subMedia has finally made it through its angsty teenager years. Before you know it, we’ll be setting riot porn to soft jazz! So before that happens and to mark this auspicious milestone, we’re throwing a series of screening events in select cities. A riot porn jamboree, if you will – culminating in a livestream screening party, where current and former crew members will be on hand to introduce some of our favourite videos, shoot the shit, and answer all your most burning questions.

So grab some popcorn, a crowbar and a gasmask to celebrate the way only subMedia can… with a two hour cavalcade of riot porn, direct from our projector to your eyeballs.


Dec 15 – Philly
Dec 21 – Online Livestream

Check our social media, or reach out for more details about local events.

subMedia presents: the Two Decades of subVersion Riot Porn Jamboree

(Featuring a graphic of Franklin Lopez in a luchadore mask painting some riot porn a la Bob Ross)

Tour dates (listed in the post text).

And the caption 'Celebrating twenty years as anarchist media moguls' next to a subMedia logo with a birthday party hat on it.

zine: Queer Voices from the Fight for Palestinian Liberation

from breaking patterns

This is a compilation of articles and other writings that I put together very quickly, because I needed a zine that explained pinkwashing and pushed back against the narrative that queer and trans people are invisible or nonexistent in the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Thank you again to those who suggested the articles, poetry, and resources.


A Liberatory Demand from Queers in Palestine

Gay Travel (or Music Makes the People Come Together)

Beyond Propaganda: Pinkwashing as Colonial Violence

Pride Month Is Isolating for Me as Silence About Violence in Palestine Continues

Moving towards Home

with anonymous stories from Queering the Map



Murdered By Israel: Fliers Highlighting Victims Of Genocide

from Jersey Counter-Info

Across the so-called United States there has been a highly organized campaign pushing pro Israel propaganda in order to manipulate the public into supporting the ongoing genocide in Palestine. One of the main ways this has been has been happening is through the heavy dissemination of “kidnapped” fliers of Israeli colonizers. These fliers have been spotted taped up in public spaces and even broadcasted on digital billboards above highways. No matter what medium they appear in the intent behind them is clear: to manipulate people’s emotions into supporting Israel and to draw attention away from the genocide that is currently underway against Palestinians.

We cannot continue to allow this propaganda campaign to continue and propel the genocide against Palestinians further. We must highlight the actual victims, uplift their stories, and challenge false narratives.

The following fliers listed below are available for printing, online dissemination, and sharing across and all platforms. Please print, post, and share en masse. So far collections of these fliers have been spotted in NJ and the larger Philadelphia and NYC area.

Solidarity Means Attack: PA Anarchist Action for Palestine


[PDF file]
[PDF file low ink for printing]


from Berkman School of Anarchy

The Office of Scholarly Communications at the Berkman School of Anarchy is pleased to announce the launch of our new counter-info project! We will be accepting all Pittsburgh and University of Pittsburgh specific submissions that are hostile to authority. Analyses, reportbacks, communiques, public flyers, and other relevant anti-authoritarian stuff are welcome. Submissions will be published right here, on this site, so check back often! Instructions for submission can be found on the Contact & Submissions page. We are excited to see what you have to send us 😉

Report Back: Antifascists Turn up the Heat on Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffer

from Jersey Counter-Info

Regional antifascists have been exposing the identities of local neo-nazi crew S14, for the last several months. So far five of their members have been unmasked and there has been an on the ground push to confront S14. Specifically antifascists have targeted leaders Kauffman and Sheaffer’s in North Philly, where they live. This left Kauffman visibly shaken and resigned to bitching in the S14 public telegram account, in the days after it was reported to Jersey Counter-Info.

The English language version of the “Community Alert” flier that has been distributed across Kauffman and Sheaffer’s North Philadelphia community.

Kauffman’s frustration and fear however are only getting worse, as antifascists have started an indefinite ongoing campaign against he and Sheaffer in North Philly. As of mid September, antifascists have hit Kauffman and Sheaffer’s neighborhood at least three separate times talking to community residents, business owners, neighbors, and distributing community alert fliers.

A group of North Philadelphia community members looking at and discussing the Kauffman and Sheaffer flier.

As time passes, more and more residents are becoming aware of Kauffman and Sheaffer’s presence in the neighborhood and their status as neo-nazis.

Community members have also been given extra fliers on several occasions to distribute and post up on their own.

Fliers have been strategically placed near high traffic areas like bus stops and cross walks to maximize reach and visibility.

Antifascists have also been heavily focusing on the block of E Wishart that Kauffman and Sheaffer live on, connecting in person with their neighbors.

A post in front of Kauffman and Sheaffer’s house with a Spanish and English language community alter flier on it.


A car in front of Kauffman and Sheaffer’s house with a community alert flier on the windshield.


The end of E Wishart Street where Kauffman and Sheaffer live.

At this point Kauffman and Sheaffer may still believe that if they do damage control and keep to themselves they can quietly live their lives. The reality of situation couldn’t be further from this. With each passing day more and more community members are becoming aware that neo-nazis are living among them and the targets on Kauffman and Sheaffer’s backs are only getting bigger.

Anathema Volume 9 Issue 2

from Anathema

Volume 9 Issue 2 (PDF for reading 8.5×11)

Volume 9 Issue 2 (PDF for printing 11×17)

In this issue:

  • What Went Down
  • Conservation As Abolition
  • Dance Parties Won’t Stop Fascism
  • Eternal War Against Golf
  • Call To Struggle Around Bartram’s & Against The Proposal For Cellicon Valley
  • Making Anti-Repression A Collective Problem
  • Community Defense
  • Retrospective On Ted Kaczynski
  • Who Is Paul Minton?
  • Running Down The Walls

Report Back: S14 Leaders Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffer’s Neighborhood Hit

from Jersey Counter-Info

Back in early July 2023, a Philadelphia couple Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffer, were revealed to be the leaders of the Tri-state area neo-nazi crew S14. Since then several other S14 members have been unmasked such as Mathew Bair, Paul Minton, and Daisy McGowan. Antifascists have been continuing to turn up the heat on S14 members, exposing their cross over membership with other fascist groups and extensively doxxing them.

Since his July doxxing, Kauffman has been publicly attempting to hide his own fear by trolling antifascists and doubling down on his fascist activity. With he and Sheaffter feeling the pressure, area antifascists got together a few days ago to apply even more, by flyering Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffer’s neighborhood.

Kauffman and Sheaffer live in North Phialdelphia on E Wishart Street.

Kauffman and Sheaffer live in North Philly, specifically in the larger Kensington area. The E Wishart Street and surrounding community are predominantly Latino, further making Kauffman and Sheaffer’s very public neo nazi status and activities particularly dangerous for those around them.

Antifascists posted up English and Spanish language fliers on Kauffman and Sheaffer’s street, all over the adjacent side streets, and in the wider Kensington community. They were also able to pass out fliers to community members and discuss Kauffman and Sheaffer’s presence in the neighborhood. All community members that antifascists spoke to were rightfully shocked, angered, and pissed off that nazis were living next door to them. Antifascists gave interested community members stacks of fliers for further dissemination.

If you are interested in using and downloading either flier they are listed below.

S14 members: You were warned that if you did not dissolve your organization and cease activities that there would be real world repercussions. Five of your members have now been doxxed and Kauffman and Sheaffer’s entire community knows exactly who they are. If you refuse to comply there will be further consequences.

Banner Drops Against Moms For Liberty

from Twitter

Banner drop over I-95 this morning. The M4L hate summit begins tonight with a opening reception at @AmRevMuseum. Show up at 5pm to, uh, “welcome” them. “Philly Protects Trans Kids” “Bad Things Happen to Fascists in Philadelphia”


from Act For Freedom Now!

Unravel is a counter-information project with an insurrectional perspective that aims to connect acts of negation and attack in the so-called USA. Those in power want our acts to remain disparate and disconnected, the spark that drives each of us shielded from the other’s view. By weaving together the threads of action, this project hopes to draw throughlines in the struggles that anarchists engage in, in order to broaden and amplify shared projectualities.

Domination and authority cross us in a tangled and knotted web of ever more interconnected systems; unraveling this network at one point has the potential to create a cascade that throws everything into disarray, opening spaces for freedom. This website is explicitly anarchist, and accepts/reposts communiques, reportbacks, analysis, calls to action, events, and mass media articles about unclaimed acts of vandalism, sabotage, arson, or destruction.

Flyering Pedophile Nazi Paul Minton’s Block and a Call for Action


[Philly Anti-Capitalist note: The owner of Warrior Boxing Gym has reached out to us and let us know that he and the gym do not know  Paul Minton and that Paul Minton is not a member of the gym.]

Nazi traitor Paul Minton aka MISK is a pain in the ass right now being one of the loudest and most active nazis around, slapping his racist garbage stickers all over the city. Not to mention that he betrayed every comrade who once trusted him. Not to mention that Paul, pushing 50, took in a vulnerable 13 year old girl and groomed her into being another nazi, who he has also gotten pregnant. Paul is the lowest of the low, a pedophile, a traitor who turns on everyone he’s ever worked with, and a huge dumbass. A recent article shows his whole history of cowardly betrayal and nazi scumfuckery.

We put together this flyer.

To make him feel less safe we paid a visit to his neighborhood tonight, putting up flyers and talking to some of his neighbors about who he is.


“By the way Paul, heard something happened to your old car, but good to know you now drive a black KIA soul, license plate LZN 5585. We made sure to stick a flyer to it 🙂  There’s another surprise that you might not notice right away too. Have fun!” (excuse the shitty picture I’m not used to my new phones camera)



You can get your own copy of the flyer here in pdf form. [Flyer PDF]


We encourage people to take a few nights of action and spam these everywhere you can. Make him famous. Make it so he can’t hide. There are a lot of areas where we’ve seen his propaganda so we suggest hitting these areas so that everyone knows him name:

-Residential areas around Greys Ferry and Point Breeze


-Old City and Independence Mall

-Baltimore Ave. and Around Clark Park

-South Street

-City Hall Area

-East Passyunk

-All along Washington Avenue

-All down south broad street

-All of Market Street


-All along the el in Fishtown/Kensington/Frankford

-Upper Darby around 69th Street

-Ben Franklin Boulevard and art museum area

-Delaware and Schuylkill waterfronts and trails



Happy hunting and big fuck you to Paul Minton, drown in piss. The world will be a better place when you’re gone.

Addendum: We saw you scratched out a lot of our flyers so we threw up over 100 more in places you like to hang out. Enjoy your scavenger hunt you worthless creep.

west philly food not bombs wheatpaste


posted some food not bombs flyers around west philly the other week

Anathema Volume 9 Issue 1

from Anathema

Volume 9 Issue 1 (PDF for reading 8.5×11)

Volume 9 Issue 1 (PDF for printing 11×17)

In this issue:

  • What Went Down
  • 2023, Baby!
  • A-Space: A Postmortem
  • Tag Yourself
  • The Fatigue of Novelty
  • Powering Down Domination
  • Here Lies a Corpse
  • A Response to: ‘The Forest in the City’
  • Letter from Alfredo Cospito

In Contempt #25: Texas Hunger Strike Enters Third Week; Repression in Atlanta; Eric King Prepares for Release

from It’s Going Down

[This post only contains information relevant to Philadelphia and the surrounding area, to read the entire article follow the above link.]

Ongoing Cases

George Floyd Uprising defendant Urooj Rahman has now begun a 15-month sentence at Philadelphia Federal Detention Center, but is not listed on the BOP’s public list of inmates. There are reports that anyone wanting to contact her must pass a background check. Muslims for Just Futures and Urooj’s solidarity committee have put out an important statement discussing her case and the importance of collectively supporting defendants throughout the legal process. You can sign up to get involved in supporting Urooj here, send financial support through Venmo to @Shagufta-Rahman, and Philly-area abolitionists are encouraged to contact

Abolitionist Media Projects and General Prison News

Dwayne “BIM” Staats of the Vaughn 17 has released a new book, Rebellious Hearts, giving a first-hand account of the Vaughn rebellion.

Mongoose Distro continues to publish new prisoner writings regularly, including anarchist prisoner Dan Baker on the killing of Tyre Nichols, a new issue of the Pennsylvania prisoner zine IB64, poetry by Texas prisoner Jesse Mocha Scroggins and reports from David Annarelli in the Virginia prison system.

Uprising Defendants

Everyone should support the defendants facing charges related to their alleged participation in the George Floyd uprising – this list of our imprisoned comrades needs to be getting shorter, not longer. See Uprising Support for more info, and check out the Antirepression PDX site for updates from Portland cases. The status of pre-trial defendants changes frequently, but to the best of our knowledge they currently include:

David Elmakayes 77782-066
FCI McKean
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701

Upcoming Birthdays

Luis Sierra (Abdul-Haqq El-Qadeer)

A former Vaughn 17 defendant. While the state has now dropped its attempts to criminalize Luis in relation to the uprising, Vaughn defendants continue to face retaliation. Luis is also a contributor to “Live from the Trenches,” the Vaughn 17 zine.

Delaware appears not to have an inmate email system.

Birthday: February 19


Luis Sierra
James T. Vaughn Correctional Center
1181 Paddock Rd
Smyrna, DE 19977


Fuck A “Cellicon Valley” Zine


PDFs of a zine that got put out this month regarding development at Bartrams.

[Read] [Print]