Drinking From the Cup of Fascist Tears: Boston Report Back

from It’s Going Down

A crew from Philadelphia made the long drive north on Friday night to support the efforts of Boston anti-fascists to disrupt the “Free Speech Rally” held by a coalition of fascists including Gavin McInnes’ Proud Boys on Saturday, May 13. The disruptive counter-protest held a solid defensive bloc on the ridge above the fascists, maintained strong unified energy among all participants, protected against attempts by fash to infiltrate and instigate, and ultimately won the day by being stronger, louder and better-organized. In order to bolster the strategic and tactical efforts of anti-fascists everywhere to fight against the growing tide of ethno-nationalism, Philly offers this analysis of what went right in Boston and how groups around the country can learn from what went down.

When we arrived, settled in and got to planning, it became clear that the bloc would be outnumbered by a factor of at least four or five to one. Fascists were expected to draw about 100 people from paramilitary Oath Keepers groups, Proud Boys, and whatever white nationalist filth answered the call. A Daily Stormer post confirmed their intention to have “a popular front to drive the communists out of the public space…for actual free political discourse to take place,” indicating attempts at aggression. Hopeful estimates of 30 and realistic estimates of 20 total were expected to show up in bloc against this incursion.

Self-crit is important if we want to do better, and if more people aren’t showing up to bloc when a 100-strong fascist group shows up to rally in public, then we need to ask ourselves as Left organizers on how we might be able to improve. Things like flyering beforehand could have improved our numbers. Also, developing realistic win conditions by planning to use appropriate tactics based on our numbers and capacity is vital if we want to keep the morale of our troops high going into a fight.

“This is the lesson we learned from Berkeley: We must be organized and maintain tight, tactical blocs if we’re outnumbered either by cops or fash, and we must control the terms of engagement so we don’t have to needlessly sacrifice ourselves in order to win.”

Would-be bloc participants need organizers to let them know how they’re going to win the day rather than resigning themselves to a loss. If one tactic will lose in its sphere of impact, choose different tactics to win within different spheres of impact. If we don’t find ways to control the narrative and win on our own terms, the fash will become emboldened to hold “free speech rallies” elsewhere in the country to spew their far-Right, white nationalist hate-mongering. This is the lesson we learned from Berkeley: We must be organized and maintain tight, tactical blocs if we’re outnumbered either by cops or fash, and we must control the terms of engagement so we don’t have to needlessly sacrifice ourselves in order to win.

Philly had come well-prepared to throw down against a large group of fascists. We had 16 shields and multiple other items – flags, poles and flares – ready to be deployed as force multipliers in a defensive line and provide impressive optics to steal their thunder. Several suggestions to turn our reduced numbers into a win for the broader antifascist narrative were offered, including deployment of shields and poles and other suggestions of potentially dubious legality. However, we understood that we were guests on Boston’s turf and that they should guide the overall look and feel of the action. So, after deliberation about potential strategic collaboration and gathering information on Boston’s plans, Philly decided to hold off on joining their bloc based on our own situational analysis, instead promising to contribute in our own way.

Our affinity group showed up unbloced at Boston Common at about 9:30am and did recon posing as normies to get a sense for terrain, numbers, and political affinities and relationships. We saw about eight people in bloc stationed at the bottom of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument hill, while 20 or so Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Socialist Alternative (SAlt) were at the top of the hill and growing. We interviewed a member of Socialist Alternative and asked about the bloc, getting the sense that it was not welcome by the folks at the top of the hill. Meanwhile, about 30 or 40 fash were at the Bandstand about 300 feet to the east, also growing. Those in bloc began yelling at the fash, calling them racists etc. This drew them into a battle line, mostly comprised of “Based stickmen,” American and Kekistan flags, and shield bearers – and they started shouting back.

At this point, we became concerned for our comrades’ safety. The most pressing tactical consideration we determined at that moment was that the bloc needed to use the cover of the liberal socialists to protect themselves and bolster their numbers, but they weren’t standing in solidarity together. Being a militant vanguard against the fascist tide means simultaneously moderating two fronts – the enemy front, against which we must stand strong and push hard – and the allied front, to which we must stay close enough to encourage support for our militancy.

We monitored the shouting match for signs of escalation and soon determined that the fash were a low-energy group with multiple internal fractures despite their numbers. Police presence was minimal and non-threatening, so we decided to bloc up and join our comrades despite being outnumbered.

First, we gathered about 15 flags in a trash bag – simple blackout cloth stapled to 2-foot 2” by 2”s – and approached the monument in our normie clothes to drop them off. However, we were told by liberal organizers that we had to leave. We explained that we weren’t interested in messing with them or endangering their people and were only interested in doing our own thing. We stressed that we were committed to using our flags to support a defensive formation and making sure things didn’t get out of hand. This was apparently the first that these organizers had heard of the bloc plans, and basic outreach proactively addressing their safety concerns had a positive impact on their attitude and willingness to go along with us.

“This fosters trust that while we may be militant ourselves as a bloc, we will not put comrades unwilling to throw down at needless risk.”

In Philly, blocs work closely in a sphere of mutual respect with local Left organizations to make sure that everyone is on the same page when actions combine the interests of multiple groups. This fosters trust that while we may be militant ourselves as a bloc, we will not put comrades unwilling to throw down at needless risk. Philly anti-fascist groups have moderated our own political urgencies to smash fascists and the state for the sake of building these relationships due to the advantages that strategic alliances with sympathetic noncombatants can provide. We encourage this attitude among antifa-affiliated mass orgs around the country. Also, within even the most liberal Left-leaning groups, there are always folks willing to be in bloc. Maybe they joined SAlt or whatever else because they wanted to make a real difference, and didn’t know how to get in touch with other people doing more direct actions. Unless we maintain good relationships with other organizations, these comrades will never find their way to join us and will never have the chance to develop their own politics of Left militancy, and our ranks will never grow.

At this point, socialists on top of the hill had swelled to 50 or so, and more radical Leftists seemed to be showing up to join them. The bloc was about 10 strong at the bottom of the hill, stationed at the footpath splitting the Bandstand and the Monument. Philly showed up in full bloc, and we brought the party and the noise.

We stationed ourselves at the middle of the hill to gain the higher ground as well as try to close the gap between the liberals and the bloc. We joined in with chants led by the socialists, getting hype, dancing and going hoarse, emphasizing with our raised voices and body language that in this instance, we were in full solidarity. This visceral show of support across common ideological barriers reduced tensions and made it clear that even though antifa often acts like we’re cool as shit (and let’s be honest, we are), we are not too cool to party with SAlt or DSA when the situation warrants it. Because our victory conditions did not require militantly approaching and confronting the fash, nothing we were prepared to do would rub these liberal socialist groups the wrong way, and our defensive stance was appreciated. This drew the rest of the bloc toward us, and things progressed from there.

At about 10:30am, Boston bloc leaders made the strong and ideologically effective decision to elevate non-men voices by going into the socialists’ ranks to find some who wanted to stand with the bloc. It can’t be emphasized enough: this was some good-ass praxis, and every organizer should learn from it. This tactic helped folks build a space where everyone felt comfortable to take defensive militant action. It doubled our numbers and formed a link between the bloc and the socialists. We then had enough people to hand out fliers to interested passersby and explain what we were doing, while still maintaining an impressive presence. Philly then got our bag of flags and distributed them to the newcomers. Popularizing revolt can be as simple as bringing someone to the front and handing them a flag (aka whacking stick) and a mask.

The Proud Boys began sending instigators into our ranks to try to provoke fights, but we were ready for them. Police presence began to ramp up with about 4 bike cops on either side, mounted cops patrolling with the fash, and motorcycle cops with zip ties at the far end of the Common. Philly took the lead and organized block participants into a defensive line further up the hill to prevent any attempts at kettling. We worked with Boston to station lookouts on either side for fash/cops trying to flank our position. Meanwhile, the bloc had reached a critical mass point whereby it continued to slowly swell. While taking advantage of the relentless chanting tactics that the DSA/SAlt employed to keep our morale boosted, we charged in small swarms to repel the instigators as they approached, making it clear that we would stomp their fucking faces if they tried anything – or allowing our numbers, organization and body language to nonverbally convey that message.

“The character of the so-called free speech ralliers thus showed itself for any onlookers to be hypocritical trash. They’re bullies who cry about free speech until the conversation doesn’t go their way, then they seek out the most vulnerable dissenters to physically intimidate and assault.”

By and large, instigators were 4chan/Reddit keyboard warriors – cowards unsuited for actual confrontation. They soon retreated, and folks in bloc returned to holding the line. Oath Keepers and overt white nationalists seemed bored by the keyboard warriors’ antics and remained deployed around the bandstand, not offering them any assistance. Police presence was such that we didn’t have the numbers to approach them and test those waters. It was clear from their body language that the cops were protecting the fascists, and chants to that effect – “Cops Protect Nazis!” – started up. At one point, after one Proud Boy took his aggression out on a random 13-year-old child and was subsequently detained, a larger group of fash seemed like they were going to charge the hill. Our bloc made an impressive line, holding flagpoles horizontally to repel as a unit, and they decided to back off. Another Proud Boy later punched a teen-aged femme within the bloc, and when our bloc member tried to defend themselves, both were arrested. The character of the so-called free speech ralliers thus showed itself for any onlookers to be hypocritical trash. They’re bullies who cry about free speech until the conversation doesn’t go their way, then they seek out the most vulnerable dissenters to physically intimidate and assault.


As the action wound down, comrades thanked the Philly contingent and expressed interest in our organization as well as working with us again. Militancy means energy, and as long as they feel protected rather than threatened by our presence, people will feed off our militancy rather than tell us to go away. The difference between a feeling of protection and a feeling of threat is communication – fostering the sense that we are on the same page. While ideological disagreements are important to hash out at times, we must also be a unified Left Front when it comes to fighting against large numbers of fash taking to the commons. Coalition-building beats out adventurism every time, especially in cases of uneven numbers.

“Militancy means energy, and as long as they feel protected rather than threatened by our presence, people will feed off our militancy rather than tell us to go away.”

We won the day this weekend – but it won’t always be this easy. We ended on a high note and then dispersed. The fash milled about the hill and the rest of the Common after, unsure of what to do beyond taking selfies and posting on social media. They were aiming for another Berkeley – an opportunity and excuse to catch us out, beat us up, instigate a brawl, and lead to our mass arrest, unmasking and doxing – and we denied them that opportunity. They looked like a bunch of strange, sad folks all day. Philly’s organization on the fly as well as Boston’s follow-through, combined with disarray among the Right, gave them the loss instead. We got videos of them attacking children, and we disrupted their event. The Alt-Right bemoaned on /pol/ being “humiliated”.

We drink deeply of fascist tears.


But our enemies are getting more organized all the time. The fact that they were able to have this event at all should be considered a partial failure among Left organizers. While Boston didn’t give them much of a platform, they were able to take the streets at the end of their disrupted rally, which must be prevented in the future. We must aim to be able to shut this shit down before it starts. But we didn’t have the numbers to actively confront a mass of trained right-wing militia at this time, so we had to frame our victory to be achievable and based on conditions on the ground. And we did. We accomplished what we sought out to achieve.

Our ultimate goal is building blocs strong enough to smash the State, and achieve liberation for a unified, multi-racial, multi-gendered, militant working-class. But first, we have to grow and build unity. As hip-hop artist Ab Soul said in the song, Terrorist Threats, “If all the gangs in the world unified, we’d stand a chance against the military tonight.”

“ours will be a five, ten year struggle at least, and we must think long-term, stay strong, be smart, build coalitions and alternative economic models to support our work, expand political education and class consciousness…”

That work is ongoing and must be pursued on multiple fronts. Ethno-nationalist fascists will only get more organized as the Right consolidates its power in government and rolls out an increasingly draconian police state that preys upon the most vulnerable populations – disabled, immigrants, women, people of color, trans folks and other LGBT people, etc.

All indications are that it will get worse before it gets better. Realistically, ours will be a five, ten year struggle at least, and we must think long-term, stay strong, be smart, build coalitions and alternative economic models to support our work, expand political education and class consciousness, keep training, grow our forces, and continue thinking up new tactics to take the fight to the Right. We can’t tunnel vision on “being in bloc” – there are so many other historically effective anti-fascist tactics that can and should be used. The Black Panthers gave out free breakfasts and became local heroes, for instance. But they were militant as fuck.

We don’t have the luxury of allowing our egos to be stroked by LARPer adventurist tendencies or suicidal, disorganized impulses. But we must remain prepared for the worst. We must make use of all available options to challenge the corporate state. We must take care of ourselves and our comrades while we fight the fash on all fronts. We must be able to sustain our revolt by thinking strategically toward a narrative win every time, finding situational allies wherever we can, because we’re in this for the long haul, and we are all needed. As freedom fighter Assata Shakur famously said, it is our duty to fight for our freedom, and it is our duty to win. The Rev is a life-long and long-life commitment.

Philly out.

doing being out of control.jpg

Solidarity with the Berkeley Bike Lock Brigade

from Facebook

In the early hours of May, 15th motorists heading northbound i95 noticed this banner hanging off the spruce street overpass.

“Solidarity with the Berkeley bike lock brigade”

PRFC summer free movie meetup: Surf Nazis Must Die [1987]

from Facebook

An earthquake leaves the California coastline in ruins and reduces the beaches to a state of chaos. A group of Neo-Nazis led by Adolf, the self-proclaimed “Führer of the new beach”, takes advantage of the resulting chaos by fighting off several rival surfer gangs to seize control of the beaches. Meanwhile, an African American oil well worker named Leroy is killed by the surf Nazis while jogging on the beach. Leroy’s mother, “Mama” Washington, devastated by the loss of her son, vows revenge…
[May 12 from 7 to 10pm at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]

Philadelphia, PA: “Solidarity From Philly to France!”

from It’s Going Down

Nazi Who Flyered in West Philly Last Week Identified As Mark Daniel Reardon of Philadelphia

from Philly Antifa

Update 5/2/17: We have received word that Reardon has been evicted from his apartment. As a result, we have removed the address at 44th and Sansom. We have also been informed that someone damaged a car of another resident of Reardon’s building. While we do not know for sure that is related to this we would like to make it clear that no one from Antifa Philadelphia was involved and  that sloppy or misdirected actions reflects badly on Anti-Fascists as a whole.

Update 5/1/17: Word has spread fast about Illegal Aryan being exposed. We would like to remind our readers that Reardon lives in an apartment in a building, and there are other tenants there with no ties to him or his Nazi activities. We understand that residents are (understandably) upset about a Nazi living in their midst and spreading propaganda,  just please be mindful of that.

We have confirmed that Reardon is no longer employed at the Law Firm he had listed as his Facebook employment. We have removed the contact info and thank both the Firm for being understanding and everyone who called for keeping it civil.

Mark Daniel Reardon, aka “Illegal_Ayran.” Neo-Nazi living in Philadelphia.
Reardon attending the private conference portion of the Traditionalist Workers Party’s event in Kentucky last weekend.

As many of you are aware, last week Nazi flyers were briefly put up on Locust Walk on UPENN campus in West Philly as part of the “Day of the Flyer” initiative started by Alt-Right internet Nazis.

The flyers were taken down almost immediately by numerous crews of Anti-Fascists, students and other people from the area. Responsibility was claimed by the twitter account @Illegal_Aryan.

Illegal_Aryan was also at the Traditionalist Worker’s Party and National Socialist Movement Rally in Pikeville, KY on April 29.

Note the t-shirt
Note the goggles and helmet
Screengrab of “Illegal_Aryan” Mark Daniel Reardon in Pikeville, KY on April 29th, 2017 demonstrating alongside Traditionalist Worker’s Party and National Socialist Movement.

Due to some good investigative work from a supporter and some supplementary research by our Intel team, we have confirmed that “Illegal Aryan” and Mark Daniel Reardon of West Philadelphia, are one and the same.

Mark Daniel Reardon, aka Illegal_Aryan, Neo-Nazi.

Reardon is a rather recent convert to Nazism.

If one was to look at Reardon’s facebook, they would find no obvious indicators to his Nazi views. He definitely posts some questionable content, such as videos by notorious right wing charlatan James O’Keefe and of distraught Hillary Clinton supporters upon finding out their candidate lost, but nothing that would lead you to believe he would be moonlighting as a Nazi troll and putting up vile racist flyers in West Philadelphia.

According to Illegal Aryan, he is 32 and lives in West Philly between 2 mosques and within a few blocks of the spot where those 2 cops were ambushed last summer.

Illegal Aryan also was nice enough to describe themselves on the Stormfront dating section. Also mentions that they like to bike.

Illegal Aryan also posted on TDS that they went to Temple University ten years ago.


Mark Daniel Reardon is 32 years old.

Mark Daniel Reardon went to Temple University and graduated 10 years ago.

Mark Daniel Reardon is tall, slim, is European, and likes to bike.

A news report from the TWP and NSM’s private conference portion of their event provided the final piece of proof.


Reardon’s most recent address (removed do to being evicted) close to the area where the flyers were put up and where those cops were ambushed.

Getting the picture?

Reardon recently was working as a Desktop support engineer at a law firm , but we have confirmed that he has not worked there for several months.

It also appears that Reardon was trying to go onto Nazi website The Daily Stormer recently while working and apparently using the Wireless network of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. We are working to confirm or dis-confirm whether he is currently working there; an unsettling possibility if there ever was one.

That service desk number is CHOP’s
oh and make sure this article gets plastered on these groups

Mark talked a lot of big fucking game about Antifa when he was anonymous. Let’s see how he feels about us now. Nazis are not welcome in Philadelphia, and any attempts by them to organize, recruit or intimidate will be annihilated. If you do attempt any of these things, you have already ruined your life; even if you don’t know it yet.

Solidarity with everyone who stood strong in Pikeville on the 29th despite the threats of violence by the Nazis and law enforcement harassment.

Eternal War on the Hitler Youth,


from Facebook

The demo starts at 6th and Market outside the liberty bell and ends at city hall. Stand together against Fascism, Imperialism. State Violence and the “Alt-Right”. SOLIDARITY FOREVER!


[May 1 at 10am]

Harrisburg, PA: Antifascist Night March Against Trump

from Facebook

In response to Donald Trump invading our beloved city after insulting us by calling it a warzone, we of the East Shore Antifa are issuing a call for a militant antifascist night march.

At 7:30 pm, Donald Trump is Scheduled to speak. At 8:00 pm on April 29th, we will begin assembling our forces on the intersection of Peffer St and Wallace St, behind the park. We will gather in strength and in number until 8:30 pm, at which point we will begin to march.

Due to threats of violence from Trump supporters, we encourage people to show up prepared to physically defend the march, wear black and cover your faces.

We ask for street medics to show up prepared to provide medical treatment, as well as war drummers, street performers, and musicians.


#NoTrump #WarZone #Harrisburg

Banner In Solidarity With French Antifascists

from Facebook

Banner in Solidarity with Berkeley Antifa

from It’s Going Down

South Jersey

Philly Antifa News Roundup

from Philly Antifa

Hey everyone,

Things have been busy.  Our apologies for the irregular updates. Here is a quick roundup of some of what has been going on here in Philly in the past few weeks.

Rumors were confirmed on social media that Cliff Warby, longtime Neo-Nazi and former drummer for Condemned 84 and current drummer of RAC band Para elite, was knocked out and hospitalized by Anti-Fascist punx at the U.K. Subs show at Voltage Lounge on April 7th. Additionally, Warby’s adult Nazi daughter Aryan Warby (yea, really) was also knocked out.

Witnesses do not recall any brass knuckles; just good follow through.
recent pic of Warby. note the totenkompf buckle.
Warby sig-heiling in 1986

Warby was living in the Philly area recently but appears to be living near the Jersey shore.

On Saturday, April 8th, Antifa Philadelphia tabled alongside the Wooden Shoe Books, Bindlestiff Books, and others at a book and bake sale fundraiser for J20 defendants at the ASpace.

Over $700 was raised for J20 defendants from Philly. Thanks to everyone who came out, tabled, donated items to sell, or otherwise contributed!

According to a video posted on Youtube, organizers attempting to bring another “Make America Great Again” march, despite their embarrassing display at the previous one, were attacked after one of them put on a MAGA hat at the handle bar on Frankford Ave.

A few MAGA types also made a short appearance at the Philly Tax march carrying Trump flags on April 15th before being chased to the waiting arms of their police protection and then making their escape. It is unknown if they were the same ones who were attacked or not.

Trumplodytes trolling at the Philly Tax March

Finally, Due to overwhelming response from regular folks donating between 1 and 50 dollars, Antifa Philadelphia has managed to raise over $3500 so far for the Richard Spencer Puncher Fund.

At the time of this writing, there are only 4 few days left before the “bounty” put on the right-wing crowdfunding site Wesearchr expires. So hopefully the Puncher will not need this money, and it will be divided up among J20 defendants and other Anti-Fascist causes.

Consider donating to the fund if you haven’t already.

Solidarity Banner Drop


On the morning of April 3rd a team dropped this banner over the 76 Walnut overpass. Solidarity to all antifascists and resisters facing repression during this regime.

Yes, the neo-Fash attended the Philly MAGA March

from Idavox

They chanted things like, “Who’s streets? Kek’s streets!” But because Kek doesn’t exist, Antifa took them instead. Meet the neo-Fash!

PHILADELPHIA, PA – Organizers of Saturday’s Pro-Trump Rally in front of Independence Hall originally planned to be out for five hours with almost 500 people who would march from the Hall to the Rocky Statue at the Philadelphia Art Museum, a roughly three mile walk.

Instead, only 70 persons showed up to show their support for Donald Trump, they cut the rally down to three hours, and they only managed to march five blocks because antifascist protesters that included not only the Black Bloc but hundreds of teens on bicycles had overtaken their planned routes. In the end, the Trump supporters were left complaining online about how their event was successfully disrupted.

The faceoff between antifa and Trump supporters is a scenario that played itself out all over the country last weekend as several pro-Trump rallies were held in various cities on both coast. Many, such as Philadelphia’s rally, remained peaceful, but others, most notably the rally in Huntingdon Beach, CA erupted into violent clashes. Seaside Heights, NJ also had a brief flareup but was otherwise calm.

And among the crowd of those self-styled “patriots” that said they were standing up for their President, there was that ever-present group of neo-Fascists that have been a part of Trump’s ascension from the very beginning. Often called the “alt-right”, they even led the Philadelphia march and one even took to their Facebook event page to berate the organizers. “Your cancellation of the march was an embarrassment,” Penn State grad student Daniel Marulanda wrote. “(G)ood thing there was enough militant right-wing youth to reorganize it on the fly.”

Daniel Marulanda

Marulanda, who according to his Linked In page is an Army veteran who once interned at the United Nations, was there with the neo-Fascists, sporting a black hoodie with the words “Anti-Antifa” on it and occasionally a bandanna to prevent being identified. Other associates of his wore matching bandannas with a skull motif emblazoned on them. There was some information that they could have been a part of a neo-Fascist group called American Vanguard, but when asked they denied it, with one even saying that the group hardly existed anymore.

Many of the neo-Fascists that attended were young, mostly of college age. However, Dave Reilly, a radio personality at WHLM, a small radio station from Bloomsburg, PA, covered the pro-Trump march and in particular the neo-Fascists via video, and White Nationalist Jeff McGeary of Newtown, PA was also in attendance.

No other pro-Trump marches have been announced for the near future in Philadelphia, but many who attended this weekend’s outing felt defeated and want to schedule another one soon, many expressing if for no other reason to show up antifa who embarrassed them by shutting down their march. “(Next) time we won’t be so nice. Best believe that,” Louis Jordan posted on the MAGA March Facebook event page.


ALERT! Fascists Make Fake Philly Antifa Twitter Account

from Philly Antifa

Fake twitter account made by alt-right nazis. Antifascism.org is another honey pot by fascists. 

A fake twitter account has gone up posing as our organization.  This is becoming a common tactic by Fascists trying to disrupt Antifa organizing.

Here is a link to our real twitter account (@phillyantifa). Spread the word about the fake and be vigilant for further attempts.

IGD Philly: Black Bloc Shuts Down Trump Rally Being Led by Neo-Nazis

from It’s Going Down


A hundreds strong black bloc shut down a planned #MAGAMARCH Trump rally today, as neo-Nazis attempted to led the pro-Trump crowd in a march. According to DC Direct Action News:

On the 25th of march, a MAGA (pro-Trump) march and rally drew a tiny turnout including known neo-Nazis. It was quickly confronted by masked-up antifascist activists who police allege set off smoke bombs. The outnumbered and outmatched Trumpers and fascists reportedly cancelled their rally “in fear of violence,” as this is written it is uncertain if they are marching somewhere or have quit the city entirely. A “blue lives matter” racist, pro-police website reported the rally cancelled but twitter reports show opposing marchers in the streets, not sure which was last report.

The black bloc was also joined by hundreds of youth on bikes as neo-Nazis led the Trump marchers back to Independence Hall. Here’s a recap from social media:

#DisruptMAGA Outing

Groups hit up South St and South Philly neighborhoods with #DisruptMAGA fliers, antifascist graffiti, and and antifascist stickers. Real estate developer OCF banners were targeted and taken down as well.