from Twitter
from Twitter
from Philly Antifa
UPDATE: Patriot Front have also defaced George Floyd statues in Brooklyn and Newark, NJ which were unveiled just a few days ago for Juneteenth.
Original story below:
Sometime last night, Fascists associated with the Neo-Nazi group Patriot Front painted and stenciled over the George Floyd memorial at N. 5th st and Olney Ave.
Patriot Front is a splinter faction of Vanguard America, one of the major organizers of the Unite the Right rally in 2017. Vanguard America brought James Fields to Charlottesville, where he plowed his car into a crowd of Anti-Fascist protestors, murdering Heather Heyer and injuring many others.
More recently locally, the group has engaged in late night provocations like these, putting up flyers and stickers in Center city and S. Philly.
Patriot Front has a large amount of crossover in membership with the New Jersey European Heritage Association (NJEHA), which as also run propaganda ops in Philly from time to time.
NJEHA is led by Dan D’Ambly and Ron Sheehy, both of New Jersey, who we have listen in our local fascists section.
This thread on twitter also has lots of info on NJEHA/Patriot Front associates in the area.
We will be updating this story as we get more info. Anyone with any information about who defaced the George Floyd memorial should contact us.
Rest in Power to George Floyd, Death to White Supremacy and Fascism.
from Mainstream Media
With the pandemic waning and the city about to lift many of its restrictions, Philadelphia’s iconic Reading Terminal Market had just refreshed its exterior and doors and put new window dressings around the entire building.
“We had cleaned everything, and we were really looking forward to welcoming people as they come back into the city,” said Annie Allman, CEO and general manager of the Reading Terminal Market Corp.
Then a vandal struck Wednesday night. Using what appeared to be a jet-spray device, the person sprayed the Filbert Street side of the 128-year-old building. The paint, which Allman described as battleship gray, hit from as high as the gun could apparently reach to sidewalk level, along the entire block, between 11th and 12th Streets. A surveillance video shows a person dressed in black with a face mask carrying a red bag with white letters while spraying.
With help from the Center City District, the market was able to clear much of the paint. But some of it hit the wood and stone trim and that will be more difficult to repair, Allman said.
Like many businesses, the market’s 70 merchants have had a tough time during the pandemic. Now, a vandal has caused more harm.
Allman estimates the damage is at least in “the five figures.” The market coincidentally is about to kick off a fund-raising campaign, and now some of that money will have to be put toward the repairs, she said.
Since the market went public about the vandalism, it has received an outpouring of warm and caring comments, Allman said.
“People who love the market, love it deeply and passionately, and we appreciate that,” she said.
Police are investigating, she said. No other buildings apparently were hit. The market is offering a $500 gift card for information leading to identification of the culprit.
Last night in North Philly, on 19th & Oxford street, the site that the city planned to move unhoused individuals into today Wednesday, December 30th was targeted.
The unhoused individuals are currently staying in “Covid hotels” at the Holiday Inn on 13th and Walnut streets for shelter from the pandemic and cold. City government says they’ve run out of funding and can no longer house them here, but we know that’s not true. The city wants to save money and alternatively use the site to shelter housed and employed people suffering from covid. Yet another instance of the city further displacing unhoused people and prioritizing the privileged.
We’ve had enough of the bullshit and the runaround. We’ve had enough of orgs that hardly show up or don’t make proactive and decisive moves. We have decided to act autonomously and will continue to.
The slow trickle of evictions started on December 15th when advocates began to post up outside the hotel and distribute donations to residents and friends on the streets.
Mayor Kenney, in an attempt to ward off bad press, put out statements to the effect of “do not be concerned, the hotel residents will be situated with permanent housing, we will not be kicking people out on the street.” Spewing his usual bullshit, he is interested only in saving face and assuring liberals they need not be concerned or called to action. Meanwhile, some hotel residents were moved to an unused former PRISON in Kensington that same week — an interesting take on “permanent housing.”
The recent snow fall and protests have delayed planned evictions. However nothing concrete has changed. We’re tired of pushing meekly against the force of those in power, of doing nothing more than creating delays. Delays that temporarily disrupt the plans city officials still intend to carry out when we become fatigued and distracted. Despite the protests, another eviction notice was issued this week. Today marked the last day residents were apparently going to be permitted to stay in the hotel.
The site at 19th & Oxford, where they were expected to be transferred, appears to be a detention center of sorts. Word on the street is that it does not have hot water, some units may not have heat & the residents were going to be roomed in pairs. The point is this situation is abhorrent.
The city treats unhoused residents like undesirables they mean to discard of. They prioritize saving minimal amounts of money at the expense of the most vulnerable, marginalized Philadelphians— most of whom have existing health issues, adding to the stress and trauma they already endure by being unhoused. Our neighbors are not disposable. They should not be shuffled around from place to place, often without understanding where they’re going or what the conditions they’re walking into will be.
All attempts at negotiating with the city for better treatment have failed and been full of deceit on behalf of city officials… no fucking surprise. We have been too gentle in our modes of feedback. Protests have received media attention and some public support, but none of this is stopping the city from making their moves.
We all know this city loves and hoards it’s property. We need to “dialogue” with them in a language they understand or at least can’t ignore. Instead of waiting for the city to move people into the Oxford building, last night anarchists rolled up to sabotage the locks, graffiti the building and smash about 20 large windows and the glass door entrance.
Liz Hersh, the Office of Homeless Services, Resources for Human Development and Mayor Kenney have been addressed in paint. No one should be mistaken about the intention behind the actions. The media will surely spin its usual narratives, but we are not interested in letting the anticipation of their words influence or silence ours.
We did our thing. We said our piece.
Carpet tacks spread in the police headquarters’ parking lot before a demonstration. More tacks dispersed at the local Amazon warehouse’s truck entrance. One valve stem cut on an Amazon truck’s tire. Two Amazon van tires slashed. Fiber optic cables cut where they hung low on three telephone poles in more affluent neighborhoods.
Small but unceasing acts against so many Goliaths. We hope to put a sling in many more hands while hunting for low-hanging fruit that might actual nourish our revolt.
The spectacle of the spell-out on the Regional Rail train is hardly worth mentioning without documentation, but our word is all we have. Those straight letters reading NO MORE PRESIDENTS taking up half the clean car in the earliest hours of somebody’s election day blazed bold in black and chrome. Maybe CLIP or Septa Police have the flicks to share from this earlier act. Either it ran and shared the message or was taken out of commission for cleaning.
We won’t stop. This world teeters on too many terrifying and enchanting precipices to stop. We invite you join us, with these recent acts as a minimum of examples. The greatest difficulty is in beginning, but once you’re out the door it gets easier. Take care and it gets easier.
“Let every act of repression visited upon us bloom infinite vicious resistance.”
Looking toward a winter of anarchy.
from Scribd
from Mainstream Media
A mural dedicated to a slain Philadelphia Police Department sergeant was vandalized Sunday.
The mural of Sgt. Robert Wilson, near the intersection of 60th Street and Baltimore Avenue in West Philadelphia, was vandalized with the acronyms “ACAB” and “FTP,” as well as the “circle-A” anarchy symbol.
The defacement drew immediate and angry reaction from police.
Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw tweeted at the vandal, “You didn’t earn any extra “woke-points”. You’re not brave. You’re not a revolutionary. You’re certainly no hero.”
“I’m saddened and angered that vandals would deface the mural of one of our beloved heroes, Sgt. Robert Wilson III. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Wilson family on this sad day,” said John McNesby, president of the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 5 union. “Wilson served our great city with passion and compassion and is sorely missed by his friends and colleagues in the Philadelphia police department.”
The police union later Sunday announced a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in the case.
from Anarchist News
Even though there’s been active protests going on everyday here since May 30th, it feels like things for the most part are becoming more and more tame. There’s still a lot of momentum but with it is a strong fear it’ll be overtaken by the popular liberal agenda or suppressed by state repression. Nonetheless with a curiosity of what direction things will take, and with rather low expectations I showed up to the call for the ftp noise demo..
Most folks show up to the meet-up mad late. There were conversations around not having enough numbers, if the time was called for too early and if we should wait longer, make moves, or go home. Lots of hesitations and indecisiveness. Fortunately despite the demo being publicized on the internet, there was no cop presence at the start, and the 25 of us decided to proceed.
Even while moving, things started off a bit awkward and quiet. We rushed through the streets towards the federal detention center. Graffiti went up on the walls and some cop vans, and when we got to the FDC things got LOUD. There were tons of fireworks and smoke bombs, fuck prisons graffiti was written on the ground for the prisoners to see, there was yelling and banging on street signs. There were a few chants but for the most part they were pretty minimal. The folks inside were hype to see us, they were flashing their lights and banging on windows. Their reactions reassured a lot of the trepidations some of us had had about coming out after all.
Once we finished with the louder toys, we didn’t try to stick around since a small squad of cops had showed up outnumbering us. We had a hasty, sloppy dispersal but everyone made it out alright and in good spirits.
After the demo I was left with a few things on my mind:
Noise demos are really cool opportunities for people with less street experience to get their feet wet with a little more risk. Because they’re a slightly more escalatory than the common protest marches, but aren’t as scary as heavier attacks, they give folks a greater sense of power and practicality to navigate moving through the streets together in riskier situations.
Regardless of what type of action we show up to it’s important to come with our own personal goals and a readiness to adapt to the goals of others around us.
One way to stay ready is to always use best practices to conceal our identities. Whether that’s making sure we’re covered up before we’re near any cameras or cops, or wearing gloves whenever we use illegal objects that might get left behind. It’s important we stay off the radar, unrecognizable and untraceable.
When moving together we really gotta get better at keeping it tight and not panicking! When were too spread out at vulnerable moments it puts us more at risk. Cops trailing us doesn’t always turn to cops chasing us. When we run away unnecessarily we open ourselves up to being more vulnerable. It’s important to assess when it makes or doesn’t make sense for us to run.
Lastly, it’s exciting to imagine all the possibilities of what we could get away with in a group that big when there’s no cops around!
In times like this, where repression is coming down extra hard it’s especially important to show solidarity and counter isolation.
Shout out to all the angry ones turning their anger into action, directing it to revolt. Solidarity to all those recently captured by the state, you’re in our hearts and your actions were courageous.
I hope that we can spread and keep the momentum of the recent uprisings directed towards the police state and it’s prisons, because without their total destruction we will never be free.
Towards the destruction of the state, it’s cages and it’s reinforcers.
Towards the creation of something better than anything they could ever offer us.
from Instagram
Someone sent us this dope pic of a piece for Dominique Remmie Fells. She was a black trans woman recently found murdered here in Philly. RIP Remmie
…fighting for their lives. Not just the ‘innocent’ or ‘vulnerable’. Until all prisons are empty and destroyed!
7. Make your way over to the property Joel Freedman owns on 21 and locust.
12 haviing come to a spiritual awakening