November 7-8, 2015: 2nd Annual Torch Anti-Fascist Conference in Philadelphia

from Philly Antifa

This November 7th and 8th Antifa Philadelphia is proud to host the 2nd annual Torch Antifascist Network conference. The Torch Antifa network is comprised of autonomous Antifascist groups who share information and resources. We expose, oppose and confront Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Anti-migrant and Anti-Choice groups and individuals, as well as other bigots and fascists.

For more info on our analysis of fascism and our points of unity, as well as contact info for our chapters, go to

We do not believe that these groups a small problem. Thousands upon thousands of act of violence and discrimination are perpetrated in this country by people who belong to these organizations every year. Thousands more by people who may not hold formal membership from fear or laziness but have similar beliefs. These cases are isolated and minimized as much as possible because the media has no interest in vilifying sexists or white supremacists the way they do Muslims, Black people and environmentalists.

In reality groups like American Freedom Party, Blood and Honor USA and the KKK recruit, train and embolden the “lone wolf” shooters, bombers and bashers. They also profit from it in money and privilege while injecting their racist, sexist and homophobic analysis into the mainstream political dialogue and making any sort of better world impossible.

The tactics of Torch and groups like us have proven effective time and time again for years all over the world for neutralizing our enemies organizing abilities and recruiting methods. Because Antifa represent another example of people power trumping state authority, specifically its desire to coddle racists and fascists, repression for Antifascists has become a normal expectation. This, partnered with the danger represented by the Fascists themselves, makes attending this conference all the more crucial.

We are calling on all Anti-Racists, Anti-Fascists and egalitarians to join us in Philadelphia this fall to Network and socialize and maybe get involved in Torch.

This conference will include both a public and private portion. The public portion will be open to all interested (no Fascists, obviously). More information on exact events will be released as the conference approaches. The private portion will be only for Torch Network members and potential members who have been vouched in. So crews looking to join the network should contact us via the closest chapter to you (contact info below) as soon as possible.

Housing is available to vouched Antifascists. Food will be provided at the public events.

If interested in attending the conference, send us an e-mail at with “Torch Conference” as the subject line.

In Solidarity,

Antifa Philadelphia and the rest of the TORCH Antifa Network


Mass Incarceration, Solitary Confinement and Torture: The Dallas 6

from facebook

Mass Incarceration, Solitary Confinement and Torture: The Case of the Dallas 6
Panel Discussion on the Dallas 6

Shandre Delaney: Coordinator of Justice of the Dallas 6 and mother to Carrington Keys, one of the Dallas 6
Derrick Stanley: One of the Dallas 6
Theresa Shoatz: Activist and Daughter of Russell Maroon Shoatz
LuQman M. Abdullah: Human Rights Activist

Moderated by Shesheena Bray

Where: The Rotunda, (4014 Walnut Street)
When: May 26th
Time: 6pm

On April 29, 2010, six courageous African American prisoners in solitary confinement at SCI Dallas engaged in a peaceful protest against the widespread abuse, violence and torture by guards which they had witnessed, endured, and helped to publicly document. The abuse included food, starvation, urine and feces in their food, mail tampering and destruction, vicious beatings while electro-shock shields, taxers, fists, tear gas and pepper spray, medical neglect, use of torture chair, death threats and more. For being whistleblowers on this abuse, the state have charged these six men with rioting.

For more information on the case, please contact and/or visit @[]

For more information on the event please contact or

Cops, Class, And Race: How Police Protect the 1%

from facebook

As communities around the nation take to the streets in the ongoing movement against police brutality, the question of the police and their role in society has taken on new importance. With the police killing a Black person every 8 hours a movement is emerging that challenges the idea of who they protect and who they serve. The very origins of their institution is saturated with racism and violence. From their beginning as a force to quell strikes, urban riots, and the threat of slave insurrection they have always existed primarily as an enforcer for the 1% and a protector of their property. Join the International Socialist Organization for a discussion about the origins and function of the police and their relationship to racism, class and capitalism.

[May 17 at the last drop 1300 pine st at 6pm]


from facebook

We’ll throw a lil $ to the touring crew for travel expenses. The rest will go to legal defense funds for people in baltimore who’ve been arrested for standing up to racist cops. A large number of people are getting arrested and they’re going to need some serious bail $$$.

Baltimore Jail Support Number: (443) 814-9160

Here’s a link to share & donate to:

@ the mitten. send someone a msg if u need addy. [May 17 at 7pm]

MOVE: 30-Year Commemoration of the 1985 Bombing

from facebook

11:00 a.m. Rally at 62nd and Osage Ave., followed by a noon press conference, followed by a march, car, and bike caravan to 38th and Market St.

2:00 p.m. arrive at 38th and Market St., where food vendors will be set up from 2:00 – 7:00 p.m.

4:00 – 9:00 p.m.- Program at the First District Plaza at 3801 Market St.
The Program will include the following speakers:
Angela Davis and Alice Walker (via filmed statements), Ward Churchill, Cornell West, Amina Baraka, Chuck D., The Universal African Dance and Drum Ensemble, Chairman Fred Hampton Jr., Glenn Ford, Mmoja Ajabu, Impact Theater and The Welfare Poets.

MORE speakers to be confirmed soon!!

Contact Information:
Ramona Africa- 267-408-7802


from facebook

The Gift economy: why, what, how???
Workshop Tuesday, May 5th 7:30-9
with meg, kellie, joy and others
A co-led workshop on how to shift our economy towards nonviolence. We will introduce the gifting economy, speak about the abundance of the earth, and how to live off of waste. Trash food will be shared and many laughs, and ways to resist the systematic violence that is our consumer culture!JOIN US!

[at Ahimsa House 5007 Cedar Ave]

Address This! Party

from facebook

Come party with us and help support Address This!, an all volunteer educational correspondence project created in collaboration with prison abolitionists on the inside as well as outside, for people who are incarcerated in PA. To learn more about Address This! please visit our website:

$5 – $10 sliding scale

We will have:
A Bar !
Snacks !
Late night dancing !
Wonderful people !

Can’t wait to see you there!
[May 2 10pm to 2am at Fancyhouse 4951 Catharine St]

Philadelphia Commune

from facebook

Join us for an afternoon and evening to celebrate May Day weekend in the heart of West Philadelphia. We plan to run a soup kitchen to feed all of us together.

*2pm We will have a showing of the film “La Commune” directed by Peter Watkins 345 mins (2000) which is about the 1871 Paris La Commune
*8pm Dr. K. Malcolm Richards chair of liberal arts Department at PAFA will speak about the film and the Paris Commune

*MFM- Music for the Movement

more TBA!

[May 2nd @ 2pm @ LAVA Space 4134 Lancaster Ave]

The 8th Annual May Day USA March, Rally, and Celebration

from facebook

MAY 1 – The 8th Annual May Day USA March, Rally and Celebration here in Philly at Clark Park!


Unbeknownst to many Americans, May Day was founded in the United States after the nationwide general strike for the eight-hour workday that started on May 1, 1886. The annual May Day USA Education Committee celebration – taking place at Clark Park in West Philly this year – highlights this hidden labor history as well as today’s struggles and past labor struggles honored by the Elmwood Park Labor Monument right here in our own City of Brotherly Love! [See below for more on the Labor Monument.]

The 8th annual “May Day USA March, Rally and Family Celebration” on Friday, May 1st 2015, kicks off at 2PM with a rally and march – co-run by our allies at “Fight for $15” and “$15 Now” – calling for a livable wage for all workers — starting in front of the McDonalds at 40th & Walnut Streets and ending up at Clark Park (43rd Street & Baltimore Avenue) where our celebration will begin at 3PM. The Clark Park rally and celebration will include a DJ, live music, singers, poets, a BBQ by the Veterans For Peace Chapter 31 “Precision Grill Team,” children’s entertainment, and an array of notable speakers from Labor and other allied organizations in Philly. We will also be awarding the annual Aggie Moran Human Rights Awards.


Disempower, Disarm, Disband the Police: Building an Anti-Police Movement

from facebook

Join Unity & Struggle NYC, Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee Philly, and Action Against Black Genocide for a panel on building and strategizing an abolitionist anti-police movement. Unity & Struggle will briefly present an overview of the political moment we are in to set the context for a discussion of how a “disempower, disarm, disband” campaign would look in Philly. Recommended (but not required) reading is Unity & Struggle’s “Ferguson and Beyond” zine, available on their website.

TMOC Philly is an anti-state anti-capitalist organization based in Philly.

Action Against Black Genocide is an organization oriented towards ending police violence against black people.

Blog at

Unity & Struggle is a national anti-state anti-capitalist organization. Writings can be found at

[April 18 at 5pm at Arch Street United Methodist Church 55 N Broad St]

NYC: Anarchist Convergence

from facebook

With the appearance of a contemporary anti-state region in Rojava, the vehemence of recent anti-police movement across the US, and global disengagement with/mistrust in hierarchical governance, the time seems ripe for anarchist systems of organization. We would like to call this convergence so that geographically separated anarchists can meet face-to-face and discuss their projects and ideas for driving the movement forward. We want to welcome groups and spaces from out of town and look forward to learning from you and sharing the strategies behind NYC-based projects.

We’ll have a very brief spokes council where people can talk about the projects they are working on, and then we’ll break out and have an opportunity to talk casually and make connections with other people working in tandem.

[April 19 from 11am to 1:30pm at The Base 1302 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, NY]

NYC Anarchist Book Fair 2015

from anarchist book fair 2015

NEW YORK—Direct democracy, anarchism in immigrant New York, and the state-less revolution in war-torn northern Syria are just a few of the topics visitors can explore at the 9th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair, which is returning to Judson Memorial Church on Sat., April 18, 2015. This year’s book fair will host 19 talks, panels, and workshops devoted to anarchist theory, history, and the many ways that activists today are challenging the state and capitalism.


The Book Fair will take place from 11am to 6:15pm at Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, in Manhattan. Although most presentations will be held at Judson Church, some will take place at the New School, 86 Fifth Avenue, a short walk north of Judson Church. The schedule of talks, panels, and workshops is posted at; please check the website for updates on times and locations.


“Today, millions of people around the world are tired of the state, of an economic system that benefits only the rich, of a political order that destroys communities, enforces racism and homophobia, and turns our lives into a Darwinian struggle,” says Rae Valentine, a book fair organizer. “Anarchism is an incredibly diverse movement reaching all corners of the world. This year’s Book Fair highlights people’s struggles from South Sudan to Native American nations to anti-fascist action in Europe. We’ll also be looking at the rich heritage of anarchism in New York and how anarchists are organizing in our city today.”


The NYC Anarchist Book Fair is free to the public. It provides a safe space for activists to meet and organize and where the anarcho-curious can get informed about the movement against capitalism and the State. The Book Fair will feature exhibits by over 60 anarchist publishers, artisans, and organizers.


For more information about the 2015 New York City Anarchist Book Fair, please email


Join us on Facebook and Twiter for upcoming information on participants and related events:

Facebook event:

Twitter: @NYCABF2015

“From Networks to Parties? The Question of Organization in Contemporary Struggles”: A Conversation with Rodrigo Nunes

Viewpoint Magazine Presents:

“From Networks to Parties? The Question of Organization in Contemporary Struggles”: A Conversation with Rodrigo Nunes.

The election of Syriza in Greece and the rise of Podemos in Spain has been described by some as marking a sharp turn in the cycle that began with the Arab Spring in 2011: giddy enthusiasm with social media and horizontal forms of organisation were out, parties and representative politics were back in. Are things that simple, however? A theory of organisation capable of understanding contemporary movements in their own terms, Rodrigo Nunes suggests, would see much more continuity, but also more tension, between the two moments.

[April 1 at 7pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

LAVA Spring time $hustle and $grind renovation event

from facebook

lava space has 2000 dollars to fix up the place!!!! the only catch is we need to fix stuff now or we will lose the money!!! We gotta make it happen or risk being known as the mark ass busters of the black bottom forever. Let’s Go!!!

Masonry restoration
New bathroom drywall
ADA accessibility updates
Mural on side of building
Pest control?

Food money is in the budget and we gotta spend it!

[March 26 to 29 at LAVA Space 4134 Lancaster Ave]

Here’s a little basic overview of the weekends’ activities that we came up with at the meeting – Thursday (26th) volunteers can help do demolition in the bathroom and help sorting/organizing the basement, Friday (27th) volunteers can help mend our exterior wall, go on trips to buy supplies, & clean up before the show that night, Saturday (28th) volunteers can help us fix up our bathrooms (installing new drywall) and make them wheelchair accessible (installing grab bars/ramps), and finally Sunday (29th) volunteers can help tie up loose ends of th many projects and help paint a mural that will face Lancaster Ave! Spread out over all these days we’ll also be working on painting some interior walls and cleaning shit up in general.

For the Long Haul: Care, Intention, and Steadiness in Radical Organizing with Chris Dixon

from facebook

Chris Dixon, author of Another Politics, will be leading the workshop For the Long Haul: Care, Intention, and Steadiness in Radical OrganizingRadical activists and organizers across North America face many similar challenges as we work to build movements capable of transforming the world: How can we most productively manifest our values through our organizing? How can we move beyond self-selected activist circles? How can we avoid getting stuck in dead-end ways of doing things? How can we build structures that foster, rather than fracture, movements? And how can we link our day-to-day fights with longer-term visions? Drawing on interviews with experienced organizers across North America, this workshop will distill lessons for developing effective, visionary movements. It will also open a space to discuss the challenges we face and what we are learning together as we grapple with them.

[March 30 at 7pm to 10pm at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]