Whammo!: MOVE9 Parole; Addicted to Screens; Anarcho-Syndicalism in Kosovo

from The Final Straw Radio

This episode contains three segments:

Move 9 Parole
“Stare Into The Lights My Pretties”
Anarcho-Syndicalist Organizing in Kosovo

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MOVE9 Parole

First, there’s the interview that Bursts held with Michael Davis Africa Jr., a member of the MOVE organization.  MOVE is a Philadelphia-based black liberation group founded by John Africa in 1972. The group lives communally. During the conversation, Michael Jr. talks about the case of the MOVE9, who were 9 members of that group who were arrested and accused of the killing of a police officer in 1978 in Philadelphia, a charge they each deny.  Officer James Ramp was killed following a year of the Philly PD blockading the house for a year under an eviction order and the police besieged the house on August 8th, 1978.  The MOVE 9 have been incarcerated for almost 40 years now, with Merle & Phil dying behind bars.  Police and white supremacist affiliated groups have successfully gotten parole denied for Eddie, Michael and Delbert Africa over the last 9 months as they do for many Political Prisoners from the 1960’s through 80’s in the U.S.  There are upcoming are parole hearings for Janet, Janine and Debbie Africa and more info on who to petition for their release can be found at http://onamove.com/move-9/. The name of the D.A. who prosecuted the MOVE9 in 1978 and who is still on the paperwork and has a say on the parole of the MOVE9 40 years later is named John Straub.

Coming up this Saturday, February 24th starting at 4pm there’ll be an event called “Framed In America: The Making of Political Prisoners”.  This will take place at The National Black Theater, 2031 5th Ave in Harlem, New York and will include presentations by Ramona Africa, Fred Hampton Jr, Pam Africa, Roger Wareham, Betty Davis, Ralph Poynter and Johanna Fernandez.  More info can be found on the Justice for the Move 9 fedbook group.

Black December


Because we are internationalists, and recognize no borders, we want to share this call locally. But to add further context, it was on December 15th, 2014 that Brandon Tate-Brown was murdered by two police officers here in Philly. According to members of his family, Tate-Brown was really murdered for “driving while black.”

A witness who approached the officers after the shooting said one told him they stopped Tate-Brown “for a vehicle that was described in a robbery earlier.” But an Officer Heng Dang, involved in the murder, told Internal Affairs investigators that he pulled over Tate-Brown because he drove with just his daytime running lights on. The Police Department has also maintained that Tate-Brown was shot as he reached into the passenger side of his car, possibly trying to retrieve a stolen, loaded, hidden handgun Officer Nicholas Carrelli claims to have spotted earlier jammed into the center console. But in his statement to Internal Affairs, Carrelli said he opened fire when Tate-Brown ran around the trunk of the Charger, “before he gets to the roof of the car.”

Worldwide: Call for a Black December!

Received and translated by Insurrection News on 01.12.17:

With the anarchist Sebastián Oversluij in our memory, four years since his death in combat in Chile during an attempted bank expropriation in December 2013.
With swollen hearts, remembering the anarchist comrade Alexandros Grigoropoulos, seven years since he was murdered in Exarcheia, Greece by police bullets in the year 2008.
For a Black December!
While democratic and civilized totalitarianism advances, expanding its control and surveillance mechanisms, devastating territories, attacking liberated spaces and hunting down insurgents throughout the world, imposing punishments and long sentences of imprisonment against the enemies of domination.
While in Italy our comrades are launching blasphemous attacks against the judges and reaffirming their anarchist convictions during the trial by the repressive operation Scripta Manent.
While thousands of prisoners in struggle are mobilizing in Greece in response to the attempts of the power to asphyxiate prisoners with a new penitentiary code.
While in Chile the power tries to strike its blow of revenge demanding long sentences in the trial against the anarchists Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Durán.
While in Argentina where you can still feel the rage and pain from the murder of comrade Santiago Maldonado, and then the police murdered the Mapuche warrior Rafael Nahuel while the government militarizes its territories in preparation for the next G20 summit.
While in Brazil, police intelligence tries to halt the anarchist struggle via Operation Erebo, accusing comrades, anarchist spaces and libraries of being behind the beautiful incendiary flashes that in recent years have spread in an intentional way against political party headquarters, police barracks and various power structures.
While all this is happening, in various parts of the globe anarchic minds explore practical and offensive responses to the constant aggression that represents the very existence of power and authority.
From the dignity of the prisoners struggling in the prisons of Bulgaria, to the burning cars in France and the call to action in the Czech Republic. From Belarus to Australia, from Mexico to Belgium and Germany. From Bolivia to the United Kingdom, Finland, Russia, Indonesia, Spain and the whole world, the yearnings for freedom are expressed, shouted, conspired and acted upon without bosses or hierarchies, opening the way to anarchy here and now.
That’s why December continues to be an invitation for insurgent communication via the wild heat of the offensive action against power.
For all our imprisoned and persecuted comrades. For all those that rise up and take action against domination by attacking their structures and their representatives.
May solidarity with our comrades become action. May the memory of Sebastián Oversluij and Alexandros Grigoropoulos ignite barricades and feed fires and explosions against power and their defenders. Let the enemy feel the siege of revolt in every neighbourhood, in every cell and on every corner.
For a Black December, long live anarchy!

Call to fight: Do sabotages the activities of those bastards!


We see that the repressive campaign on the anarchist movement does not cease. Examples are enough: the operation Fénix (https://antifenix.noblogs.org/) case in the Czech Republic, the case of the Warsaw Trinity (https://wawa3.noblogs.org/), charges of bank robbery (https://solidariteit.noblogs.org/) in Aachen, courts with rebels against the G20 summit in Hamburg
(https://unitedwestand.blackblogs.org/) and other cases.

Cops, judges, prosecutors, masmedia. They are haunted, imprisoned, robbed, manipulated. This is a challenge to all Revolutionary cells and other groups and individuals. Do sabotages the activities of those bastards. Turn them into terrain, technology and structures. Organize resistance. Support the fugitive and their loved ones.

What destroys us will stop by fighting.

The goal is clear = freedom, justice, anarcho-communism

Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB)


– translated from the web: https://revolutionarycells.noblogs.org/

– source:

– web in english:

G20 Solidarity Call


[After G20 in Hamburg] Solidarity call

In a time of open hunt against anti-G20 protesters by the cops, the media and “the public” (including demands for a lynch law circulating on the internet), it is essential to remember those who were injured during protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg and the dozens who are still under investigation and caged by the German State.

No consideration however for a large part of society that, together with public authorities and their media, not only accepts the police state we witnessed in Hamburg, but also wants to see it reinforced.

It is now time for groups and individuals to organize solidarity events, raise donations, and express all kinds of support with those imprisoned, e.g. letter writing as soon as contact addresses are known.

Let’s act in solidarity with all those affected by repression during the G20, and update about their situation through counter-information networks. Let’s make sure that they don’t remain alone.

The more actions, the more pressure on the authorities, the media and their world. For anarchy!


Remember Demhat: Love and Rage, From Philly to Rojava

from It’s Going Down

As the talons of fascism are digging in deeper, we must remember to fight for autonomy and freedom on as small and large a scale as we can.

Here’s to the “slackers” at their jobs, and window smashers down the block; these greetings from Philly urge all to punch a nazi and a cop, remind yr local gentrifiers that they’re not welcome, lie to yr boss and keep yr comrades close.

Here’s to all the J20 folks for getting this year started off right, vowing “No peaceful transition!” to Trump and emboldened white supremacy.

Here’s to the angry queers resisting assimilation and a corporate pride this past June, and navigating this transmisogynistic world every fucking day.

But most pressing, here’s to the YPG and our beloved fallen comrade Heval Demhat for taking up arms in Rojava, fighting ISIS, and a fascist state that was built by American imperialism.

Leaving his home and family in New York, Demhat traveled to so-called-Syria to support the YPG in their struggle for self determination; recognizing the importance of this undertaking, not only for the Kurdish people, but for the ways that anarchist resistance is interconnected. Heval acknowledged that being a part of this revolution would pave the way for autonomous struggle in the Middle East, and bold defiance worldwide. Heval Demhat was killed fighting to liberate Raqqa from ISIS control. Demhat lived and died for his convictions, and fought to support the brave Kurdish people. Long Live Demhat! Long live the YPG! Long live the IRPGF! Martyrs never die!

Here’s to being quiet and dangerous, loud and unstoppable. Let’s keep building trust, doing damage and remaining a threat.

“Our solidarity is our weapon” but hey, we’ve got fists, bats, and guns, too!

Free all prisoners and fire to the state, from Philly with burning love, rage and resistance.

Philadelphia, PA: “Solidarity From Philly to France!”

from It’s Going Down

Banner In Solidarity With French Antifascists

from Facebook

International solidarity call. Let us multiply the anti-authoritarian ideas and practices of solidarity and fight. 10, 100, 1000 squatted social centres.


We understand occupation (squatting) as a tool of fight whose main purpose is far from the idea of shaping recreational places. It is an strategy to fight, theoretically and practically, against property as a key pillar of capitalist democracy. Occupation (squatting) is beyond merely logistic.

It brings partnership among comrades, builds affinity networks and solidarity, as well as create meeting points to discuss, share experiences or to make out some self criticism. Okupation is not and end but a mean that allows us to organize ourselves and conspire. It is a tangible expression of the notion of “Do it yourself”.

The power has done everything to erase any self-management projects since they prove our capacity to organize ourselves outside the system. For that purpose, many strategies have been deployed. From harsh repression; raids, arrests, police farce, to “kinder” strategies based on negotiation. Despite superficial differences, the final end of these strategies is the control and domestication (of our ideas and practices) of social movements.

For some time now, Madrid City Council, a so-called council “of change”, has deployed a warfare of harassment, threat and burnout against squatted social centres. They disguise their real purposes through a deceiver maneuver of fake dialogue, using blackmail to achieve the assimilation of these collectives. What is been sold as an exercise of tolerance and understanding, as an effort to strengthen social networks, is nevertheless an attempt of demobilization and devitalize those who don´t accept their imperatives.

Throughout bureaucratic mechanisms such as buildings maintenance checkups or inspections of the developed activities, the City Council offers two options: regularisation or eviction. They offer to allow keeping on with the activities in social centres as long as they are supervised by a competent authority. It could be done in the actual location provided that they are establish as legally constituted associations or making a request for a ceded public place. Administrative sanctions, seals, identifications and city police regular visits are used as a tool of pressure. City´s regulatory framework whereby the guidelines concerning the transfer of public places to collectives, approved by the city council in February 2016, provides the basis to polarize once again the squatting movement between legal or illegal projects.

As anarchists, we believe squatting can´t be legalize since it´s purpose is precisely transgress every rule imposed by the political, social economical structure. To accept their rules would legitimate their tutelage. We place ourselves against the creation of squatted places under the cover of any governmental institution and we reject any negotiation, agreement or dialogue that could mean to surrender completely or partially to our perspectives of action and direct confrontation. We believe in conflict. We believe the State cannot be defeated from inside. That is why, we call to solidarity with the squatted social centres threatened by eviction in Madrid, and by extension, all occupations that defy power standing up to its threats.

The way to express support depends on the means and possibilities that each one of us has, but we encourage, this month or further, to undertake actions and activities that bring attention to our positioning and our determination not to give in to either the State or its threats.

Let us multiply the anti-authoritarian ideas and practices of solidarity and fight. 10, 100, 1000 squatted social centres.


Philadelphia, USA: Solidarity to the ZAD of Notre-Dames-Des-Landes

from Contra Info

Today, February 27, we put up posters in downtown Philadelphia in response to the call for a general mobilization against the airport project in Notre Dame Des Landes. The posters explain what the ZAD is and the struggle against the airport. We mostly put posters up on LAZ parking lots and structures. LAZ is owned by Vinci, the same company responsible for building the airport in Notre Dame Des Landes.

Against the Airport and its World!

Anarchist Prisoner Posters Downtown

from instagram

Nice use of free posters spotted downtown. #anarchistprisoners

Anarchist Prisoner Information and Letter Writing Event

from Wooden Shoe Books & Records
When: Sun, August 23, 7pm – 8pm
Description: As part of the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, we will have a multimedia presentation, discussion, and letter writing night for anarchist prisoners the world over. Letter writing materials for domestic prisoners will be provided, handouts/posters concerning some international struggles will be available, and snacks will be shared.

This week of action was coordinated by several international Anarchist Black Cross groups beginning with the anniversary of the murder of Sacco and Vanzetti by the United States on August 23rd.

[Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Letter Writing Day for Antifascist Prisoners

from facebook

In observance of the July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, Antifa Philadelphia will be hosting a letter writing event for several Antifascist POW’s currently incarcerated all over the world.

The full call (originally posted by NYC Antifa) with more information on the prisoners is below.

We will provide all the materials and, if you want, we will send the letter(s) for you as well. For more information on how to help or if your group would like to endorse the call or host an event, contact NYC Antifa at nycantifascistaction@gmail.com

Liberty, Solidarity, Equality,

Antifa Philadelphia (phillyantifa.org)

[July 26 from 7 to 8:30pm at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]