Rally Against Racism & Repression

from facebook

[January 16th 5pm 30th Street Station]

Justice for Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Brandon Tate-Brown, and all victims of Killer Cops! Defend Our Movement from Repression!

Ferguson stood up and resisted the murder of Mike Brown, and youth all around the country stood up and answered the call. But now the police are fighting back with a public witch-hunt as well as the harassment and arrest on trumped-up charges of TMOC and other organizers around the country for taking a stand against police murder in NYC.

We talk back. We turn up. We stand tall. With Ferguson-for Brandon, for every black body in America robbed of its right to live- for every injustice that we are growing sick and tired of. We are done with your police/media slander campaigns.

Mike Brown is still dead.
Darren Wilson is still free.
The Grand Jury was a sham.
We’re still mad!
We’re still demanding justice!

We are sick with anger.
It is too late for containing it.
Not another. Not another. Not one more.
We will turn down for nothing until justice is OURS!

Hands Up – Fight Back!

Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee (TMOC), Philadelphia

Justice For Brandon Tate-Brown

from gofundme:

Brandon Tate-Brown was wrongfully and fatally gunned down by a Philadelphia Police Officer on Dec. 15th.  The details of the story and circumstances surrounding his death do not add up. Everyone who knew Brandon knows that he is innocent. He was on a good path to living a great life and it was tragically shortened at the young age of 26. He was a wonderful young man with a good heart and a bright future.  We need to get justice for Brandon. All doantions will go to Brandon’s family for funeral costs and to fight for justice. Please donate and share! Let’s help his family in their time of need.
Brandon’s life matters!

Vandals spread anti-police messages after death of black man shot by Philadelphia cops

from NY Daily News:

A vandal took to the streets of west Philadelphia overnight to spread anti-police messages in protest of a man’s death earlier this week.

The graffiti artist remains elusive after targeting at least three buildings along Baltimore Avenue, which were only discovered early Friday morning.

Police Killing in Mayfair

Another black life has been lost at the hands of the police. Brandon Tate-Brown was killed during an altercation with police following a traffic stop, in the Mayfair neighborhood in North East Philly two days ago. Additionally there is a demonstration in support of police in Mayfair at Frankford and Cottman at 7pm this coming Friday.

RIP Brandon Tate-Brown

UPDATE: A memorial made for Brandon Tate-Brown on the 6600 block of Frankford Ave has been destroyed. (source)