Delbert Africa Denied Parole

from MOVE 9 Parole

Earlier this Week we found out that our Brother Delbert Africa was denied parole by The Pa Parole Board and was given a two year hit . One of the reasons they cited for Delbert being  denied in their own words he is a risk to the safety of the community . This is unacceptable anyone who has ever met Delbert or has come in contact with him can tell you that Delbert Africa is nowhere near a threat to the safety of the community even The Superintendent Of SCI Dallas who along with Delbert’s Counselor recommended Delbert For Parole so The Parole Board has to come with something better than this . People in the community who The Parole Board are saying are at risk all wrote letters of support for Delbert’s Parole.

In Fact Their is a risk to the safety of people in the community but it’s not Delbert Africa or the rest of The Move 9.  It’s The Police known murderers of our children . The police that murdered Move Men, Women, And Move Children on May 13th 1985 walk the streets with immunity. The police who murdered Brandon Tate Brown in Philadelphia are still walking the streets with their identities protected. Akai Gurley,  Eric Garner, and so many others safety has been put at risk by these foul murderers who walk the street and continue to be a risk to the community as a whole’s safety . It’s obvious a person who has kept down gang  and racial violence in prison is far from a threat to the community at large .

It’s obvious that officials want our family to die in prison you can look no further than the examples of Merle and Phil Africa dying in Prison . We cannot allow another person to die in these dungeons . We are urging people to please take the time to sign this petition that we have aimed at The United States Justice Dept you can go to the website at We are demanding now that the justice dept look into the unjust imprisonment of The Move 9 as a whole. Our goal is to reach 25,000 signatures as a whole so we have some serious work to do as a whole and your help is needed now more than ever.

Ona Move

The Justice And Accountability Campaign

Mass Incarceration, Solitary Confinement and Torture: The Dallas 6

from facebook

Mass Incarceration, Solitary Confinement and Torture: The Case of the Dallas 6
Panel Discussion on the Dallas 6

Shandre Delaney: Coordinator of Justice of the Dallas 6 and mother to Carrington Keys, one of the Dallas 6
Derrick Stanley: One of the Dallas 6
Theresa Shoatz: Activist and Daughter of Russell Maroon Shoatz
LuQman M. Abdullah: Human Rights Activist

Moderated by Shesheena Bray

Where: The Rotunda, (4014 Walnut Street)
When: May 26th
Time: 6pm

On April 29, 2010, six courageous African American prisoners in solitary confinement at SCI Dallas engaged in a peaceful protest against the widespread abuse, violence and torture by guards which they had witnessed, endured, and helped to publicly document. The abuse included food, starvation, urine and feces in their food, mail tampering and destruction, vicious beatings while electro-shock shields, taxers, fists, tear gas and pepper spray, medical neglect, use of torture chair, death threats and more. For being whistleblowers on this abuse, the state have charged these six men with rioting.

For more information on the case, please contact and/or visit @[]

For more information on the event please contact or

Cops, Class, And Race: How Police Protect the 1%

from facebook

As communities around the nation take to the streets in the ongoing movement against police brutality, the question of the police and their role in society has taken on new importance. With the police killing a Black person every 8 hours a movement is emerging that challenges the idea of who they protect and who they serve. The very origins of their institution is saturated with racism and violence. From their beginning as a force to quell strikes, urban riots, and the threat of slave insurrection they have always existed primarily as an enforcer for the 1% and a protector of their property. Join the International Socialist Organization for a discussion about the origins and function of the police and their relationship to racism, class and capitalism.

[May 17 at the last drop 1300 pine st at 6pm]

#PhillyisBaltimore: Philadelphia’s Response to the Baltimore Uprisings

from FTW, WTF

Written by: Trayvon Martin Organizing Committee (TMOC) and Action Against Black Genocide (AABG)

Baltimore has risen up following the police murder of 25 year old Freddie Gray. On April 19th, Freddie Gray died of spinal injuries sustained in the back of a police van following his racially biased arrest. Video of his arrest went viral, sparking riots and protests across Baltimore. After days of demonstrations, the six police officers involved in his murder have been charged by Baltimore’s State Attorney, Marilyn J. Mosby –- one officer with second-degree murder, and the others with assault and involuntary manslaughter. But here in Philadelphia, despite nearly weekly demonstrations and at least a dozen arrests, the police have yet to even release the names of the officers involved in the murder of Brandon Tate Brown, a black man shot by police during a car stop in Mayfair in December last year. Security footage of Brandon’s fatal encounter with police remains firmly in the hands of the PPD, while the internal investigation has cleared the officers of any wrongdoing and returned them to street duty. 1 As rage whips across the nation after yet another racialized police murder, those in Philadelphia continue to ask #WhoKilledBrandonTateBrown. The Philadelphia Coalition for REAL Justice, a coalition of activists and organizers forged in the heat of the Ferguson uprisings, called a march on Thursday April 30th in solidarity with the Baltimore uprising and the people claiming the streets there.

JUSTICE FOR REKIA BOYD!! STP stands with SOUL in demanding an end to violence against Black women

from Serve the People PHL

With the nation’s eyes turned towards militant resistance in Baltimore, Saturday, 25 April, STP – PHL took to the streets of West Philadelphia, joining comrades from SOUL and other organisations to voice collective outrage over the acquittal of the off-duty police officer who murdered Rekia Boyd.

Under SOUL’s directive, comrades used the internationally-attended sporting event known as the Penn Relays to cause major disruptions to automotive traffic on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus, performing sit-ins, die-ins and street blockades in direct confrontation with the festive atmosphere of the events. “We are not sorry for inconveniencing you,” demonstrators asserted. “Being Black in this country is an inconvenience.”

Last Night in Baltimore

from anarchistnews

Unsurprisingly, corporate media covering Saturday’s events in Baltimore are covering up the extent of last nights riot. In our opinion primarily due to the fact that what took place was a direct result of the State’s complete tactical failure policing the streets. Were they to acknowledge what ACTUALLY happened would be to admit to all of America (as they were watching or reading on their screens) that they have no ability to control us when we really rage. They simply don’t have enough pigs.

No doubt we will see top level reshuffling of whoever orders the pigs around in Baltimore as a result, because they fucked up big time last night. Or we will be seeing the National Guard on the streets of Baltimore by next week.

The State is terrified of the possibility of this being THE trigger. The one they can’t contain.

On Saturday April 25th, the Baltimore Police Department along with the Maryland State Troopers had no control whatsoever of the vast majority of downtown Baltimore till well past midnight.

“From Networks to Parties? The Question of Organization in Contemporary Struggles”: A Conversation with Rodrigo Nunes

Viewpoint Magazine Presents:

“From Networks to Parties? The Question of Organization in Contemporary Struggles”: A Conversation with Rodrigo Nunes.

The election of Syriza in Greece and the rise of Podemos in Spain has been described by some as marking a sharp turn in the cycle that began with the Arab Spring in 2011: giddy enthusiasm with social media and horizontal forms of organisation were out, parties and representative politics were back in. Are things that simple, however? A theory of organisation capable of understanding contemporary movements in their own terms, Rodrigo Nunes suggests, would see much more continuity, but also more tension, between the two moments.

[April 1 at 7pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

For the Long Haul: Care, Intention, and Steadiness in Radical Organizing with Chris Dixon

from facebook

Chris Dixon, author of Another Politics, will be leading the workshop For the Long Haul: Care, Intention, and Steadiness in Radical OrganizingRadical activists and organizers across North America face many similar challenges as we work to build movements capable of transforming the world: How can we most productively manifest our values through our organizing? How can we move beyond self-selected activist circles? How can we avoid getting stuck in dead-end ways of doing things? How can we build structures that foster, rather than fracture, movements? And how can we link our day-to-day fights with longer-term visions? Drawing on interviews with experienced organizers across North America, this workshop will distill lessons for developing effective, visionary movements. It will also open a space to discuss the challenges we face and what we are learning together as we grapple with them.

[March 30 at 7pm to 10pm at A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave]

Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements

from facebook

With author Chris Dixon

Recent decades have seen the exciting convergence of anti-authoritarian radicalism and broader-based movements in the U.S. and Canada. From this convergence, a growing set of activists – from anti-poverty organizers in Toronto to prison abolitionists in Oakland, from occupy activists in New York to migrant justice organizers in Vancouver – are developing shared politics and practices. They are building “another politics,” to use a Zapatista expression. These efforts combine anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, anti-oppression politics with grassroots organizing among ordinary, non-activist people. Drawing on interviews with organizers across North America, this presentation will explore another politics and distill lessons for building effective, visionary movements.

More info about the book:

Chris Dixon, originally from Alaska, is a longtime anarchist organizer, writer, and educator with a PhD from the University of California at Santa Cruz. His writing has appeared in numerous book collections as well as periodicals such as Anarchist Studies, Clamor, Left Turn, and Social Movement Studies. He serves on the board of the Institute for Anarchist Studies and the advisory board for the activist journal Upping the Anti. Dixon lives in Ottawa, Canada, on unceded Algonquin Territory, where he is involved in anti-poverty organizing. Find him at:

[March 29 from 7-9pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

Becoming Rebels


On February 28th, we participated in a “Day of Outrage” march in Bridgeton, New Jersey in response to the execution of Jerame Reid by Bridgeton police on December 30th, 2014 at a traffic stop. Police claimed he had a gun despite both his hands being visible to officers in the video (more details can be found here). This march gave us a snapshot of our movement’s strengths and weaknesses, as well a lesson in our enemies’ strategy. In the interest of advancing the struggle for a free society we offer this assessment of our actions, and some points on how to move forward.

Compañeras: Zapatista Women’s Stories

from facebook

with author Hilary Klein

Compañeras is the untold story of women’s involvement in the Zapatista movement, the indigenous rebellion that has inspired grassroots activists around the world for over two decades. Gathered here are the stories of grandmothers, mothers, and daughters who became guerrilla insurgents and political leaders, educators and healers—who worked collectively to construct a new society of dignity and justice. Compañeras shows us how, after centuries of oppression, a few voices of dissent became a force of thousands, how a woman once confined to her kitchen rose to conduct peace negotiations with the Mexican government, and how hundreds of women overcame engrained hardships to strengthen their communities from within.

[March 12 at 7-9pm at Wooden Shoe Books 704 South St]

What is white supremacy? A Teach-in, Q&A, and Discussion

from facebook

White supremacy is one of those things we think we might know all about, but do we really? Over the past 500 years white supremacy has been a force that has shaped countless lives, yet it is a topic rarely discussed by the general population. How can a topic that is rarely talked about be well understood?

The recent uproar over Arizona State’s The Problem With Whiteness course shows us that in depth discussions and study of white supremacy as a social force are taking place in the academy. These sort of discussions should be available to everyone.

We will hear two presentations; one from Daryle Lamont Jenkins of One People’s Project, and another from Philly Antifa followed by a Q&A and a facilitated discussion. Both One People’s Project and Philly Antifa are actively working to expose and thwart the agenda of white supremacist organizations both here in the tri-state area and beyond.

Daryle will go into detail about how the white supremacist agenda fits into recent events, including the non-indictments of killer cops and the phenomenon of pro-police rallies. Philly Antifa will give an overview of their work and will show us how to recognize white supremacist symbols and code words.

We will also explore the subtle differences between crude white supremacy (KKK, neo-Nazi’s, etc) and the more invisible white supremacy that functions on the every day systemic level.

One other thing to keep in mind going into this event, and something that should be of unique concern, is the fact that white supremacists hold high positions in the federal government. This past December it was revealed that Congressman and majority whip Steve Scalise gave a speech to the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), a notorious white supremacist group founded by former KKK leader David Duke. After this scandal broke, David Duke threatened to expose other high ranking government officials with white supremacist ties if investigations against Scalise proceeded. The story has since disappeared from the headlines.

February 21st, 6pm
4722 Baltimore Avenue
Light refreshments will be provided

Please email with any questions or concerns

Sponsored by One People’s Project, Philly Antifa, and Deep Green Philly

Phil Africa Passed Away Under Suspicious Circumstances

from On A Move

On Saturday, January 10th 2015 Phil Africa, revolutionary, John Africa’s First Minister of Defense, and beloved brother, husband and father, passed away under suspicious circumstances at the State Correctional Institution at Dallas, PA. On Sunday, January 4th Phil Africa wasn’t feeling well and went to the prison infirmary. Though he wasn’t feeling well, other inmates saw Phil Africa walking, stretching and doing jumping jacks. Hearing that Phil was in the infirmary MOVE members drove up to visit him and were denied a visit by the prison. While they were visiting with Delbert Africa, Phil was secretly transported to Wilkes Barre General Hospital where he was held in total isolation, incommunicado for five days.

Naomi Murakawa presents The First Civil Right: How Liberals Built Prison America

Sun, January 11, 7pm – 8pm Wooden Shoe Books 704 South Street

The explosive rise in the U.S. incarceration rate in the second half of the twentieth century, and the racial transformation of the prison population from mostly white at mid-century to sixty-five percent black and Latino in the present day, is a trend that cannot easily be ignored. Many believe that this shift began with the “tough on crime” policies advocated by Republicans and southern Democrats beginning in the late 1960s, which sought longer prison sentences, more frequent use of the death penalty, and the explicit or implicit targeting of politically marginalized people. In The First Civil Right, Naomi Murakawa inverts the conventional wisdom by arguing that the expansion of the federal carceral state-a system that disproportionately imprisons blacks and Latinos-was, in fact, rooted in the civil-rights liberalism of the 1940s and early 1960s, not in the period after.

Alert: White Power Show Booked in North Philly for January 10th

from philly antifa


Note: thanks to Wobbly Dash for the concise list of Aggravated Assault and Micetrap Distribution’s releases.

According to a flyer circulating on social media, Atlantic City “Skinheads” (ACS) band Aggravated Assault is scheduled to play a show at the Outlaws Biker Gang clubhouse at 2103 E. Somerset Street in Philly on January 10th.