Nazi-Punching 101 with Linda Tirado

from Facebook

What’s so hard about denouncing Nazis? It should be clear that there is no room for equivocation or mincing words. Nazis must be denounced and stopped. How do we reach out to poor white youth who are being recruited into white supremacist groups? What do we say to liberals who want to find a way to de-escalate without calling out the harm done by hate groups? How do you answer the messed up and false equivalency of the violence perpetrated by white supremacists and Nazis to the acts of resistance by Antifa and others who demonstrate solidarity with marginalized communities?

Linda Tirado is a freelance writer and activist who has spoken around the globe about what it’s like to be poor in America. She is the author of Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America. Before she wrote books Tirado was a night cook in rural Utah. Described as having “a way with words that’s both breezy and blunt,” she works to make the lives of America’s working class slightly more tolerable, although she dreams of the day that America wakes up and realizes that there’s no moral distinction between collecting food stamps and writing off business lunches on one’s taxes because either way the taxpayer is feeding people.

[October 19 from 7-9pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

True Moon•Allvaret•Ruddland•J20 Benefit

from Facebook

True moon (Sweden)
Spooky post punk that’s slightly poppy?

Allvaret (Sweden)
FFO- the vicious, terrible feelings

Ruddland(Phl) your favorite Paul Rudd-Sisters of Mercy coverband

[October 17 at 7PM at Cousin Danny’s]

IWW Proto Branch Meeting

from Facebook

Monthly IWW branch meeting will be in the Basemnt of the Wooden Shoe.
[October 1st from 6-9PM at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

October Letter Writing & Disrupt IACP

from Philadelphia ABC

When: Monday, October 2nd, 2017 . 6:30-8:30 PM

: LAVA, 4134 Lancaster Avenue

October is a significant month for the anti-police struggle. In June of 1996, a diverse coalition of organizers came together to strengthen the peoples’ resistance to police brutality. October 22 was the date selected for a National Day of Protest (NDP) against police brutality and the criminalization of a generation. O22 has been bookmarked for anti-police demonstrations ever since.

This year, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is hosting their annual conference at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia on October 21-24th. In response, opposition has called for mobilizations to disrupt the IACP conference.

Philly ABC endorses disrupting the IACP conference and supports diverse community resistance to police terror.

In the spirit of fighting back, we’ll be featuring anti-police struggle political prisoners at our upcoming letter writing event on October 2nd, at 6:30pm at Lava. Join us for tasty vegan treats, as we ensure our imprisoned comrades, Alvaro Luna Hernandez, Reverend Joy Powell, and Josh Williams, know they are not forgotten. We will also be signing birthday cards for political prisoners with birthdays this month – Skelly Stafford (October 3rd), Jamil Al-Amin (October 4th), Mike Africa (October 6th), David Gilbert (October 6th), Malik Smith (October 8th), Seth Hayes (October 15th), Jalil Muntaqim (October 18th), and Eddie Africa (October 31st). If you cannot make it to the event, consider dropping one or more of them a line this month. This time is also dedicated to the hundreds of lives lost to badge-wearing, uniformed gang members who kill with impunity.

Brick x brick – wall x wall – free them all!
Philly ABC

– –
Rest In Power Chris Monfort. We’ll never forget you.

Antifa: the Anti-Fascist Handbook

from Facebook

Discussion with author Mark Bray

As long as there has been fascism, there has been anti-fascism — also known as “antifa.” Born out of resistance to Mussolini and Hitler in Europe during the 1920s and ’30s, the antifa movement has suddenly burst into the headlines amidst opposition to the Trump administration and the alt-right. They could be seen in news reports, clad all in black with balaclavas covering their faces, fighting police at the presidential inauguration, and on California college campuses protesting right-wing speakers …

Simply, antifa aims to deny fascists the opportunity to promote their oppressive politics — by any means necessary. Critics say shutting down political adversaries is anti-democratic; antifa adherents argue that the horrors of fascism must never be allowed the slightest chance to triumph again.

In a smart and gripping investigation, historian and former Occupy Wall Street organizer Mark Bray provides a one-of-a-kind look inside the movement, including a detailed survey of its history from its origins to the present day — the first transnational history of postwar anti-fascism in English. Based on interviews with anti-fascists from around the world, Antifa details the tactics of the movement and the philosophy behind it, offering insight into the growing but little understood resistance fighting back against the alt-right.
[September 16th from 7PM to 9PM at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

9/9/17: First Philly ABC Letter-writing event on Anniversary of Prison Strike

from Philly ABC

When: Saturday, September 9th, 2017 . 2-5PM
: LAVA, 4134 Lancaster Avenue

Join the newly formed Philly ABC for the first of what will soon be monthly prisoner letter-writing events!  Letter-writing supplies, stamps, and light refreshments will be provided — just bring yourself, friends and comrades.

We will be listening to a podcast featuring two of the prison strike organizers, Siddique Abdullah Hasan and Kinetic Justice.  Hasan is a prison Imam, a skilled writer, and a compassionate mentor and friend to fellow inmates. He was placed on death-row for his alleged leadership role in the 1993 Lucasville rebellion, which occurred shortly before his scheduled release, but he maintains innocence. Kinetic of the Free Alabama Movement has been locked up in solitary confinement for years for organizing, in his words, non-violence protests against the prison system in Alabama.  We will also be signing birthday cards for political prisoners who have birthdays this month: Brian Vaillancourt (Sept 5th), Leonard Peltier (Sept 12th), and Abdul Maumin Khabir (Sept 15th).

For reports and analysis of the 2016 prison strike see The Fire Inside.

If you can’t make it to the event but would like to write on your own:

Siddique Abdullah Hasan (Carlos A. Sanders) #R130559
Ohio State Penitentiary
P.O. Box 1436
Youngstown, OH 44505

Kinetik Justice (In letter, use chosen name Kinetik Justice but address envelope to:)
Robert Earl Council, 181418
Limestone CF D69
28779 Nick Davis Rd.
Harvest, AL 35749

Brian Vaillancourt #M42889
Robinson Correctional Institution
13423 East 1150th Ave.
Robinson, IL 62454

Leonard Peltier -132
USP Coleman I
P.O. Box 1033
Coleman, FL 33521

Abdul Maumin Khabir (aka Melvin Mayes) #09891-000
Federal Medical Center Rochester
P.O. Box 4000
Rochester, MN 55903

Assembly: A discussion with Micheal Hardt

from Facebook

Drawing on ideas developed through their well-known Empire trilogy, Hardt and Negri have produced, in ASSEMBLY, a timely proposal for how current large-scale horizontal movements can develop the capacities for political strategy and decision-making to effect lasting and democratic change.

In recent years “leaderless” social movements have proliferated around the globe, from North Africa and the Middle East to Europe, the Americas, and East Asia. Some of these movements have led to impressive gains: the toppling of authoritarian leaders, the furthering of progressive policy, and checks on repressive state forces. They have also been, at times, disorganized and ineffectual, or suppressed by disoriented and perplexed police forces and governments who fail to effectively engage them.

Why have the movements, which address the needs and desires of so many, not been able to achieve lasting change and create a new, more democratic and just society? If these new social movements are to achieve meaningful revolution, they must invent effective modes of assembly and decision-making structures that rely on the broadest democratic base. We have not yet seen what is possible when the multitude assembles.
[September 7 from 7PM to 9PM at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

J20 Benefit BBQ

from Facebook









Donate to philly area j20 defendants using the link below

Other ways to help:::

There will be an information table with zines and other media meant to help educate and inform people about the situation with J20 defendants, anarchism, mutual aid, state repression, community building and related subjects. I also plan to have an appearance by a public speaker that will speak on these points as well. Punk is undeniably political and the political is undeniably personal. We need to have more conversations with each other and our communities at large about social and political issues and movements. We can teach each other how to make this fucked up world a better place, as we all have varying experiences and lessons learned from those experiences. If anyone has any offering to contribute to this event in this way please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s strengthen our community and stand in solidarity with each other in every way possible.


Racist, sexist, homo/transphobic, mysoginist, predatorial behavior at this event will end very badly for the perpetrator so stay the fuck home if that’s your m.o.

[September 2 from 3 to 11pm at Time Shaped Cube $10]

Guerillas of Desire Book Launch, with Kevin Van Meter

from Facebook

Behind the smiling faces of cashiers, wait staff, and workers of all sorts, a war is going on, usually without the knowledge of official political and labor organizations. Guerrillas of Desire maps these undercurrents, documenting the history of everyday resistance under slavery, in peasant life, and throughout modern capitalism, while showing that it remains an important factor in revolution and something radicals of all stripes must understand. Join the author for a reading and discussion.
[August 31 from 7pm to 10pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

RAM Philly – Fundraiser House Party!

from Facebook

Help us raise funds for our new location in Philly!!!!
You can add to the
The Fundraiser will have entertainment from:

Shelf Life:

Buncha Hamms

The Four Of Us Are Dying:
Sludge w/ a taste of weed

Steve Layman:
Just a Layman

Kevin McLaughlin solo shit

Darren will be providing 1$ hamms and 2$ shots all night long so please come out to support!

3$ – 5#
No Jerks
No Aggro
If you don’t like it, leave.

Philly IWW BBQ

from Facebook

Fun BBQ for the Philly IWW there will be vegan/vegatarian options. Note: there will be an IWW meeting at the some sopt and ay at 3pm an hour before the BBQ starts. It will be ar the corner of 43rd and Baltimore ner the farmers market. We will also have liturature and information about the IWW. Feel free to bring music ,play guitar or read poetry.


[August 26 2PM to 6PM at Clark Park 43rd St and Baltimore Ave]

Vegan Brunch by Food Not Bombs!

from Facebook

Back by popular uprising! On August 26th from 10AM-3PM Food Not Bombs will be holding ANOTHER all vegan brunch, book and art sale to raise funds for comrades. $5-$10 for brunch (no one turned away for lack of funds!) Tons of great books, radical merhcandise and art for sale.

ALL money collected will go to in need comrades, we will update with specific recipients soon!

[LAVA Space 4134 Lancaster Ave]

Benefit show for Sophia (Hospitalized by Police)

from Facebook

An amazing friend and accomplice Sophia was beaten by police at an Alt-Right Counter Rally in Seattle the day after Charlotesville. Most of y’all knew her when she lived in Philly, but now she goes to school in Seattle.

At the counter-rally, she was hospitalized and had to get a ct scan and stitches in her head. We are trying to raise money for her to cover her hospital bills (copay for insurance, and any healing requirements). We are looking for bands willing to play a set for her! if you are interested, please message us, or comment!

Door fee will be sliding scale, if you can do 5-10 bucks, that’d be great, if you can’t donate, no one will be turned away.

Here is her statement:
“Hey y’all I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing okay. Yesterday I had to go to the hospital after being hit in the head multiple times with a wooden baton. I had to have lacerations in my scalp stitched up and get a ct scan. All results came back clear with no internal bleeding or skull fracture. I am still on watch for any vision, neck and nerve problems that might occur from blunt force to the head. I am so thankful that I currently have health insurance and all of my medical expenses besides a co-pay are covered. Thank you to so many of you who reached out about helping with medical expenses. I encourage you to donate funds to folks effected in Charlottesville. My injury resulted from police protecting white supremacists. They are reporting no injuries even though many folks were attacked with chemical weapons, flash bangs, and blunt force. The police do not exist for protection. They exist to uphold oppression, white supremacy, capitalist interests and will use any means necessary to do so. This injury will not keep me off the streets and I will continue to fight. I am just so thankful that injuries were not worse.” please to not share for protection, but you can copy/paste if you would like”

[August 24 from 8PM to 10PM at LAVA Space 4134 Lancaster Ave]

Vigil for Protester Murdered in Charlottesville Today

from Facebook

[August 12 7PM to 9PM at City Hall]

Holding Together In the Face Of State Repression

from Facebook

A Conversation With Tilted Scales Collective, Human Rights Coalition and Philly J20 Defendants On How To Beat The Authorities When They Drag Us Into Court

In April of 2010 six prisoners at SCI-Dallas were charged with riot after a coordinated protest against abusive conditions in solitary cofinement durng which they covered their cell doors with sheets and bedding material. On January 20 2017 over two hundred protestors who attended a spirited ‘anti-fascist, anti-capitalist’ march were chased by police, assaulted with chemical weapons and mass arrested. They were initially charged with riot and conspiracy. Several months later those charges were expanded to include numerous other felonies and the 211 remaining defendants face up to 75 years in prison. The case against most defendants is not that they specifically commited a crime, but that they entered into a criminal conspiracy by covering their faces and wearing black. How do we defend our movements when the authoriteis attack? How do we work together to win in court and protect each other?

Join Human Rights Coalition (a group of prisoners families and supporters), Philly J20 defendants and The Titled Scales Collective (a Los Angeles based legal support collective) for a conversation about how we act together to keep each other safe. Tilted Scales will be in town discussing their ‘Tilted Guide To Being A Defendant’, a comprehensive guide to facing charges in the criminal legal system to help defendants not only figure out how to handle their legal cases, but also how to think about their cases personally, politically and legaly. People who have faced cases or who are currently caught up are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussion. Of course we will not talk about specifics about any case (what someone did or did not do that led to charges) in a way that could jeaporadize anyones legal defense. However, we will talk about ways we can act in solidarity in the courts and through the legal process and how we can build resilient movements that can withstand state repression. Come and be a part of the conversation!

Sponsored By Up Against The Law Legal Collecitve, Philly J20 Solidarity, Tilted Scales Collective, Human Rights Coalition, Irish Against Oppression and Decarcerate PA

[August 8 from 6:30PM to 8:30PM a Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55 N Broad St]