Black Rose Movie Night: The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution

from Instagram

There will be a showing of The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution at Wooden Shoe Books on Sunday, Feb 25th @ 7pm followed by a discussion of the Black Panther Party from an anarchist perspective.

[Wooden Shoe Books and Records 704 South St]

Food for the Body and the Mind-a MOVE Fundraiser

from Facebook

Big tasty dinner, brought to you by Food Not Bombs Solidarity!
Chili, cornbread, soup, greens, rice/veg, salad, cupcakes-
This is a fundraiser for the MOVE organization, also a panel discussion event live-streamed from NYC will be shown here.
Free-will donation, $7-10 requested
sit n eat n watch the livestream , or take your dinner home!

[February 24 from 5PM to 8PM at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]

Monday Feb 12th: Show some love to Debbie & Mike Africa for Valentine’s Day

from Philly ABC

MOVE members and partners Debbie and Mike Africa have been incarcerated since 1978, spending years apart from each other, their children and families and from our community. Right before Valentine’s Day, let’s show them a little love and send them a stack of letters so they know we are still fighting with them from the outside. We will also be sending out birthday cards to all political prisoners with birthdays in February– Veronza Bowers & Norm Lowry (the 4th), Kamau Sadiki (the 19th), Oso Blanco (the 26th), and Ana Belen Montes (the 28th). North Philly Food Not Bombs will provide a vegetarian dinner!


[February 12 from 6:30PM to 9PM at LAVA Space 4134 Lancaster Ave]

Go Birds

from Instagram

We’ve seen these beautiful pieces of artwork floating around our social media the last few days

[Go Birds
Fuck The Patriots
Fuck 12
City Hall 2/4
After the Super Bowl
Bird Bloc]

J20 info session and support dinner

from Facebook

Greetings Friends,

Many of you may have heard that there was a substantial victory this past week in the cases of the more than 200 people (collectively referred to as the J20) arrested and charged at last year’s Inauguration Day protests in Washington DC. 129 people had their charges dropped, while 59 people still face multiple felonies and potentially decades of jailtime.

In an article appearing in The Intercept on Friday, one of the defendants, Miel Macchio, who was acquitted in the first trial, notes that “the dismissals are a testament to the success of the defendants’ collective defense strategy. By refusing to plea and instead coordinating their defense, the accused succeeded in thwarting the government’s effort to collectively punish dissent. ‘What we are [now] seeing, is a strategic narrowing of the government’s case,” Macchio says, “Those still facing charges are now much more vulnerable as a smaller group.'”

On this coming Sunday, January 28, from 5:30-7:30pm we will be hosting a J20 InfoSession and Support Dinner at 5835 Hadfield Street in West Philadelphia. This will be a chance for folks to gather in one place in order to be updated on the current situation, to learn how they can get involved and provide support for those still facing charges, and to generally share food and company together.

We will be making a big batch of vegan chili and some cornbread, but it would be great if others could bring and contribute food to the mix as well!

Again, the basic details:
What: J20 InfoSession and Support Dinner
When: Sunday, January 28 from 5:30-7:30pm
Where: 5835 Hadfield Street, Philly 19143

Hope you can make it!

In struggle,

Emily & Layne

Movie Screening

from Instagram

Everything u need to kno is on the flyer ^^ catch u there ^_^ #massivewildprotets #potential #powerful #impressive #moviescreening #philly #phillyanarchy

[7PM January 20th at Wooden Shoe 704 South St Free Wheelchair Accessible]

Vegan Brunch Spectacular!

from Facebook

That’s right, it’s time! Us North Philly Food Not Bombadiers wish to honor the one year anniversary of a day that shook this planet: January 20th of 2017, the day trump seized the mantle of control of this (lol) ‘democracy’. To oppose trump and his zombies, there were some brave and marvelous souls that took to the streets, galvanized into fierce action, and kicked off a wave of rebellion that has not ceased yet (we hope it never does!). Essentially they put their lives on the line, as hundreds are facing what amounts life sentences for their public defiance.

We want to offer up another all vegan brunch fundraiser as a means for people to get together, forge bonds and to hold space for this important day. Everything will be completely vegan and delicious. We will invite some other wonderful radical groups into the mix too, there will surely be some fantastic books and art.

Please make it out! Each brunch we’ve done has been better then the last. We will update menu and location as soon as confirmed!

[10AM to 3PM January 20 Location Cindergarden-Ask a skunk!]

First meeting of the Official Philadelphia IWW GMB

from Facebook

The first meeting of the Official Philadelphia IWW General Membership Branch.We will discuss who to adapt to being chartered and organizing leads.
[January 7 from 6:00 PM9:00 PM at Wooden Shoe Books and Records 704 South St]

A Benefit for The Wooden Shoe w/ Thulsa Doom & More at JB’s

from Facebook



With the help of staff at Johnny Brenda’s, the collective, volunteer supporters and friends of Wooden Shoe Books and Records are kicking off a fundraiser to expand the music collection. Founded in 1976, the Wooden Shoe is an all-volunteer, collectively-run, anarchist book and record store on South street in Philadelphia. Special thanks to Billy of Population Zero for setting this up. Come out of the cold and heat up.





8PM Doors / $10 / 21+

[Johnny Brenda’s 1201 N. Frankford Ave]

Nightfall / Serqet (RVA) / Somnium Mori / Schiamachy

From Facebook

Nightfall – Hardcore and noise against the bloodsuckers

Serqet (RVA) – Anarcho-Goth featuring members of Asylum & Lost Tribe

Somnium Mori – Darkwave punk

Schiamachy – Melodic driving crust

Proceeds will go to the J20 Defense Fund
$7-10 sliding scale

[December 9 at Cousin Dannys]

Holiday Card Party for US-held Political Prisoners

from Philly ABC

Join Philly Anarchist Black Cross as we send holiday cards to political prisoners. We will send cards and warm wishes to our friends and comrades inside. Maintaining and building relationships with them is the crux of what we do, so we will be sending cards to as many PPs and POWs as possible.

North Philly Food Not Bombs will serve up dinner!

[December 4 at 6:30 at LAVA Space 4134 Lancaster Ave]

J20 Benefit – N.E.G Release/Final Gig w Nosebleed, + more

from Facebook

N.E.G says goodbye for good, but not without the release of their forthcoming EP, “Shackles”.. all money from this gig will be donated to the J20 defendant/bail fund, to help alleviate financial pressure during the trial of all J20 arrestees.

N.E.G (PHL) – FINAL GIG & ALBUM RELEASE ‘American hardcore meets Swedish d-beat’

Nosebleed (RVA) – Catchy, fast, d-beat, hardcore punk, they’ve got it all.

Inteloper (PHL) – Relentlessly fast d-beat featuring Kiser himself

Syringe (MD) – Baltimore based duo-vocal crust, top notch

Alement (PHL) – The finest display of metallic crust this city has to offer
7 PM Doors, 8 PM Music

[November 22 in West Philly Baby]

November Letter Writing – Anti-Colonialism

from Philly ABC

On the forth Thursday of November every year, Americans gather to feast on turkey in honor of colonialism. While most Americans are busy stuffing their mouths and excusing themselves, since the early 70’s, indigenous activists have countered this holiday with the National Day of Mourning and Unthanksgiving Day to address genocide and continuing native struggles. See Leonard Peltier’s 2015 Day of Mourning statement discussing his case, his plea for support from Obama (who did not grant him clemency despite overwhelming support), and his health around that time which unfortunately continues to suffer due to inadequate medical care in prison. Also in 2015, Jason Hammond released his Don’t Eat the Fucking Turkey statement, where he announced his protest of Thanksgiving from inside prison by means of fasting and telling the stories of anti-colonial resistance movements. He encouraged all of us to do the same. If a prisoner can do it, so can we!

Philly ABC is hosting an anti-colonialist letter writing in solidarity with indigenous freedom fighters held captive in the Unites States. Join us Monday November 6th, 6:30pm at Lava! Brings your friends and send some love to Oso BlancoLeonard Peltier, and Red Fawn Fallis. We’ll also be sending birthday cards to Ed Poindexter (Nov. 1st) and Josh Williams (Nov. 25th).

From all of Philly ABC,
Fuck Thanksgiving!

CrimethInc.: From Democracy to Freedom

from Facebook

Democracy is the most universal political ideal of our day. George Bush invoked it to justify invading Iraq; Obama congratulated the rebels of Tahrir Square for bringing it to Egypt; Occupy Wall Street claimed to have distilled its pure form. From the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the autonomous region of Rojava, practically every government and popular movement calls itself democratic.

And yet it was democracy that brought Donald Trump to power, not to mention Adolf Hitler.

What is democracy, precisely? How can we defend ourselves against democratically-elected tyrants? Is there a difference between government and self-determination, and are there other ways to describe what we are doing together when we make decisions? Drawing on the latest book from the CrimethInc. collective, the presenters will explore these questions and more. Join us for a lively discussion!

[October 27 7PM to 9PM at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Films Against Fascism

from Facebook

Come watch antifascist films at the Wooden Shoe!
Free food! Vegan options available.

Recommended donation: $10.
All proceeds go to J20 defendants.

[October 22 from 5:00 PM – 9:30 PM at 704 South St]