NNAL Tour: Philadelphia Presentation & Discussion

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Join the No New Animal Lab Tour for a presentation and discussion in Philadelphia!

No New Animal Lab is a grassroots pressure campaign to stop international construction corporation Skanska from building a new underground animal lab at the University of Washington. If the new lab is built, thousands of animals will be tortured inside of it. People around the world are saying, “We Will Stop This Lab” — and fighting to do so.

Join organizers of the campaign for a presentation and discussion about the campaign and building the grassroots movement for animal liberation.

[September 10 at 6pm at Grindcore House 1515 S 4th St]

Fundraiser for Anti-Fascists Stephen Loughman and Eddien Patterson

from facebook


Antifa Philadelphia will be hosting a short informational event/fundraiser for southern Antifascists Stephen Loughman of Virginia and Eddien Patterson of South Carolina, who are facing legal repression for their alleged involvement in routing the Klan and Nazis in Charleston in July. We will show a few short videos about the events surrounding his arrest and then collect some money for their legal support.

There will be food and Antifa merch for sale as well, including brand new Philly Antifa t-shirts.
[August 30 at 6:30pm at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]
Here is the full call and background from Stephen’s support committee:

“On Monday, July 27th, our friend and comrade, Stephen Loughman, was arrested and charged with “breach of peace” for his support the week before at an anti-KKK rally in Columbia, SC on July 18th, 2015. Local activists had called on folks from across the southern region to help South Carolina’s communities stand against the Klan and other hate groups, who like many groups were trying to use the Confederate flag debate as a recruitment tool.

Anarchist Prisoner Information and Letter Writing Event

from Wooden Shoe Books & Records
When: Sun, August 23, 7pm – 8pm
Description: As part of the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, we will have a multimedia presentation, discussion, and letter writing night for anarchist prisoners the world over. Letter writing materials for domestic prisoners will be provided, handouts/posters concerning some international struggles will be available, and snacks will be shared.

This week of action was coordinated by several international Anarchist Black Cross groups beginning with the anniversary of the murder of Sacco and Vanzetti by the United States on August 23rd.

[Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Boots Riley: Tell Homeland Security — We Are the Bomb

from facebook

The Coup and Street Sweeper Social Club, as well as solo artist, for more than two decades. An activist, educator, and emcee, Riley’s singular lyrical stylings combine hip-hop poetics, radical politics, and wry humor with Bay Area swag. His latest book, Boots Riley: Tell Homeland Security—We Are the Bomb, brings together his songs, commentary, and backstories with compelling photos and documents. Boots is making select bookstore appearances around the country, and will stop at the Wooden Shoe on August 25th [7pm at 704 South St]! Don’t miss this event!

Crashing the Party: Revisiting the RNC 2000 with activist and author Kris Hermes

from facebook

This August marks the 15-year anniversary of direct action against the prison-industrial complex and arrest of hundreds of activists during the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia. In response, dissidents confronted new forms of political repression by pushing legal boundaries and establishing new models of collective resistance.

Join activist and author Kris Hermes for a discussion on his new book, Crashing the Party: Legacies and Lessons from the RNC 2000, an engrossing combination of social history and courtroom drama that explains the origins of contemporary protest policing and the creative political resistance used to overcome it. Hermes will discuss his experiences on the ground in Philadelphia and how they relate to the movement today. Books will be available for purchase and signing following the discussion!
[August 20 at 7pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

NO COP ZONE: Bar-B-Q and Strategy Session

from facebook

Please join Action Against Black Genocide, Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee, & Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee, PHL to continue to build neighborhood resistance against police murder and the movement to *Disempower, Disarm, and Disband* the police.

We will be building with neighbors, sharing some food, and launching a Rapid Response Network for police brutality. Come be a part!

#NoCopZone — They Know Better!

[August 16 at 3pm at Malcolm X Park]

Tyree Carroll needs our support at his Pre-Trial Conference

from facebook

Tyree Carroll remains in jail. His pre-trial conference is THIS WEDNESDAY. Let’s pack the court to help get him out! Meet us at Criminal Justice Center Room 805 (Judge Michael Erdos). [August 12 at 8:30am at 1301 Filbert St]

Immediately following the conference will be a press conference outside the courthouse.

7pm that night we will demand #Justice4Tyree at the 14th Police District’s regularly scheduled Police Service Area Meeting at Wister Playground, 4971 Baynton Street.

We must stand together and remind the system and those who work for it that BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!

Visit the #Justice4Tyree FB page for more information and join to stay updated. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1654305488121306/

Crashing the (LAUNCH) PARTY! Legacies and Lessons of the RNC 2000 by Kris Hermes

from facebook

What: Celebrate the publication of Crashing the Party: Legacies and Lessons from the RNC 2000 by Kris Hermes!

Hear the author, as well as former RNC arrestees, legal workers, and lawyers speak about their experiences from 2000, and how those experiences are relevant for today’s activists, street demonstrations, and movements for social change.

*Join us for free food, drinks, music, video footage, an historic slideshow, and a raffle!*

When: 2-4pm on August 1st, the 15th anniversary of direct action against the prison industrial complex and the arrest of hundreds of hundreds of activists in downtown Philadelphia

Where: William Way LGBT Community Center: 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19107

Cost: FREE!

Let’s work together to demystify and resist the legal system! Bring your friends and help spread the word!

Political Prisoner Letter Writing Night/Potluck

from facebook

Join at The Wooden Shoe for a night of solidarity with the people in our movements who have had their freedom taken from them. We’ll provide all the materials, a list of prisoners from various radical movements with short bios, and a quick “how to” for anyone who would like some guidance.

This event will be a vegan potluck, so please bring a drink or dish to share. Email me if you have any questions.
*please know what is in your dish to share and keep in mind of people with food allergies*

[July 29 7-10pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Letter Writing Day for Antifascist Prisoners

from facebook

In observance of the July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, Antifa Philadelphia will be hosting a letter writing event for several Antifascist POW’s currently incarcerated all over the world.

The full call (originally posted by NYC Antifa) with more information on the prisoners is below.

We will provide all the materials and, if you want, we will send the letter(s) for you as well. For more information on how to help or if your group would like to endorse the call or host an event, contact NYC Antifa at nycantifascistaction@gmail.com

Liberty, Solidarity, Equality,

Antifa Philadelphia (phillyantifa.org)

[July 26 from 7 to 8:30pm at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]

15 Years of North Philly Food Not Bombs

from facebook

Please join North Philly Food Not Bombs for delicious snacks and a panel discussion as we celebrate our 15th anniversary.

We’ll discuss the history of the organization, how and why we’ve managed to keep it going for over a decade: the highlights, the lowlights, intra-group “debates,” dead rats and dance parties, the ill-fated attempts by our fair municipal government to ban food sharing, etc.

Wanna join up and help out? We’d love to hear from you!

With love and squalidarity,

[July 16 at 7pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]


from facebook

open discussion on gentrification/development in West Philadelphia

12-12:45 potluck – get to know each other

1:00-2:00 each member will get 5-10 minutes (depending on the amount of people) uninterrupted to just express their views.

2:00-2:45 small discussion groups


The goal of the process in not to argue about opposing sides, but to find the places that we agree about what can be done to fight gentrification as a community.


only positive language – no cursing/insulting/bullying/name calling

we listen without judgement. the message is not the person.

we show respect and ask questions, not assume and judge.

*if people can’t follow these guidelines they will be asked to leave.

[April 12 from noon to 3pm at Malcolm X Park]

(f)LAWLESS + #tintedjustice :: OINK FCKIN OINK :: JULY 4 #SayHerName FUNDRAISER

from facebook


(f)LAWLESS + #tintedjustice bring u >>> OINK FCKIN OINK :: a JULY 4 #SayHerName Dance Party FUNDRAISER @ lava space

|| 10:00PM – 3:00AM ||
||| $5-$15 |||

gee sissy
nolita selector
yung nila
dj haram

#tintedjustice : tintedjustice.tumblr.com
Philly Coalition for REAL Justice


days before memorial day, ppd arrests a black homeless vet for not having $2.25 to get on the bus and consequently stampedes questioning folks from the #SayHerName Vigil with a 50 person pig militia. after two performed chokeholds, one shattered wrist, one black eye, and sleep/hunger deprivation that comes with shoving people in holding cells, 8 folks are facing legal and medical fees.

as the (f)lawless tradition goes this event will be a fundraiser for legal resources, this time we keepin’ it philly to raise $$$ 4 folks’ court fees.

Summer Film Series @ the Shoe

from facebook


All films start at 7pm. [704 South St]
There may even be popcorn.

Escape the heat/mass media mind control with these great movies- showing soon at your local, air-conditioned, anarchist bookstore!

June 22- Dirty Wars

“Dirty Wars is a focused, fascinating and frightening look at war in the 21st century, and a film you’re sure not to forget.” -Germain Lussier

Coalition to Abolish Death By Incarceration Launch

from facebook

Food! * Poetry! * Education! * Discussion! * Action!

Pennsylvania prisons hold over 5000 people serving life sentences without the possibility of parole. In PA, a life sentence means your natural life–it is a sentence that condemns you to die in prison – which is why many choose to call it Death By Incarceration.

We believe that sentencing people to Death By Incarceration is a violation of their human rights and an affront to the humanity of us all. That’s why Decarcerate PA, Human Rights Coalition PA, Fight for Lifers, and Right To Redemption are launching a campaign to end Life Without Parole sentencing in PA. Join us Saturday, June 6th to launch this campaign.

Saturday June 6th
Vineyard Church, 123 S. 51st St.
(51st and Sansom, two blocks from the 52nd street stop on the Market Frankford Line)
3:30pm – 6:30

For more info see http://decarceratepa.info/CADBI