Abolish ICE & the Police – A Discussion

from Facebook

Hear from a panel of movement leaders from the im/migrants, anti-police brutality, and Palestine solidarity movements and join in a discussion on the need to abolish ICE and the police.

In recent weeks, a powerful movement has risen across the country to fightback against the war on im/migrants and refugees, with the call to abolish ICE gaining greater momentum.

In Philadelphia, the ongoing occupation at the ICE offices and now City Hall has helped to elevate this demand, along with the longstanding fight to shut down the Berks Detention Center and end PARS – a program of cooperation between the Philly police and ICE.

The Philadelphia Police work not only with ICE but also with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), and send cops to Israel for joint training. Israel – with economic, political, and military support from the U.S. – continues its brutal occupation of Palestine, recently enshrining the apartheid state into law.

Much like the IDF, the police play a similar role in terrorizing Black and Brown communities here. For many years, the streets have been filled to fight back against police brutality, and call for an end to stop and frisk and to abolish the police.

How can we link and unite the struggle to abolish ICE and the police? Can we build greater solidarity between our movements for liberation here with international struggles? What’s the connection between ICE, the police, and U.S. wars waged against people abroad?

Join us for the discussion, including:
* Teresa Gutierrez, national leader of FIRE – Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere\
* Carmen Guerrero, Shut Down Berks Coalition
* Reportback from recent delegation to the U.S./Mexico border
* more TBA


from Instagram

CONTACT: occupyphl@protonmail.com
We the activists of the #OccupyICEPHL encampment are pleased that Mayor Kenney has met our first demand: to end Philadelphia’s resource-sharing agreement with ICE, known as the PARS (Preliminary Arraignment Reporting System) Agreement. With this municipal collusion with ICE, fueled by stop-and-frisk, Philadelphia has the highest arrest rate of immigrants with no criminal convictions in the country. We see the decision not to renew the PARS Agreement as a major victory for our occupation and for reducing the state-sanctioned violence against Philadelphia’s immigrant communities.
In response to this victory and Mayor Kenney’s demand that we leave by 2pm today, we are taking immediate steps to de-camp our City Hall occupation. Our decision to leave City Hall was reached to ensure our most vulnerable comrades are not placed at risk of police violence. We are not going home, we are not finished with our efforts; we are packing up this encampment and securing our resources before another raid, like the raid at the ICE office, takes and trashes the majority of our resources the community has been so helpful to provide.
We are taking today to safely organize our comrades and resources around our remaining demands: to end stop-and-frisk in Philadelphia, to shut down the Berks County Residential Center, and to abolish ICE in all its forms. Yesterday we celebrated a victory. Today we remember what steps are left to complete for our goal of a sanctuary city and eventually a sanctuary country. We stand in solidarity with Juntos, Cosecha, New Sanctuary Movement, our community and everyone affected by the unjust practices of our government.

International Day of Solidarity with Antifa Prisoners Card Night

from Facebook

Originating in 2014 as a Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian man serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans, the call for an International Day of Solidarity with Antifa Prisoners is intended to be a way through which the global anti fascist community demonstrates its solidarity with people who have been kidnapped by the state for anti-fascist actions. This could be demonstrated in many ways through direct actions, fundraisers, or other events done in solidarity with these wonderful bad asses. Join Philly ABC on July 30th at LAVA to write cards to international antifa prisoners ( list found here: https://nycantifa.wordpress.com/global-antifa-prisoner-list/). Refreshments provided by North Philly Food Not Bombs!
[4134 Lancaster Ave from 6:30 PM9:30 PM]

Prison Strike Info Session: Prison Rebellion/Outside Complicity

from Facebook

A presentation and discussion in the lead-up to the upcoming national prison strike beginning August 21st, 2018. We’ll cover a quick analysis of prisons and policing in the U.S., some history of prisoner resistance during the rise of mass incarceration, and emphasize organizing and rebellion inside over the past decade. We’ll also take a closer look at outside actions during the national prison strike in 2016 to try and glean lessons and inspiration to continue supporting those fighting inside while undermining and attacking prisons and policing beyond the prison walls themselves.

“August 2018 is going to be lit. By that we mean: massive,
transformative, world-changing.”

For the initial strike call, see:

For more info, see:


For more additional information about the info night or if you have any questions please email delawarevalleyanti-prisonnetwork@protonmail.com

Block Party at ICE Office

from Twitter

[114 N. 8th St.

Bring friends! chairs! food! music!]

Movement for No Society Book Launch

from Facebook

The launch for a new book that examines insurgent struggles, social movements and their paths through Philadelphia history.

Pacifist ideals and reformist strategies have long held sway over the radical imagination in Philadelphia. Insurrectionary activity is willfully misunderstood, and its historical legacy largely forgotten. Movement for No Society explores some of the historical conditions for our situation and attempts to recover insurgent possibilities in Philadelphia’s history.

A short presentation and discussion will explore recent struggles in Philly, the conditions for this book’s emergence and the idea of direct struggle.

[7PM June 24 at W/N W/N Coffee Bar 931 Spring Garden St]

Philadelphia, PA (USA): BBQ for anarchist prisoners

from June 11th

On June 11th in Philly we had a vegan barbecue in an autonomous garden. We raised money for anarchist prisoners and had a nice time hanging in the sun. We had anti-prison and anti-police literature on hand.

Up with autonomous spaces!
Down with prisons!
Anarchist prisoners we are with you!

Celebrating 10 Years of Community & Resistance


hey comrades – 10 years the philly anticapitalist melieu played an central role in the community self-defense against a joint raid by the Philadelphia Police Department and Homeland Security  – please come celebrate with us as we pass the 10 year mark of this autonomous self-organized and financed community center in north philly.
June 9 Hip Hop Show
Rebel Diaz, Tef Poe, Hing Capo, Iron MIC, Trav TBR
June 13 Raid Party
June 16 Friends & Family Reunion & Cookout
[1652 Ridge Ave]

Anarchism and Revolutionary Strategy: Insurrectionary Councilism

from It’s Going Down

This piece is a companion to another from the Radical Education Department, “The Insurrectionary Campus: A Strategy Proposal”, which originally ran on It’s Going Down. That article was a specific application of the wider theoretical and strategic framework developed here.

Download and Print Here


How can anarchists help mobilize mass revolutionary struggle in America?

Socio-political fascism is on the rise again, giving this question fresh urgency.  But that rise is the result of the basic structures of neoliberal capital.  Fascism is the ruling social class’ attempt to tame a basic contradiction.  Capitalism’s ruthless domination of human life and nature drives economic and ecological catastrophes and growing rebellion. To suppress widespread unrest, the establishment mobilizes the white supremacy, patriarchy, xenophobia, and militarism that have always been essential to capital, combining them in a more nakedly and aggressively authoritarian state. Trump is merely the puppet of this dynamic.  America is hardly unique. The dynamic plays itself out in different ways and in various degrees in India, Russia, Turkey, Europe, and beyond.

Anarchists are facing a historic opportunity.  We are witnessing an unprecedented outpouring of resistance in America, building on long-standing radical struggles. And in recent decades, anarchist ideas and practices have played an essential role in organizing radical resistance—from consensus-based decision-making to affinity groups, horizontal assemblies, and emphasis on decentralized direct action.  This influence was obvious in the Global Justice Movement, in Occupy, and in Antifa coalitions today.  Moreover, Trump’s brand of state fascism has sparked a crisis within the ruling class itself; it hasn’t fully established itself inside the state.

All of this means anarchists are poised to play a powerful role in helping organize a radical challenge to fascism’s rise and the oppressive society that requires fascism to function.  But radical struggle is deeply fractured and reactive. How are anarchists to respond? In recent years, anti-authoritarians have debated a number of organizing possibilities to channel radical energy into mass projects: using insurrectionary methods to assert our freedom and provoke the masses into action; building coalitions of multiple leftist groups, like in Antifa; emphasizing  “cadre politics”, entering existing mass movements to push them leftwards; creating and expanding specifically anarchist movements (“especifismo”); organizing workplace, neighborhood, or city councils (as in anarchosyndicalism or, in a different way, in Occupy); and beyond.

“For huge swaths of the radical left, the idea of building a new hierarchical party or group is justly discredited.  This is an important part of the growing appeal of anarchism for the radical left today.”

To this debate—and drawing in various ways on all these traditions and beyond—I propose an “insurrectionary councilism.”  This proposal is rooted in an analysis of the material conditions anarchists face today.  Capital is undergoing an uneven, combined regression into more savage and direct forms of domination.  At the same time, the radical left is beginning to congeal into a more radical form but remains deeply divided.  In this context, insurrectionary councilism does not focus on either entering existing mass struggles (like in cadre politics) or building a specifically anarchist movement (as in especifismo).  Following the lead of Antifa in Michigan and Charlottesville as well as the tradition of anarchosyndicalism, it calls for something else: creating radical, hybrid councils of delegates from the most radical anarchist and non-anarchist groups in a city for the sake of an experimental, federated, direct-action oriented system.

These are the aims of an insurrectionary councilism: to help tap into and share the rich and deep experience of groups too long separated from each other; to use those connections to build revolutionary solidarity and networks of coordinated radical action; and therefore to help congeal the revolutionary power of the radical left—to capitalize on this moment of crisis and danger.  The aim is a more vibrant, intersectional, and coordinated federation of revolutionary groups.

This proposal emerges out of my work with the Radical Education Department.  RED is a “pan-radical left,” rather than a strictly anarchist, organization. But it contains a strong anarchist current, and it is attempting to put many of these ideas into practice in Philadelphia. Ultimately, this proposal is self-consciously provisional. Arising out of RED’s experiments, it means above all to provoke non-dogmatic strategies, tactics, and ideas to help combine radicals and add to the creation of a powerful, broad, and revolutionary mass movement.  It will, of course, need to be challenged, revised, and rethought as these experiments continue.

Organizer Training 101

from Philly IWW

West Virginia. Oklahoma. Arizona.

Burgerville. Stardust Diner. The Onion. Vox.

Labor has found its voice again. Do you want to be apart of this labor movement? Join the Philadelphia IWW for our organizer 101 training to learn how to organize your workplace.


Running Down the Walls Registration Open

from Instagram

Registration is open for #Philadelphia #RunningDownTheWalls 2018! Visit https://phillyabc.wordpress.com/rdtw/ and sign up now!
#PoliticalPrisoners #EmptyTheCages @themoveorganization

Tips for Getting Sponsors for your run:

Insurgent SupremacistsThe US Far Right’s Challenge to State & Empire

from Instagram


A major study of movements that strive to overthrow the U.S. government, that often claim to be anti-imperialist and sometimes even anti-capitalist yet also consciously promote inequality, hierarchy, and domination, generally along explicitly racist, sexist, and homophobic lines. Revolutionaries of the far right: insurgent supremacists.

In this book, Matthew N. Lyons takes readers on a tour of neonazis and Christian theocrats, by way of the patriot movement, the LaRouchites, and the alt-right. Supplementing this, thematic sections explore specific dimensions of far-right politics, regarding gender, decentralism, and anti-imperialism.

Intervening directly in debates within left and antifascist movements, Lyons examines both the widespread use and abuse of the term “fascism,” and the relationship between federal security forces and the paramilitary right. His final chapter offers a preliminary analysis of the Trump presidential administration relationship with far-right politics and the organized far right’s shifting responses to it.

Both for its analysis and as a guide to our opponents, Insurgent Supremacists promises to be a powerful tool in organizing to resist the forces at the cutting edge of reaction today.

[May 16 at 7PM at Wooden Shoe Books & Records 704 South Street]

Meet Your Wobblies!

from Facebook

This International Worker’s Memorial Day, socialize with your local IWW and memorialize fallen workers!
This is a family friendly event with snacks, beverages and boardgames for the Junior Wobblies!
Solidarity Forever!

[April 28 from 1pm to 5pm at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]

Solidarity Not Borders: From Athens to Philadelphia

from Facebook

Come to the Wooden Shoe to learn about non-state, non-NGO solidarity work with global migrants, with a focus on Greece. Collective member Sharon Jacobs will share experiences from months living and organizing with migrants in an Athens squat, and we will watch an episode of the subMedia show Trouble connecting the situation in Athens with migrant struggles around the world. We’ll discuss connections between Greece and other places where migrants face state repression and human rights violations, within a context of international conflict and imperialism.

This event is being held in solidarity with Refugee Accommodation and Solidarity Space City Plaza (https://www.facebook.com/sol2refugeesen/) and the #17m18ActionDay against anti-migration policies between states.

[March 18 from 7PM to 9PMat Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Antifascist Education (a discussion)

from Facebook

The Radical Education Department (RED) is hosting a discussion about anti-fascist education in both senses of this expression: i) educating ourselves about the deep and broad history of anti-fascism; and ii) mobilizing education as a weapon for anti-fascist struggles today.

The discussion will explore the connections between fascism, capitalism, the patriarchy, and racism, as well as the ways that liberal ideology abets fascist movements by misrepresenting issues such as violence and free speech. It will also point out the importance of linking the many sites of antifascist struggles at universities, prisons, public monuments, and beyond.

Ultimately, the discussion will map possibilities for countering a rising tide of fascism with a broad radical left politics that isn’t only on the defensive but goes on the offensive!

This event has been organized by John-Patrick Schultz and Gabriel Rockhill, who are founding members of RED, an autonomous collective dedicated to the construction of a radical internationalist Left through the training and federation of its cultural warriors. They will be joined in the conversation by two longstanding activists: Ania Loomba, who has recently been involved with the Campus Antifascist Network, and Kempster (Ghani) Songster, co-founder of The Redemption Project. For more information and/or to get involved: https://radicaleducationdepartment.wordpress.com/

[March 15 from 7PM to 9PM at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]