Reflections from March Against Blue Lives Matter


On August 25th, actions took place to counter a Blue Lives Matter march on occupied Lenape land, Philadelphia, PA. A robust description of the organizers for the Blue Lives March and their connections to and affinity with white supremacy, transphobia and anti-immigrant politics can be found here: A pretty decent description of how the events unfolded can be found here:

Below are some (very incomplete and rushed) thoughts that feel relevant from one participant:

After the police violence we dealt with, several reportbacks and press releases framed the events as a situation where police needlessly escalated an otherwise non-violent and non-confrontational situation. While it is accurate that our team was unable to effectively attack either the fascist march or the police, and didn’t really have the opportunity to try at any point, it is decidedly inaccurate to assert that we did not have confrontational intentions. We should not play into narratives of innocence set up by our enemies when faced with state violence that we know is coming. We are in a violent political conflict with both the state and proto-paramilitary formations nationally and ought to recognize this and talk about it as it is.

In this vein, when we *do* successfully mobilize a confrontational action, we should hype that whether it goes well or not. That is the capacity we want to be building, and the 25th was another step in the right direction. Further, narratives about us being pure victims of unprovoked police violence erase the courage of those who took risks, arrests and blows in order to defend others from the cops. We had each others’ backs that day, and while it didn’t work out, that still means something. Let’s lift that up to encourage and normalize practices of immediate defense, de-arrests, and risk-taking.

Keep moving! We really need to work on both mobility and blockading. At one point, the bloc came out of an alley filled with dumpsters, saw a contingent of bike cops moving toward us, and allowed them to come up and form a line. Rather than use nearby obstacles to create space between us and the cops, we ended up in a futile standoff, dragged on longer than necessary largely by indecision.

Use what is around! At the spot where the initial arrests took place, a very large number of police barricades (left over from the most recent Occupy ICE/Homeless Against Stop and Frisk eviction) were ten feet from us. Using those to create space (as west Arch was undefended) rather than try an uncoordinated dart through bike cop lines could have been fruitful. And again, there are rolling dumpsters literally everywhere in center city.

Be ready to take advantage of opportunity! Early on, before a significant police presence had formed, we darted past the Criminal Justice Center. Aside from a couple bottles being tossed at the windows, nothing happened to the building. This would have been an especially good target considering the nature of the fascist march that day, and done well to emphasize solidarity with the prison strike. The same could be said for at least a couple empty and undefended police vehicles that we passed before the initial confrontation.

A lesson to really internalize here is that the police may escalate at any time. If, say, the above opportunities *were* seized, or our team escalated in any other ways, it’s likely that repression faced afterwards would be blamed on those actions. It’s important to keep in mind in the future, when we do go harder and actually crime it up better, that such actions are not to blame for repression. We’ve seen repeatedly that toning down our actions does not keep us safe.

And finally, the composition of the march appeared to me to be informed to some extent by its framing as primarily an “anti-fascist” event. Without going too much into the potential pitfalls of prioritizing a sort of narrow antifascism over emphasis on broader structures of domination (here is a very good starting point for that:, it seems plausible that placing more focus on the anti-police nature of our mobilization *may have* drawn more people and projects in the city into this action.

To be clear, these thoughts are all offered in extreme good faith, and I’d like to repeat that my main takeaway from the 25th is that we really had each other’s backs and did our best. Let’s do that more!

Let’s continue to care for one another in dealing with our physical and emotional wounds.
Let’s come back harder soon.

fire to the prisons & the cops,
death to fascism & white supremacy, and let’s be real, fuck democracy too,
– some anarchist living on occupied Lenape land

Antifascist Rally in Philadelphia Met with Police Violence

from It’s Going Down

The Peace Report gives us a blow by blow of a police attack on an antifascist rally in Philadelphia.

On Aug 25th in the city of Brotherly Nazi-Love (Philadelphia), two rallies occurred at the same time. One rally was organized by various alt-right groups (rumored by Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights) and individuals local to Philly. The other rally was organized by various far-left groups made up of socialists, communists, and anarchists. The police ended up protecting one rally while using violence towards the other rally. Can you guess which one was met with violence?

The far-left rally was attacked viciously by the police while the Alt-Right group was given the red carpet treatment by Philadelphia Police Department. The Alt-Right rally was organized by a group on Facebook called “Sports Beer & Politics II” (SPB), who marched under the cover of a #BlueLivesMatter rally. This is a clever move as it shows their support for the scumbag police forces in Philly while covering their true political aspirations: Nazism, white supremacy, and fascism.

As a way to counter-protest, various far-left groups in Philly organized a march called, “Fascists Go Away: March Against Police Brutality.” This march was in solidarity with several issues: solidarity with prisoner strikes, march against fascism and police brutality, and to expose the SBP group.

“I’d say the anti-fascist group was about 60-75 people deep and from what I’ve gathered on the SBP side, they had less than 20.”

The #BlueLivesMatter march began at the Liberty Bell in center city Philly while the anti-fascist march began near city hall. The plan was to meet halfway but, of course, the police intervened blocking the anti-fascists from getting anywhere near the alt-right march.

The anti-fascists attempted to find alternative routes, rushing down alley ways and marching down alternative routes but none that were successful. The police pigs had cops on bikes, cars, vans, and on foot to block every path towards the SBP group. The Philly police department even had a helicopter flying over the city coordinating their plan of action. It was pretty appalling to witness how much equipment and police forces were utilized to prevent two somewhat small groups from interacting.

I’d say the anti-fascist group was about 60-75 people deep and from what I’ve gathered on the SBP side, they had less than 20. Instead of posting photos of the great number of 20 or less alt-right group, they only posted a photo of a Trump-supporting grandma in a wheelchair with a title saying, “Philly ANTIFA showed up to BASH THE FASH. I wonder if they gave grams the pounding she so richly deserves.” We all know they love to hide behind the sheets when it comes to propaganda.

Also, nearly every single piece written in media outlets only show photos and videos of the anti-fascist march. The photos that do show the #BlueLivesMatter march only show a few people marching. The only videos of the march I found literally show a dozen or so people marching, posted by @darrylcmurphy, a reporter from WHYY:

After several blockades set up by the police, violence finally occurred. I’m really not sure what set it off and nobody seems to have any video of the beginning. The rally came to a halt in the middle of an intersection for a longer than usual period. There was much going on and many cameras were facing different directions trying to film several different confrontations. But as soon as the violence began, all cameras, including mine, started pointing towards the straight-up street brawl between anti-fascists and police.

I saw, and filmed, police tackling people off of their bikes, swinging their batons on the heads of masked citizens, and a huge group of police forces cordoning off the area with force. It all happened very quickly. But even after the initial brawl that was going on, I saw police 5 feet in front of me unnecessarily tackling American citizens, using elbow-swings on heads, and throwing people down on the ground. Then they walked away. The police just wanted to get some of their aggression out I guess. Or the police are doing what they have always been trained to do: use unnecessary force illegitimately without any accountability whatsoever.

Police officer hits person in the head with baton.

In the end, a total of 16 people were arrested. Nine of them were charged with citations for failure to disperse while 7 were charged with a misdemeanor of disorderly conduct.

I want to state that I have no affiliation to any groups of either march. I’m new to Philly and have no connections. I am a filmmaker and founder of The Peace Report. I focus mainly on anti-imperialist work but it’s been so difficult in that arena because fascists are literally marching down the streets of America. As an anarchist, which much of the world doesn’t know about me, I am turning my attention more towards domestic issues. I only hope my fellow comrades expand their work towards anti-imperialism. We need each other to bring down the system.

If you want to help me fight the imperialist powers and the destruction they are causing outside of our borders, come swing my website


Nine comrades detained, including a FF member

from Friendly Fire

Today fascists marched in Philly for a pro-cop rally. Antifascists resisted their attempts at normalizing fascism and the police state. Many were badly beaten by the cops, 16 were arrested in total. Currently, nine are still being detained, including a Friendly Fire comrade arrested while praying and shouting “it is our duty to fight for our freedom.”
Please help the folks holding it down in Philly by donating to the bail fund @liberationproject.

Philadelphia, PA: #OccupyICE Gives Trust-Fund Troll Charlie Kirk First Bath Without Maid Present

from It’s Going Down

This morning, August 6th 2018 at 7:20 am, members of met at the corner of 8th and Cherry in front of the regional ICE office and Governor Wolf’s Philadelphia office in order to shut shit down and distribute information about the Berk’s Detention Center to people on their way to work. Berk’s County Residential Center is one of 3 family detention centers in America. They are a prison that has a history of assault from their “caretakers” towards the imprisoned children, medical neglect of infants and verbal abuse, not to mention they are operating without a license! Governor Wolf has the ability to order an emergency closure, and has proven to us and many other organizers, his bark is worse than his bite, considering he hasn’t done a damn thing. You’d think in an election year he’d at least try, right?

Once we shut down the road in front of the offices and distributed literature to everyone there, we moved further up the road to a busy intersection at 8th and Vine and blocked traffic for roughly 45 minutes. We reminded people in their cars that if they felt inconvenienced being stopping in traffic, imagine what life is like as a detained child in the Berks detention center for years? One guy left his car and joined in the protest, chiding people cursing us out that Black Lives Matter and we need to ! We are planning on seeing him again at an action tomorrow.

We received word from a comrade in center city that Charlie Kirk was having a pleasant meal with Candace Owens at a local brunch spot in the gayborhood and decided we were going to give them our best Philly welcome we could muster so early! We took the streets and marched there chanting “ABOLISH ICE” “SHUT DOWN BERKS” “WHOSE STREETS, OUR STREETS” and more. Once we got to where Charlie and Candace of Turning Point USA fame, also known as Coded Rascists USA, were eating we gave em a lil wave and immediately started chanting “1,2,3, Fuck the Bourgeois 4,5,6 Fuck the Bourgeois” until they came outside. We let them know just how much we appreciated their visit to Philly with a nice cold drink of water down Charlie’s head and an over easy egg to boot. Hope y’all had a great brunch! Police escorted Charlie and Candace away while we chanted, “NO GOOD COPS IN A RACIST SYSTEM” until they were gone.

We then took to the streets again and marched up Broad Street back to our camp, reminding everyone we passed Berks must be shut down and we must put an end to stop and frisk!

Charlie Kirk Drenched and Egged While Eating Breakfast

from Instagram

A story of Turning Point USA in Philly; maybe they should turn away now (ya’ get it?) #NoFascistsinPhilly

International Day of Solidarity with Antifa Prisoners Card Night

from Philly ABC

When: July 30th, 6:30pm
Where: LAVA, 4134 Lancaster Avenue

Due to Running Down the Walls on August 5th and in honor of the International Day of Solidarity with Antifa Prisoners that just passed on July 25th, we are diverting from our normal 1st Monday of the month schedule. Join Philly ABC on Monday, July 30th at LAVA to mail cards to antifa prisoners worldwide: As usual, refreshments will be provided by North Philly Food Not Bombs!

Originating in 2014 as a Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian man serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans, the International Day of Solidarity with Antifa Prisoners is intended for the global anti fascist community demonstrates its solidarity with people who have been kidnapped by the state for anti-fascist actions. This could be demonstrated in many ways through direct actions, fundraisers, or other events done in solidarity with these wonderful bad asses.

Our next event will be Monday, August 27th at LAVA where we will commemorate Black August. Stay tuned for details!

Further Clarification Regarding Alex Stein

from Philly Antifa

Philly Antifa recently issued an alert about a dangerous individual named Alex Stein.
Alex is absolutely, unequivocally a rapist. We refuse to go into detail because:
A. First and foremeost, we believe survivors. Their Words are enough for us.
B. Exposing details poses danger to the numbers of people he has assaulted.
However we will say there are a number of people, in completely separate circles, that have come forward. His behavior is not isolated – it shows a pattern. Patterns repeat.
A stance of “he provides good intel and he never acted a sort of way in my presence” equates to rape apologism. If this has been in anyway part of your commentary you are complicit in silencing survivors and empowering perpetrators. Do some reading and work on yourself.
Next, Alex proclaims openly to cooperating with the police and providing them information. Here is an open admission by Alex (George Bailey is one of his aliases):
In any context, in any scenario, never ever talk to the police. By his own admission, he went to the police alone, without a lawyer and cooperated with them. We reject and dispute his story of the manner in which that interrogation went, but in the end, we don’t care about directly responding to his lies. Never, under any circumstances or for any reasons do you work with the police. You are a state conspirator, your help and submission to them is akin to being a cop yourself.
The last point we will address is the questions and disbelief around his possibly being a fascist. The following screenshots were obtained from a sock account Alex used in far-right discord servers. This was one of several accounts that were discovered after Alex had been blacklisted from organizing spaces in Philly for being a rapist and for repeat instances of sexual misconduct and unnecessarily reckless behavior with no attempt and outright refusal to engage in any accountability process. A notebook of his was acquired in a space that he had been for a few months, and it listed several of his usernames and passwords inside. Sam PA is Alex, and here he is speaking to Jack Corbin, who was too stupid to know who he was talking to. Alex confirms identities to Corbin who would go on to doxx large amount of antifascists. Alex is also setting up phone calls with Corbin, where he is offering to provide more information to be used to harm and expose anti-racists:
 What might be confusing to some is that Alex was doxxed along with us, but Corbin had his name and identity already, Corbin had already identified Alex. In an act of trying to muddy the waters in his complicity and do exactly what is happening, Alex confirmed his own identity to Corbin, and this fact seems to confuse many. That’s by design; that’s the type of creature Alex is. He will do anything to survive and keep doing whatever it is he is up to. We can’t say for certain if he is fascist, and we never did. But he sure is eager to help them try and wipe us out, be it white supremacists or the state, and that sounds pretty fash to us.

International Day of Solidarity with Antifa Prisoners Card Night

from Facebook

Originating in 2014 as a Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian man serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans, the call for an International Day of Solidarity with Antifa Prisoners is intended to be a way through which the global anti fascist community demonstrates its solidarity with people who have been kidnapped by the state for anti-fascist actions. This could be demonstrated in many ways through direct actions, fundraisers, or other events done in solidarity with these wonderful bad asses. Join Philly ABC on July 30th at LAVA to write cards to international antifa prisoners ( list found here: Refreshments provided by North Philly Food Not Bombs!
[4134 Lancaster Ave from 6:30 PM9:30 PM]

ALERT: Dangerous Predator and State Collaborator Alex Stein

from Philly Antifa

Alex Stein (or whatever alias he goes by these days) is a dangerous person.
Alex Stein is an danger and must be avoided at all costs.  He also goes by Woody, Terry, Felix, and George. His phone number is ‭(609) 992-3587‬.
He is a rapist and a serial sexual predator. He has assaulted a number of people and all signs point that he will assault more.
He has freely gone to the police, cooperated with them and helped them identify people and provided them information.
He has confirmed and identified a large number of antifascists to racists and neo-nazis. Those he helped have then started publishing doxxes on anti racists and put people’s lives in danger.
He had been completely cast out of all organizing circles in Philadelphia for a while but is now trying to reach out to different regions. He is trying to spread disinformation, entrap antifascists, and recruit people into risky situations. He is a state conspirator and might just be an outright fascist infiltrator. Whatever / whoever he is stay far away from him.
His name is Alex Stein.
His number is (609) 992-3587

Keystone United/KSS Nazis Attack Black Man in Avalon, PA

from Philly Antifa

The Jackman Inn in Avalon, PA, where KSS attacked a black customer and a bartender on July 7th.

Coming a few weeks after holding a picnic in the area, Keystone United members were cited by police (but tellingly not arrested or charged) following an unprovoked attack on a regular patron of the Jackman Inn in Avalon PA on July 7th.

According to a local news report:

“An alleged neo-Nazi group is being accused of targeting an African American customer, assaulting him and using racial slurs against him at the Jackman Inn…

It happened when the victim, patron Paul Morris, walked into a backroom where a group of men were playing pool. The men allegedly used a racial epithet against the victim.

Police say the group of men may have been from Keystone United, which they describe as a racist neo-Nazi group formerly known as the Keystone State Skinheads…

when the bartender asked the group to leave, they attacked Morris…

‘Eight of them jumped Paul,’ (the bar manager) said. ‘He was hit in the face. He bent down to pick up his glasses. He was hit again’…

Morris is now California, but KDKA’s Andy Sheehan spoke with him on the phone. He says one member who called him the n-word said his group would eradicate blacks one-by-one, and then he attacked.

‘They attacked me because they had hate in their hearts. I didn’t do anything to these people,’ Morris said.

Avalon Police detained some members of the group, but did not charge them. Avalon Police Chief Thomas Kokoski said he believes they will be charged, but the incident is still under investigation….

The incident happened on July 7, and Morris’s lawyer, Fred Rabner, questions why no arrests have been made, saying they should be charged, not only with assault but with ethnic intimidation.

‘This is a hate crime, there’s no doubt about it,’ said Rabner. “

Fortunately, Morris received no serious injuries, nor did the bar employee, who was also attacked when they intervened.

It is unknown which KSS members were involved in the attack, but the event is not dissimilar from an attack on a black man by 3 KSS members in Scranton, PA back in 2003, one of whom was Luzerne County republican committeeman and co-founder of KSS Steve Smith.

Steve Smith is a longtime Neo-Nazi. He is a former Klansman, co-founder of KSS and Luzerne county republican committeeman.

Smith was in attendance at the KSS picnic in the area at the end of May, but it is unknown if he was involved in the attack on the 7th.

We could go on forever about state/cop bias in favor of white supremacists (and white people in general), for example, participating in an Anti-Racist march where some windows got broken can get you arrested and looking at 70 years while attacking 2 people during a hate crime gets you cited with no charges. Or we could belabor that those who equate Antifa with Nazis, or claim we have “Anti-White Bias” would be hard pressed to find an incident where Antifa randomly attack a white man for his race when he comes into a bar to deliver a thank you note to one of the employees, but we won’t.

This was a horrific attack that could have ended in much more serious injury or even death, as attacks by KSS members have in the past. We are glad Mr. Morris and the bar employee escaped serious injury.

Keystone United/KSS have been a blight on PA for too long. If we can hope for any silver lining to this attack, it is that people in this state will start taking the threat they represent seriously again, and that the years of PR spin KSS has employed to try and convince people that their “old days” of randomly attacking People of Color, Queers and Anti-Racists were behind them in favor of “positive white activism” have been debunked.

Anyone with information about this attack, specifically which KSS members were involved, should contact us. We plan to identify those involved and release their names, which is more than the state could be counted on. No one should be able to commit a racist assault on Saturday and go back to anonymity on Sunday.

Time to shut these fucks down. More to come.

Insurgent SupremacistsThe US Far Right’s Challenge to State & Empire

from Instagram


A major study of movements that strive to overthrow the U.S. government, that often claim to be anti-imperialist and sometimes even anti-capitalist yet also consciously promote inequality, hierarchy, and domination, generally along explicitly racist, sexist, and homophobic lines. Revolutionaries of the far right: insurgent supremacists.

In this book, Matthew N. Lyons takes readers on a tour of neonazis and Christian theocrats, by way of the patriot movement, the LaRouchites, and the alt-right. Supplementing this, thematic sections explore specific dimensions of far-right politics, regarding gender, decentralism, and anti-imperialism.

Intervening directly in debates within left and antifascist movements, Lyons examines both the widespread use and abuse of the term “fascism,” and the relationship between federal security forces and the paramilitary right. His final chapter offers a preliminary analysis of the Trump presidential administration relationship with far-right politics and the organized far right’s shifting responses to it.

Both for its analysis and as a guide to our opponents, Insurgent Supremacists promises to be a powerful tool in organizing to resist the forces at the cutting edge of reaction today.

[May 16 at 7PM at Wooden Shoe Books & Records 704 South Street]

White Nationalist Christian Engel AKA DJ Eisdriver Living in Philly

from Instagram

Daniel McMahon (Jack Palehorse Corbin) Gets a Home Visit and Flees US


After infiltrating fascist networks, learning of Jack Corbin’s real identity, and passing info to other antifascists in Philly to put out a true dox on Daniel McMahon, we decided to give Palehorse a home visit in Florida. Messages were left on Daniel’s home reminding him that “Philly ARA” (lol) can be anywhere and his poor old folks got a number of calls to let them know what their son is. Soon after, we noticed he stopped posting over 9000 things a day on his many social media accounts. Turns out he left the country then got mugged in a red-light district!
Keep in mind, putting out that dox on the real Jack Corbin and putting pressure on him personally completely ruins his whole praxis. He ascribes to some ghost internet warrior bullshit that requires him to stay anonymous. He talks more on various social media about how great Europe is, why American morons should consider fleeing to Europe, and that he’s taking a break from outting antifa.
So that’s 3 fascist fucks Philly antifascists have driven from the fuckin’ country.
The very real Philly ARA

Keep Reardon On The Run!

from Philly Antifa

Oh gee the life of a neo-nazi sure is a rough one!
Ex-Philadelphian Mark Daniel Reardon can’t seem to catch a break. After we exposed him in 2017 for flyering Nazi propaganda on college campuses, immense community pressure and good works quickly evicted him from his apartment and he was fired from his job. Great work neighbors!
Typically stupid as Nazis are, Reardon did not learn the lesson that there are consequences for hate mongering. He continued his trashy Nazi path by travelling down to Charlottesville and taking part in Leif Erikson Day here in Philly. All the while spreading tons of racist, bigoted, sexist views from his badly done fringe cartoons he composed hidden in an even shittier apartment in Voorhees, NJ. After more good works by Antifascists of exposing his new address and his Nazi ideology being revealed so publicly, poor Mark felt the heat and has fled the country. YAY!
But, he STILL hasn’t learned.
He has set up a support account to fund his existence, which we think is rightfully bankrupt.
MakerSupport should be made aware that they are creating a safe space for Nazis, and that is an outrage and needs to stop!
And tell them to shut down:
CW if you click VERY offensive racist, anti-semetic, violently homophobic/transphobic/sexist content

Saint Paddy’s Day Antifascist Extravaganza

from Facebook

Come out to enjoy an evening of films and food centered around antifascism. Two films will be shown:

The Limerick Brigadistas-The true story of volunteers from Ireland who fought against fascism in the Spanish Civil War.


Antifa, A Documentary-A new film that explores the history and origins of the modern antifascist movement.

This is a free event!

Vendors will be selling books and baked goods, with all proceeds going to the legal defense fund for antifascists arrested protesting the recent Richard Spencer speech at Michigan State University.

[March 17 from 5PM to 9PM at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]