Billboard Graffiti for David Jones


Seen this in South West Philly

Philly Stands With J20

from Instagram

Philly Stands with J20. #defendj20

RIP David

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RIP David Jones

from Instagram

RIP David Jones shot in the back by police

Ugly-Ass Frank Rizzo Mural In South Philly Gets Tagged, Again

from Tattle Tot

In case you missed it, Philadelphia Police Officer Ryan Pownall, a white man, shot David Jones, a black man, in the back earlier this month.

Jones died.

In the coming weeks I’ll be doing more reporting on the case. But for now, let us just enjoy and praise the brave soul who tagged the ugly-ass Frank Rizzo mural in south Philly.

RIP David Thomas Jones


Saw this on Chester at 49th street. David Thomas Jones was killed by police on Thursday.

Post-May Day Social Media Round-Up

from Twitter

Philly Jail Support 24th/25th District 3901 Whitaker Ave Shifts are from 3-6pm, 6-9pm, 9-12am.

from Instagram

If you want to help and keep track of last night’s May Day arrestees check out Philly Anti-Repression Fund’s twitter (@phlbailfund) and fundraiser ( Let’s support our comrades facing repression.

from Instagram

Lots of different anarchic feelings this May Day in Philly. Some comrades are still in custody let’s be ready to support them.

from Instagram

$100k in damage estimated, 2 in custody facing charges #mayday2017

May Day Graffiti


Spotted near the 49th Street train station.

“Avenge Korryn Gaines”

from Instagram

Fight for the dead. RIP Korryn Gaines, stolen from this world by police.

Even More Anti-Trump Graffiti

from Instagram

#fdt #graffiti on #marketeast downtown #phillyanarchists #marketeastphiladelphia #philly

Liberation + Police Cannot “Coexist”

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#DisruptMAGA Outing

Groups hit up South St and South Philly neighborhoods with #DisruptMAGA fliers, antifascist graffiti, and and antifascist stickers. Real estate developer OCF banners were targeted and taken down as well.

Solidarity w Anaheim Rebels

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Solidarity w Anaheim Rebels spotted downtown. #ftp #anaheimrebels #philly

Valentine’s Day Graffiti on Baltimore Ave

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Make Anarchy Romantic Again

More Anti-Trump Graffiti

from Instagram

Box trucks spread the word in Hunting Park. #fdt