Vigil and Stroll for Tortuguita


On Saturday 1/21 there was a vigil for Tortuguita Manuel Teran. A group of about 40 adults and children placed candles and homemade signs by the turtle in Clark Park.

People spontaneously made speeches about Tortuguita’s death. The speeches touched on people’s experience of them, grief, martyrdom, and continuing to struggle. People called on each other to target cop city’s sponsors and the contractors responsible for building.

After people had been speaking for a while a small group broke off from the vigil. They took the street with banners. Barricades from a nearby construction site were pulled into the street to block cops and traffic. As the march moved graffiti memorializing Tortuguita and against police was tagged. A realty office had its windows smashed.

The rowdy vigil is the first time things have popped off from Clark Park in a while. A few years ago Cark Park was a regular spot for mid sized black bloc demos to start from. We think that this is worthwhile to revisit because it’s a traditionally anarchist neighborhood and there are lots of alleys nearby to easily change in. It’s exciting to see this kind of energy re-emerge in Philly.

Even though Philly is far from Atlanta, Tortuguita’s death has been deeply felt here. We are angry. We are watching. We are acting. Cop city will never be built.

RIP Tortuguita
Neither innocent nor guilty
Neither terrorists nor protesters
Simply anarchists!
A warm embrace to those arrested in Atlanta, Seattle and everywhere else
Death to civilization

Graffiti for Tortuguita in Philly


Graffiti In Philladelphia in Solidarity with Tortuguita!

West Philadelphia Vigil Remembers Tortuguita

from Twitter

West #Philadelphia earlier tonight: A vigil at a turtle sculpture in Clark Park to remember #Tortuguita, the forest defender killed near #Atlanta. About 70 people joined a vigil and talked about local struggles. One shared a memory of meeting Tort in the forest last year.

In West #Philly tonight, a small breakaway march from the vigil at Clark Park looped thru the streets and someone tagged “RIP TORT” on a Jersey barrier. #CopCity #Tortuguita

Graffiti in Solidarity with Atlanta and in Memory of Tortuguita in the South NJ

from Jersey Counter-Info


Graffiti placed in the Pinelands of NJ in solidarity with the struggle to Stop Cop City and to Defend the Atlanta Forest and in memory of Tortuguita who was murdered by police while defending the Atlanta Forest.






Abraham Lincoln Statue Vandalized, Graffiti Written


On the Night of December 26th, We spray painted “Dakota 38 +2” and threw orange paint on a statue of the genocidal colonizer Abraham Lincoln. We did this to honor the 38 +2 warriors who were executed  in the largest mass hanging that was signed off by Abraham Lincoln. We encourage  more actions to dismantle and destroy colonial capitalist statues and institutions that perpetuate oppression and exploitation. We also painted “Lenape Land Back” and “Antifa Zone” to  affirm that the struggle against colonial capitalism and fascism continues here in Lenapehoking and everywhere. Love and Solidarity to all our friends and accomplices globally.

Graffiti in Solidarity with Colorado Springs in South NJ

from Jersey Counter-Info

Many blame queers for the decline of this society—we take pride in this. Some believe that we intend to shred-to-bits this civilization and its moral fabric—they couldn’t be more accurate. We’re often described as depraved, decadent, and revolting—but oh, they ain’t seen nothing yet.
Let’s be explicit: We are criminal queer anarchists and this world is not and can never be enough for us. We want to annihilate bourgeois morality and make ruins of this world. We’re here to destroy what is destroying us.

Mary Nardini Gang – “Criminal Intimacy”

Anarchists in so-called New Jersey stand with our queer family who were executed at Club Q in Colorado Springs. The right has been waging an escalating campaign of violence against the queer community over the past several months killing and maiming us.

Liberals push to actively disarm us and prevent us from protecting our communities naively thinking the state will protect us. We intimately know they have never protected us and routinely commit violence against us.

We will not stand by and allow us and our community to be genocided. We will stand against all external threats and protect ourselves by any means necessary.

Against the Gendered Nightmare, Toward the Queerest Insurrection.

– some anarchists


NJ Stands with Colorado Springs. Fuck Pride We Want Revenge

Graffiti Written At FDR Meadows

from Twitter

We love art at the Meadows

Stop Cop City and Anarchist Graffiti in Philly


Toleration Statue Defaced on Columbus Day


On Columbus day, in the early morning we vandalized a colonizer statue on the Wissahickon trail. Phrases included: Decolonize, Land and Freedom, No Borders, No Nations, No More USA, (A)
We also covered the colonizer’s face, hands, and scroll in red paint.

Fighting colonization is a way to nurture a less hierarchical relation with the land and those that live on it.

Graffiti in Memory of Jennifer Laude in South NJ

from Jersey Counter-Info

Trans and queer anarchists in so-called southern New Jersey stand in solidarity with our siblings in the Philippines. We remember and lift up the memory of our international trans sister, Jennifer “Ganda” Laude, who was hate-crime murdered by U.S. Marine and transphobe Joseph Scott Pemberton on this day October 11, 2014. Pemberton poses a serious risk to communities everywhere as an “international pig” who got away with murder with the help of the U.S. military.

When the police murder with impunity domestically, marginalized people and those who stand in solidarity rise up, burn shit down, demand action, and force those in power to bow before the people. We remember and don’t give the state or its agents an inch. We must respond the same way when “soldiers”, international pigs, act the same way. We cannot make excuses for international pigs and their violence simply because it’s not directly in our faces every day.

With this in mind, we stand in solidarity and in power with Ganda, the larger trans and queer Filipino/a/x community, and trans and queer anarchists in the Philippines.

Death to Imperialism!

Death to Capitalism!

Death to the State!

For Trans and Queer anarchy!

– some anarchists


Graffiti on Fairmount Park Conservancy Signs


A few months ago Fairmount Park Conservancy put up 3 4-sided plastic strucures along the trail parallel to MLK BLVD. The signs advertise the park with a  website, twitter, QR and IG, and feature a list of shows/activities people can get involved with. Prior to this there were no obvious signs along the trail specifying what the space “was”, who it was being maintained by or what it was for.

Early Friday morning we wrote anti-development, anti-colonization and FDR meadows solidarity graffiti on the structures. We also covered up the QR codes and some of the social media handles. Beyond the message in the graffiti we hope the paint ruins the signs.

These signs, the cutting of trees in Cobbs Creek, the development in FDR Park are all forms of domesticating the land and those who move across it. Domestication runs counter to how we want to relate to spaces, ourselves and each other. We want to live wild lives beyond the control of any authority and for that we need wild spaces.

The development and domestication of wild spaces makes them less hospitable to wildlife, plant life, people wandering and living outside and anyone who wants to enjoy a space in autonomous, unorganized and illegal ways.

We dislike the Fairmount Park Conservancy because we’re not interested in conserving spaces, freezing in time spaces that would otherwise grow and change. Despite their name, the conservancy has a clear objective of designating spaces for certain kinds of activities, for certain kinds of people, in a topdown manner. The clearest example of this is their contribution to the destruction of the FDR meadows.

Development and domestication are inseparable from issues of race, colonization, gentrification and class. Check out for a way these things interact in spaces outside of residential neighborhoods.

Solidarity with the saboteurs at FDR, Cobbs Creek, the Atlanta Forest and everyone trying to widen the cracks!

Anti- Fascist Scavenger Hunt


As we end Black August, we’re calling for you to continue the fight alongside us.

We’re calling for an Anti-Fascist Scavenger Hunt!
Keep an eye out for right wing extremist street art and promotional materials around your hometown and surrounding area and take care of it – or better yet, make some of yer own! We’ll send you gear for every piece of opposition promotional material you tear down and every piece of leftist agitprop you put up.
Lefty Sticker Slap = Ruthless ARA Sticker
OG Lefty Street Art/Graffiti = 3 Grease Pens + ARA Stickers
Removed/Improved Fascist Art = Yellow Doc Marten Laces + AgitProp Sticker Pack
DM us the art on IG or email us securely @ ruthlesshbg161 (at) protonmail (dot) com and we’ll set up the best way to get you your stuff.
Happy Hunting!

Stay Ruthless!

Defend the Meadow Graffiti on Bulldozer

from Twitter

Looks like other people think the city’s plan to destroy the meadows is garbage. 🔥🔥🔥

Graffiti in Solidarity with Welaunee Forest Defenders From the Meadows of Lenapehoking (South Philly) for the Week of Action!


Graffiti in Solidarity with Welaunee Forest Defenders from the Meadows of Lenapehoking ( South Philly ) for the Week of Action that reads “From Welaunee Forest to the Meadows Defend Mother Earth Without Compromise!”

As our Friends and Comrades are fighting against the “Cop City” that is proposed to destroy the Welaunee Forest in Atlanta, We are connected in struggle here in the Lenni-Lenape meadows of so called “FDR” Park in South Philly. Over 100+ Acres of Meadows that that has rewilded is under threat of development by “astro-turf” sports fields and yuppie tourist shops. A large coalition of over 20+ groups and many autonomous people are resisting and will fight to defend the Meadows without compromise. The whole planet is under attack by colonial capitalist developers and the state and we are on the verge of runaway climate change! We need a global eco-revolution for our collective survival before it’s too late! So Destroy capitalism and the state! WHEREVER YOU ARE REVOLT FOR MOTHER EARTH!

Abort Every Court Graffiti


“Abort Every Court!” – All Courts Are Bad! – Anonymous in Philly